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22 hours ago, halewood pete said:



I just watched The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. 

Henry Cavill & the guy from Reacher lead a list of complete D Listers to shafting the Nazi U-Boats.


Like most Guy Ritchie films, it’s a load of cockneys, nowhere near a funny or clever as they think they are (Old chap! / Old Boy!) , trying to act witty and chipper… it actually makes an interesting story a bit annoying. 


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Deadpool 3


Didnt have high hopes for this one and it told.


Felt like i was watching an overlong Saturday night live sketch at times. 


Surprisingly boring too. Overlong fight scenes with no consequence and a bit of a meh villain. 


Jackmans brilliant as ever and the cameos are good too. Some laugh out loud moments from Reynolds as per but this feels like a filler episode. 

She thought it was good. I have standards though.


A generous 6.

Zero rewatchability 


Edit: oh, and Morena Baccarin is still an absolute goddess  

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2 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I just watched The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. 

Henry Cavill & the guy from Reacher lead a list of complete D Listers to shafting the Nazi U-Boats.


Like most Guy Ritchie films, it’s a load of cockneys, nowhere near a funny or clever as they think they are (Old chap! / Old Boy!) , trying to act witty and chipper… it actually makes an interesting story a bit annoying. 


See what you mean,but there is that comedic,stiff upper lip british daring do about it !

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Deadpool and Wolverine 5/10


Like the boys, all a bit same old, same old. Mrs Butty loved it, of course she would, Monsieur Butty - not so much. 

Makes you wonder when all these marvel films will finally come to an end. 

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4 minutes ago, redheart said:

A Quiet Place Day One... alright  a solid 6/10


I have not seen the first two. 


I am confused how blind and stupid creatures have mastered interstellar space travel etc


Ha ha, I've wondered that as well.

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On 26/07/2024 at 21:15, Scott_M said:

I just watched The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. 

Henry Cavill & the guy from Reacher lead a list of complete D Listers to shafting the Nazi U-Boats.


Like most Guy Ritchie films, it’s a load of cockneys, nowhere near a funny or clever as they think they are (Old chap! / Old Boy!) , trying to act witty and chipper… it actually makes an interesting story a bit annoying. 


I watched this last night, standard Richie fare so about 6/10.


Eiza Gonzalez though, my word.



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Dead Shot


1970s IRA thing where the Irish chaps go on a wee jaunt to London (half of it is shot in Edinburgh). Worth a watch but ultimately pretty forgettable & somehow they managed to make Felicity Jones look rough as fuck. King Nidge from Love/Hate is in it too. 6.5/10

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On 29/07/2024 at 13:05, redheart said:

A Quiet Place Day One... alright  a solid 6/10


I have not seen the first two. 


I am confused how blind and stupid creatures have mastered interstellar space travel etc

Watched this last night. You need to watch the first two mate and you’ll realise this one is a 3 at best. I was really looking forward to it and all. The cat stuff was just ridiculous although there was a funny moment when the fella is rescuing the cat from the aliens nest and my bird went “oh as if!” As if that was the most unrealistic part of the film.


I can see from a standalone point it might seem better by the other two are a million miles better 

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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Watched this last night. You need to watch the first two mate and you’ll realise this one is a 3 at best. I was really looking forward to it and all. The cat stuff was just ridiculous although there was a funny moment when the fella is rescuing the cat from the aliens nest and my bird went “oh as if!” As if that was the most unrealistic part of the film.


I can see from a standalone point it might seem better by the other two are a million miles better 


Do they explain how dimwitted, blind creatures have mastered interstellar travel etc

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Just now, redheart said:


Do they explain how dimwitted, blind creatures have mastered interstellar travel etc

Hahaha nah. Morgan Freeman must have been busy. 

Both very good films though. Plus, Emily Blunt. 

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3 hours ago, redheart said:


Do they explain how dimwitted, blind creatures have mastered interstellar travel etc


They're just the shock troops, wait until you meet their mega-brain masters... coming in A Quiet Place 7.

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They Shoot Horses Don't They


A 1969 Sydney Pollack film starring Jane Fonda. A mad one this, imagine the dance marathon episode of Always Sunny, crossed with Running Man but set in the 1940s and you're getting close. Very dark in places. The whole film is on YouTube. 7/10

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8 minutes ago, Mook said:

They Shoot Horses Don't They


A 1969 Sydney Pollack film starring Jane Fonda. A mad one this, imagine the dance marathon episode of Always Sunny, crossed with Running Man but set in the 1940s and you're getting close. Very dark in places. The whole film is on YouTube. 7/10


Wonderful film.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to New York.


Abel Ferrera directs Gerard Depardieu as the CEO of a multinational bank on a visit to NYC, where he indulges his sexual proclivities to extreme levels. Good film this & plenty of naked women in it as well. 7.5/10

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6 minutes ago, Mook said:

Welcome to New York.


Abel Ferrera directs Gerard Depardieu as the CEO of a multinational bank on a visit to NYC, where he indulges his sexual proclivities to extreme levels. Good film this & plenty of naked women in it as well. 7.5/10

Is this a new or older film?

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The Instigators 6.5/10


Quite surprised with this, comedic(tho it tried too hard at times) , a bit predictable but not a bad story. Not sure I’m a fan of Mat Damon doing comedy, but Casey Affleck was quite good in this.


Before the car chase me and her were likening it to a loose remake of the Blues Brothers, the car chase then cemented that.


Worth a watch if you’ve got fuck all else on.

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4 hours ago, Mook said:

Welcome to New York.


Abel Ferrera directs Gerard Depardieu as the CEO of a multinational bank on a visit to NYC, where he indulges his sexual proclivities to extreme levels. Good film this & plenty of naked women in it as well. 7.5/10

Sounds autobiographical of the big weirdo!

  • Haha 1
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Kid Detective. Nice little dark comedy about a childhood detective who becomes bitter and an alcoholic when he grows up. Has the chance to redeem himself by trying to solve a murder case. The main actor Adam Brody carries the film well. The twist at the end wasn’t completely unexpected. Very enjoyable though. 8/10. 

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They made a live action film of Borderlands? Borderlands?? Even worse it's PG-13, directed by that hack Eli Roth, start Kevin Hart and bizarrely has Cate Blanchett in an action role. Unsurprisingly it's a complete disaster and is going to lose tens of millions of dollars. This is quite an amusing slagging off-



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Nil by Mouth.


Gary Oldman directs this 90s, gritty cockney effort with Ray Winstone as an alcoholic wife beater and Kathy Burke on the wrong end of it. Big Mo (Oldman's sister in real life) from Eastenders is the concerned Mum. Probably Winstone's best ever performance this one (that I've seen anyway). Not exactly fun for all the family but worth a watch. 7/10

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