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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

May December - 5/10.


Julie Anne Moore is a milf who had a sexual affair with a 7th grader. Years later Moore and 7th grader are married and Natalie Portman is playing an actress in an upcoming film about the pair. 

It was all a bit odd. The 5 is mostly for Portman, who looks tremendous as ever. 

Did anybody know Portman’s real name is Natalie Hershlag? She changed for privacy reasons apparently, not because it sounds like a Yiddish slag.

Yep. I did know that,strange prick that I am.

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Love Actually. 1/10 for the few blimps.

Full of covid so I said to the missus, put any film on you want where it won't matter if I fall asleep.

Considering Richard Curtis has written some fine comedy over the years how the fuck did he come up with this bunch of piss?

And it's not big and clever teaching kids to breakthrough airport security.

Think the script sums up the yuppy, university crowd he was part of.


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1 minute ago, DalyanPete said:

Love Actually. 1/10 for the few blimps.

Full of covid so I said to the missus, put any film on you want where it won't matter if I fall asleep.

Considering Richard Curtis has written some fine comedy over the years how the fuck did he come up with this bunch of piss?

And it's not big and clever teaching kids to breakthrough airport security.

Think the script sums up the yuppy, university crowd he was part of.


Serves you right for not watching it at Christmas. It’s a lovely film that you ghoul. 

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Bitconned - 7.5/10. Documentary about the Centra Tech bitcoin payment card fraud. By the end you’ll end up as frustrated as the military lad who lost a lot of his investment. Somebody needs to be found floating face down in his pool. Some cunts always manage to come up smelling of roses.

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Remember a while back in this thread we discussed things that piss you off in movies and sound quality registered quite high.

Saw this beaut of a quote from Christopher Nolan on BBC news about criticism of sound quality in Oppenheimer.

The top complaint from many ticket-buyers was that they couldn't hear the dialogue. This is a regular criticism of Nolan - characters in his films often mumble or are drowned out by background noise. 

Most directors punch up the audio in post production using a process called automated dialogue replacement (ADR), which sees actors re-record some of their lines in a recording studio after filming has wrapped. But not Nolan. 

Following the criticism, he told Business Insider: "I like to use the performance that was given in the moment rather than the actor revoice it later. Which is an artistic choice that some people disagree with, and that's their right."

Oh do fuck off you pretentious twat. We pay our money to hear what's being said, not what you think we should hear.

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2 hours ago, DalyanPete said:

Based on "films you must see"

There will be blood. 1 oil rig out of 10.

Absolute shite starring Daniel Day Lewis.

Could have been a really good story, so slow, boring and not much blood.

That films so frustrating. It looks great, Daniel Day Lewis is great but it goes nowhere, nothing really happens despite loads of mad shit going on. 



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18 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

That films so frustrating. It looks great, Daniel Day Lewis is great but it goes nowhere, nothing really happens despite loads of mad shit going on. 



Ha ha exactly that mate.

"I want your land"


really thought there would be horse riding mother fuckas, whooping and a hollering taking him on.

As in, there will be blood.

Think DDL has been in a lot films that are critically acclaimed but just left me a bit meh.

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The Crow


Been a while since I last saw it, and only put it on thinking I'd only watch 20 mins and get bored but I ended up finding it enjoyable and time flew by.  


Failed Maroon 5 frontman grooms a 12 year old girl but is foiled by a gang of Tories who kill him and his girlfriend in some rape/robbery/bants visit to his wood-panelled gothic loft condo. 

Winston from Ghostbusters has become a policeman and he is annoyed by the murder. 

1 year later, the guy rises from his grave and obviously this is right up Winston's alley, he's still annoyed by the murder and he's into ghosts. 

The ghost isn't a ghost, he's a bit like Batman and he wants to kill the gang who killed him and his wife.  

The 12 year old girl is still kicking around.

The guy cannot be killed, bullets don't kill him, he's divvied up his time into 1 daily killing, and mourning/jamming at his abandoned condo, and perving on the 12 year girl and chatting with Winston.

He has a crow, he sees what the crow sees but it's optional, an extra, in addition to his own sight. 

Ok, the Tory gang are managed by a sort of mariachi who is fucking his sister, seemingly Japanese. She is into occult stuff. 

She twigs the crow connection and surmises that the guys powers are linked to it. 

Candyman works for the mariachi.

The denouement is a tussle between the guy and mariachi and the crow and Candyman and Jap girl and Winston. 

There's some humour, there's some violent crimes, there's kissing, there's rain, and there's night. 

It's all with the added movie triv bonus of knowing Brandon Lee died during a shootout scene, so you're always intrigued. 

Maybe it's 7/10.

They should remake this with Timothy Chalamet.



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37 minutes ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

The Crow


Been a while since I last saw it, and only put it on thinking I'd only watch 20 mins and get bored but I ended up finding it enjoyable and time flew by.  


Failed Maroon 5 frontman grooms a 12 year old girl but is foiled by a gang of Tories who kill him and his girlfriend in some rape/robbery/bants visit to his wood-panelled gothic loft condo. 

Winston from Ghostbusters has become a policeman and he is annoyed by the murder. 

1 year later, the guy rises from his grave and obviously this is right up Winston's alley, he's still annoyed by the murder and he's into ghosts. 

The ghost isn't a ghost, he's a bit like Batman and he wants to kill the gang who killed him and his wife.  

The 12 year old girl is still kicking around.

The guy cannot be killed, bullets don't kill him, he's divvied up his time into 1 daily killing, and mourning/jamming at his abandoned condo, and perving on the 12 year girl and chatting with Winston.

He has a crow, he sees what the crow sees but it's optional, an extra, in addition to his own sight. 

Ok, the Tory gang are managed by a sort of mariachi who is fucking his sister, seemingly Japanese. She is into occult stuff. 

She twigs the crow connection and surmises that the guys powers are linked to it. 

Candyman works for the mariachi.

The denouement is a tussle between the guy and mariachi and the crow and Candyman and Jap girl and Winston. 

There's some humour, there's some violent crimes, there's kissing, there's rain, and there's night. 

It's all with the added movie triv bonus of knowing Brandon Lee died during a shootout scene, so you're always intrigued. 

Maybe it's 7/10.

They should remake this with Timothy Chalamet.



They are remaking it but with Bill Skarsgard who played Pennywise in the recent IT films.

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Watched that One Life, it was a decent watch but fairly pedestrian.


Film about a guy who manages to get Jewish and other kids out of harm's way in Czechaslovakia as the Nazis are about to march in.


It never really feels tense despite the subject, and doesn't feel like there's many real obstacles to him pulling it off. Kids need a visa, visas might take a while, but they get visas.

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