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3 hours ago, Kepler-186 said:

Mr Jones (2019)




True story of the Welsh journalist who breaks the story of the famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s, amidst the backdrop of the Great Depression and Herr Hitler taking power. 

Available on iPlayer. 

Solid 7 out of 10. 

Sounds cheery.  Is a light-hearted musical romp?

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When I was down at the in-laws over Christmas, they had the live action Cinderella on.  I wasn't properly watching it, but I thought it looked very decent: the decision to make the wicked stepsisters distinctly non-ugly (I mean, Sophie McShera and Holliday Grainger) was a smart one, Cate Blanchett as the Stepmother has a very human cruelty (rather than being just a hissable pantomime villain) and Helena Bonham-Carter is excellent as the Fairy Godmother.


If ever you park your kids/grandkids in front of the telly when this is on, it might be worth staying with them to watch it; there are many, many worse films out there.

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Anatomy of a Fall


A tragic incident opens the door to a world of confusion, bitterness and suspicion.


In French and English, some of the acting here is stupendous and the ultimate outcome is riveting.


At 2 and a half hours though, this is probably a good 30 minutes too long, but again it just underlines how fantastic French film making is atm.


8/10 Kodi Fen Real Debrid

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The Thirteenth Floor.


One of my favourite films from the late 90s. Not seen it in ages but it was added to Prime this week so watched it last night.


I think the film suffered and passed a lot of people by because it was out around the time of The Matrix and had a slightly similar theme to it and so it was unfairly compared to it unfavourably.


It's also the first time I became aware of the rather lovely Gretchen Mol.


Decent noir styled Sci-fi with two Vincent D'Onofrio's for the price of one. 7.5/10.

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Past Lives


A woman sits in a Manhattan bar observing 3 people sat opposite her; 2 Korean's and 1 Jewish American; 2 men and 1 woman, and she hypothesizes the nature of their relationship.


A Korean - English film and it is fucking fantastic. The acting and direction just note perfect and the soundtrack immersive and just wonderful.


I've seen some brilliant films over the past month but Past Lives stands Out and tops the lot. Loved it.


9/10 KFRD

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On 02/01/2024 at 19:25, Kepler-186 said:

Mr Jones (2019)




True story of the Welsh journalist who breaks the story of the famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s, amidst the backdrop of the Great Depression and Herr Hitler taking power. 

Available on iPlayer. 

Solid 7 out of 10. 

Cracking film that with a shite title

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The Dive


Strangely enough, not a documentary about Buk*yo S*ka.


Two sisters go scuba diving, one gets stuck under a rock. The other sister swims and runs around trying to save her. I didn't know which of the sisters got stuck and I couldn't have been less interested, or whether or not she ran out of air. Shite. 

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Blue Steel


Jamie Lee Curtis is a rookie cop being obsessed over by a psychotic Wall Street trader. This was a bit daft and JLC didn't get her tits out so it was even more noticeable than normal that she looks like a horse. 4/10

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27 minutes ago, Mook said:

Blue Steel


Jamie Lee Curtis is a rookie cop being obsessed over by a psychotic Wall Street trader. This was a bit daft and JLC didn't get her tits out so it was even more noticeable than normal that she looks like a horse. 4/10


If Jamie Lee doesn't get the twins out, then it doesn't even deserve a 4. Fuck that. 




All quiet on the western front last night. 


Thought it was OK, obviously a grim movie with no happy ending, it is about trench warfare after all. But I thought it lacked a bit of a story in general to be honest. I wouldnt say it took much to write either. I can take a movie with little dialogue, but I just didn't feel there was any story behind the film. 


A respectable 6/10, but you're not missing much if you haven't seen it yet

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1 hour ago, Mook said:

Blue Steel


Jamie Lee Curtis is a rookie cop being obsessed over by a psychotic Wall Street trader. This was a bit daft and JLC didn't get her tits out so it was even more noticeable than normal that she looks like a horse. 4/10

What? The puppies don't come out?


I've never watched Blue Steel as it seemed to me to be another of those late 80s steamy crime thrillers probably with a saxophone playing in the emotional bits.


Surprised by that. Guess I'll have to stick to Trading Places.

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40 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

What? The puppies don't come out?


I've never watched Blue Steel as it seemed to me to be another of those late 80s steamy crime thrillers probably with a saxophone playing in the emotional bits.


Surprised by that. Guess I'll have to stick to Trading Places.


She does have a sex scene with the baddy out of Highlander in it but there are no nipples shown. I repeat  NO NIPPLES.

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Jude Law dumps Natalie Portman for Julia Roberts. Other than that head scratcher, this is a decent film with good dialogue and kept my attention throughout. Clive Owen really annoys me though, I'd like to push him into traffic.


6.5/10 Watched it on ITVX.

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8 hours ago, Mook said:



Jude Law dumps Natalie Portman for Julia Roberts. Other than that head scratcher, this is a decent film with good dialogue and kept my attention throughout. Clive Owen really annoys me though, I'd like to push him into traffic.


6.5/10 Watched it on ITVX.


In Dangerous Liaisons, John Malkovich has to seduce Michelle Pfeiffer so he can get Glen Close to sleep with him and in order to get to Pfeiffer he needs to first bed 18-year-old Uma Thurman.

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54 minutes ago, SasaS said:


In Dangerous Liaisons, John Malkovich has to seduce Michelle Pfeiffer so he can get Glen Close to sleep with him and in order to get to Pfeiffer he needs to first bed 18-year-old Uma Thurman.

How the other half live

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May December - 5/10.


Julie Anne Moore is a milf who had a sexual affair with a 7th grader. Years later Moore and 7th grader are married and Natalie Portman is playing an actress in an upcoming film about the pair. 

It was all a bit odd. The 5 is mostly for Portman, who looks tremendous as ever. 

Did anybody know Portman’s real name is Natalie Hershlag? She changed for privacy reasons apparently, not because it sounds like a Yiddish slag.

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Blackberry 6/10.


Story of the rise and fall of the Blackberry phone. It was Ok. A couple of amusing moments. Not as good as The Big Short, better than Tetris & Dumb Money, a very similar sort of romp. 

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