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8 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

That films so frustrating. It looks great, Daniel Day Lewis is great but it goes nowhere, nothing really happens despite loads of mad shit going on. 



Isn’t it more of a character study of a ruthless oil baron?

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Watched that One Life, it was a decent watch but fairly pedestrian.


Film about a guy who manages to get Jewish and other kids out of harm's way in Czechaslovakia as the Nazis are about to march in.


It never really feels tense despite the subject, and doesn't feel like there's many real obstacles to him pulling it off. Kids need a visa, visas might take a while, but they get visas.

That sounds like one for me. I love a film with no soundtrack, essential only dialogue and mood and atmosphere led. Will give it a blast - what’s it on mate?

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5 minutes ago, Curly said:

That sounds like one for me. I love a film with no soundtrack, essential only dialogue and mood and atmosphere led. Will give it a blast - what’s it on mate?


Still on the pics I think fella.

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A confused mess of a movie about scallop fishing, family dysfunction, with a crazy heroin deal tagged on for good measure.


Tommy Lee Jones and a bunch of young rarfs; crap script and acting but mildly enjoyable nonetheless.


5/10 feels about right

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Napoleon - it was OK. Nowt special.  I think it would have been better in a mini series since it tried to pack a long time period into a short space of time.  Never really told enough of the story of his background/rise, his seizing of power, his many battles and then his exile & return.

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1 hour ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

Saltburn 8/10

Keoghan should be up for an Oscar, he's superb if he's acting, unless he's not acting, in which case he should be locked up. 


Started this the other night but ended up falling asleep (Not because I wasn't enjoying it, I was shattered) she finished and said it was superb. Fucked up but superb. Might finish it this afternoon. 


The sister was sexy as fuck 



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Just finished Saltburn. Very different but I thought it was brilliant in a weird way. 9/10


The sister was amazing, good twist at the end. Oh and no chance that house they visited was in Prescot ffs. Although I have lived away from the town for 23 years.  


Cracking film. 



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18 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Just finished Saltburn. Very different but I thought it was brilliant in a weird way. 9/10


The sister was amazing, good twist at the end. Oh and no chance that house they visited was in Prescot ffs. Although I have lived away from the town for 23 years.  


Cracking film. 


I went into it knowing zero, but I think I'd have benefitted from the loose knowledge of "lad is invited to spend the summer at Chequers with the Cameron's". 


It's fully deserving of all the praise it's got.   And now I understand why Sophie Ellis Bexter is charting again.  


I'd spoiler tag if I knew how, but ...







I assumed the death of the lad was gruesome, on account of the curtains being drawn and their reaction, but it seemed to not be? blockquote widgetblockquote widget

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6 minutes ago, Elite said:

It's a great psychological thriller. Keogh is one of the best actors coming through at the moment, making himself a name as a great lead.


He was excellent in The Banshees of Inisherin and Killing of a Sacred Deer too, some very diverse roles there. His Scouse accent sucks though.

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1 minute ago, Mudface said:


He was excellent in The Banshees of Inisherin and Killing of a Sacred Deer too, some very diverse roles there. His Scouse accent sucks though.


He sings just like me. And dances like me for that matter. 

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4 hours ago, Bjornebye said:


Started this the other night but ended up falling asleep (Not because I wasn't enjoying it, I was shattered) she finished and said it was superb. Fucked up but superb. Might finish it this afternoon. 


The sister was sexy as fuck 




She's bloody lovely (ho ho).

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9 minutes ago, Mudface said:


He was excellent in The Banshees of Inisherin and Killing of a Sacred Deer too, some very diverse roles there. His Scouse accent sucks though.

His performance in Banshees should have won him an Oscar. Literally every mannerism and tone of voice was like watching an expert at their craft.


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