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13 hours ago, Anubis said:

Rebel Moon - 2/10. All shot using Snyder’s trademark sepia toned hues and slowed/normal speed action sequences. 

Things I stole from other films, by Zack Snyder, aged 57. 

1. Orcs from LotR. Just give them blue skin. Nobody will notice.


2. South Africans as bad guys. Just having a South African accent clearly makes somebody an evil, rapist murderer.


3. Back to LotR to steal Bree. A rain soaked, mud infested shithole full of questionable characters.


4. while we’re in Bree, let’s style Charlie Hunnam’s character on Aragorn.


6. Gladiator. Let’s just steal Djimon Hounsou full stop.


7. Star Wars. We’ll just use the Gungans as a template for King Levitica. Right down to the way they speak.


8. MCU. Levitica needs a royal guard. Love those Skrulls.


9.  Next up we’ll Nick The Empress of the Racnoss from Dr Who. We won’t even attempt to disguise it. We’ll just hope the BBC don’t notice.


10. What do you get if you cross Immorton Joe’s boys from Mad Max, with The Ravagers from the MCU. Why, it’s the Bloodaxe twins and their merry men.


11. This is basically the plot of Seven Samurai. Just with a shit script. Shit actors. And boring action sequences. Kurosawa will be turning in his grave.


A risible effort, on every level. God knows how much money Netflix have allowed him to chuck away here.

Yeah, but wait for the director's cut.......

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On 24/12/2023 at 06:48, Anubis said:

Rebel Moon - 2/10. All shot using Snyder’s trademark sepia toned hues and slowed/normal speed action sequences. 

Things I stole from other films, by Zack Snyder, aged 57. 



2. South Africans as bad guys. Just having a South African accent clearly makes somebody an evil, rapist murderer.





Given the country's recent history that is not exactly a long shot though!

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Watched the last Indiana Jones, it's not as bad as people would have you believe, it's more like meh, mostly pointless flogging of a dead horse. 6/10.


Apparently, it is one of the most expensive films of all time, written by several top film writers and it has all sorts of I don't even know what to call them, AI CGI? And this is what they come up with after thousands worked for years? Ten minutes of end credits, like an animation, which for the good part of it, it seems to be.


Best thing is when the Fleabag lady says to Hannibal, stop trying to be funny, you're German, in a film which drags on for two and a half hours completely devoid of any wit, humour or self-awareness.


pamparampaaah pamparaah

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Saltburn. 8/10


Wasn't too sure what to expect but I didn't expect that. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Some great characters, Richard E Grant is superb as always and the lead, who I recognised from Top Boy, was outstanding. 


Only issue I had was that he was supposed to be a Scouser which I only picked up on about an hour in. He's not very good at accents then. 

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6 hours ago, NoelM said:

Re-watching Out of Sight with Clooney and Lopez, the real star is Dennis Farina though, he's brilliant, steals every scene he's in.

Dennis Farina rep. Been watching Crime Story that I used to record but had never seen all the way through but had always stuck with me.  He was a cop in Chicago before getting into acting. 


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1 hour ago, Kepler-186 said:

Dennis Farina rep. Been watching Crime Story that I used to record but had never seen all the way through but had always stuck with me.  He was a cop in Chicago before getting into acting. 


I read before that he was a former cop. He's brilliant in everything, Manhunter, Midnight Run, Get Shorty, even Snatch.

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20 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:

Saltburn. 8/10


Wasn't too sure what to expect but I didn't expect that. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Some great characters, Richard E Grant is superb as always and the lead, who I recognised from Top Boy, was outstanding. 


Only issue I had was that he was supposed to be a Scouser which I only picked up on about an hour in. He's not very good at accents then. 

I watched it last night. All a bit weird for me. 

Farleigh was a completely unlikable cunt. 


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The Boy and The Heron - 7/10. Need to see it again, but it’s not in the top tier of Miyazaki films for me. It feels a little but too self-referential with nods to all his big hits present and correct. Good but not great. 

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On 27/12/2023 at 16:17, johnsusername said:





Very enjoyable. Weirdly got half of the Peep Show cast in it. 


Well better than that Johnny Deep pile of shite. 

Took my nieces and nephew to see this yesterday. 

It was a big ol’ Peep Show reunion. Dobby, Big Suze, Simon, the lot. 

I didn’t know that it was going to be as “musical” as it was, but that didn’t really spoil it too much. 

Quite humorous in parts. Even if my youngest niece did cry at the end. 

I enjoyed it too. 7/10 from me too. 

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26 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Took my nieces and nephew to see this yesterday. 

It was a big ol’ Peep Show reunion. Dobby, Big Suze, Simon, the lot. 

I didn’t know that it was going to be as “musical” as it was, but that didn’t really spoil it too much. 

Quite humorous in parts. Even if my youngest niece did cry at the end. 

I enjoyed it too. 7/10 from me too. 


I'm not a fan of the original (apart from Gene Wilder, and Pure Imagination is obviously a belter). And I absolutely hate the Tim Burton one. So I wasn't expecting much of this at all. Hadn't realised it was the fella behind Paddington and Neil Hannon had written the songs. So I was pleasantly surprised.

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4 minutes ago, johnsusername said:


I'm not a fan of the original (apart from Gene Wilder, and Pure Imagination is obviously a belter). And I absolutely hate the Tim Burton one. So I wasn't expecting much of this at all. Hadn't realised it was the fella behind Paddington and Neil Hannon had written the songs. So I was pleasantly surprised.

I thought that the bits were the chocoholic police officer gradually increased in size were quite amusing. 

Hugh Grant’s Oompa Loompa bits were funny too. 

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