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8 hours ago, Elite said:

Late Night With The Devil - 7.7/10


Refreshing slant on the horror genre. I loved the idea and the way they made this, really quirky and original.


Been looking forward to this since the trailer so glad to see a positive initial impression.

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Killers of the Flower Moon


Been waiting till I got a clear few hours to watch it in one sitting. Came away feeling it was beautifully shot and acted, but a bit, well, odd. The structure gives you no relatable protagonist, but also no mystery. That makes the first two hours a bit of a slog. 


The final third, with the FBI, seems like it might turn into more of an investigative procedural / courtroom drama, but any tension peters out quickly because there's nothing to uncover in the core plot. The other murders we witness early on are never mentioned either.


It's earnest, and heartfelt, but as a period tale of oil greed it pales next to There Will Be Blood, and as a damming indictment of the treatment of Native Americans it seems strange to not make the wife the central figure.



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Ghostbusters Frozen Empire - twist my arm and the best I can say is ‘OK’ 6/10. Nothing special. The inclusion of three original Ghostbusters adds nothing IMHO. Also not sure what the point was re James Acaster’s character. Didn’t linger long in the memory and overall. Maybe I’m just a miserable old get these days.

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4 hours ago, Code said:

 I dont go the gym, I did a long time ago, if I should try bench press now Im sure I would press around 60-70 kg less than I used to do in my prime. 

There is absolutely no way on earth Id be able to squat a pallet truck above my head now. 


1 hour ago, John102 said:

Pulp Fiction 6/10


Lots of people appear to like this but its never appealed. After deciding to give it a go last night, it was 2 and a half hours of meh.



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Dune 2.


It's a really good film. Looks and sounds amazing. Did I enjoy it? I don't know. With this and the first one there have been a lot of hours but still not sure I even like it. I think it's because I don't really like any of the characters. 


Prefer Flash Gordon, if I'm honest.


Saying that, Rebecca Ferguson is stunning.



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7 hours ago, johnsusername said:

Dune 2.


It's a really good film. Looks and sounds amazing. Did I enjoy it? I don't know. With this and the first one there have been a lot of hours but still not sure I even like it. I think it's because I don't really like any of the characters. 


Prefer Flash Gordon, if I'm honest.


Saying that, Rebecca Ferguson is stunning.



6/10 just for Rebecca. 

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I took the bairns to see the new Godzilla film, fucking Hell it was brutal.


-1/10 because they don't even put eye candy in this shite for the Dads & it was also too loud for me to sleep through.


The kids liked it although they also think The Rock is cooler than Clint Eastwood.

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Imaginary - 1/10. A horror film curiously bereft of actual horror or victims. A woman and her step family return to her childhood home, where the youngest starts talking to a stuffed bear, Chauncy, like it’s her new best mate. Chauncy looks less creepy than he does disgruntled. Naturally, Chauncy turns out to be a bitter little twat worthy of a plushie Everton kit. When he does finally assume his big bad form you’ll laugh your head off at how stupid he looks - something you’d sort out with a decent 5 iron. Swerve.

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The Long Riders


A retelling of the Jesse James story famous mostly for having four sets of brothers in the starring roles.


But it's actually a very good movie, IMO.


Simple and straight-forward, with a couple of Peckinpah-inspired shoout-outs, well-shot and acted.


It holds up, 45 years later.

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On 29/03/2024 at 19:56, John102 said:

Pulp Fiction 6/10


Lots of people appear to like this but its never appealed. After deciding to give it a go last night, it was 2 and a half hours of meh.


Yeah it's good but not epoch defining like it's made out to be. Samuel L Jackson was probably the best thing about it as that was the first time we'd seen him play that type of character, he's parodied it many times since. 


I'm not into Tarentino at all, Inglorious is the only other film of his I don't mind. Django at a push.

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12 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Yeah it's good but not epoch defining like it's made out to be. Samuel L Jackson was probably the best thing about it as that was the first time we'd seen him play that type of character, he's parodied it many times since. 


I'm not into Tarentino at all, Inglorious is the only other film of his I don't mind. Django at a push.

Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood is my favourite, and I like The Hateful Eight.

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Emily the Criminal. 6/10


Always nice to see Aubrey Plaza. It’s worth a watch, doubt you’d watch it again but a decent enough storyline about her being skint then falling into a world of credit card theft. Juice from Sons of Anarchy is in it as well. 

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