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37 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Cheers lads. I’m lucky not to have been murdered the other night like 

There’ll be loads of time for that mate in 9 months when she’s in the maternity ward calling you for everything Red shite. 

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3 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Years ago, my Mum (who was quite prudish about potty-mouths) recommended a film to me: In Bruges.  She did warn me "There's a lot of swearing in it, but they're Irish, that's just how they talk".

I recommended my mum(express lift to heaven catholic) American beauty, she didn't like it, and then I remembered it starts with the shower wanking scene.


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1 minute ago, DalyanPete said:

I recommended my mum(express lift to heaven catholic) American beauty, she didn't like it, and then I remembered it starts with the shower wanking scene.


I recommended your mum to a mate once as well and funnily enough the first thing he did was have a wank in the shower. 

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On 22/03/2024 at 02:04, Bjornebye said:

The Iron Claw - 8.5/10 


Loved this. I already knew the back story but my missus was in tears at the end. Thought it was done brilliantly. The dad was one cunt. My only gripe is the height of the two main actors. Both clearly got in great shape for it but 6ft 2 they weren’t and they didn’t even try to hide it in the film! 

Zak Efron proving he’s far from some American High school movie actor. 

I did get myself in trouble at one point when she said to me “is she pregnant again?” And I said if Lily James was my missis we’d have a battalion running round the house. Awful timing as we start IVF next week so the kick to the ribs was well deserved. 

Ouch. Why do men say such ill timed shit. Been there many times

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On 21/03/2024 at 20:16, Anubis said:

Roadhouse: 7/10. Another film that didn’t need a remake. Unlike the original the villain is shite, the plot is meh, and Connor McGregor is woeful when he isn’t hitting people (but at least it should strangle his acting career at birth). Gyllenhaal is likeable and quite a decent fighter, it’s funny in parts, but turns into too much of an full on action film in the last 25 mins, which the original never was.

I watched it last night. I think 7/10 is incredibly generous.


McGregor is hilariously bad, the guy who plays Ben Brandt is shit in everything & Sheriff “Big Dick” is appalling. At least that pussy Post Malone fucked off after 5 mins.

I’ve never seen the original, the whole tone of this just feels all wrong. The whole fact he wants to kill himself, a dark subject, all just comes across as very meh. That should have been his redemption arc but it never, ever, feels that way.

I didn’t even think the fight scenes were good.


Needless to say, I didn’t like it. At all.

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The 7 is more for my like of Gyllenhaal.

I disagree about the fights. Small scale is in keeping with the original. Where it goes off the charts is boats being blown up, boat chases, and cars being driven into buildings. In the original the nearest thing to that is a monster truck being driven over some cars.


In the original, Dalton isn’t the ultimate solution, but a conduit for allowing the town to deal with its own bully.

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2 hours ago, Anubis said:

The 7 is more for my like of Gyllenhaal.

I disagree about the fights. Small scale is in keeping with the original. Where it goes off the charts is boats being blown up, boat chases, and cars being driven into buildings. In the original the nearest thing to that is a monster truck being driven over some cars.


In the original, Dalton isn’t the ultimate solution, but a conduit for allowing the town to deal with its own bully.



I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10, though a point or so may be due to some of the nods to the original. It could have scored higher if one of the bands had sang 'all my exes live in texas' or if someone said they thought Dalton would be bigger, but it still had enough.


Much better than I expected it to be from the trailer. McGregor does wonders for the careers of cross over actors such as Eminem and Vinnie Jones.

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42 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:


Never even heard of that, will defo give it a go.

And for once no fucking Ads on Prime. They are cheeky bastards. Shouldn't have any ads on a streaming service you pay a subscription for. Forget have much we pay but its well more than the BBC and it works for Netfix.

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10 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

And for once no fucking Ads on Prime. They are cheeky bastards. Shouldn't have any ads on a streaming service you pay a subscription for. Forget have much we pay but its well more than the BBC and it works for Netfix.


Just about to add it to my watchlist but hey, there are 3 films of the same name.


Top, middle or bottom @Poor Scouser T ?



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