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Halsey: Referee standards have dropped to alarming levels  


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16 hours ago, Anubis said:

Brace yourselves. Webb has made his move.


On VAR for LFC’s next game on Sunday? Hatzidakis.

Do we know what his role is? I would assume he's there for the offside calls only, harder to shaft us that way.

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9 hours ago, No2 said:

Do we know what his role is? I would assume he's there for the offside calls only, harder to shaft us that way.

Same as last weekend, he's assistant VAR. I don't quite know if that means of he's VAR for the assistance so doing offsides, or if he's there to assist the VAR and forget to mention when he's being a cheating twat. 

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Former Premier League referee Mike Dean failed to intervene on a major Var call because he didn’t want to cause his friend Anthony Taylor any ‘grief’, he has revealed.


In a remarkably candid admission, Dean said he made the “pathetic” call at the climax of the 2-2 draw between Tottenham and Chelsea last August.


Cristian Romero pulled Marc Cucurella’s hairseconds before Harry Kane’s 96th minute equaliser, and Dean acknowledged that in the heat of the moment he made a bad choice not to suggest on-field official Taylor consider a sending off offence.

“I missed the stupid hair pull at Chelsea versus Tottenham which was pathetic from my point of view,” Dean told Up Front with Simon Jordan.


“It’s one of them where if I had my time again, what would I do? I’d send Anthony [Taylor] to the screen. I think I knew if I did send him to the screen … he’s cautioned both managers, he’s had a hell of a game, it’s been such a tough game end to end.


“I said to Anthony afterwards: ‘I just didn’t want to send you to the screen after what has gone on in the game’. I didn’t want to send him up because he is a mate as well as a referee and I think I didn’t want to send him up because I didn’t want any more grief than he already had.


“Anthony, he is big and bald and ugly enough to know if he is going to the screen he is going to the screen for a reason. If someone pulls their hair now it’s dead easy. It’s just a brainwave by me, a really bad call by me, and it kind of affected me as Var going forward.”

Dean’s remarks underline the human frailties which have often undermined the new technology. He was subsequently stood down from the next Premier League games and later decided he did not wish to continue as a video assistant referee.


“Probably I missed a few games because you get taken out of the limelight,” he added.

“That was a major error. If they don’t score from the corner it is not as big an issue. But I knew full well then I would be stood down the week after. I asked to take a bit of time off because it wasn’t for me.


“I used to get in the car on a Friday and was dreading Saturday. I was thinking, ‘I hope nothing happens’. I used to be petrified sitting in the chair.”


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5 hours ago, Kevin D said:


Former Premier League referee Mike Dean failed to intervene on a major Var call because he didn’t want to cause his friend Anthony Taylor any ‘grief’, he has revealed.


In a remarkably candid admission, Dean said he made the “pathetic” call at the climax of the 2-2 draw between Tottenham and Chelsea last August.


Cristian Romero pulled Marc Cucurella’s hairseconds before Harry Kane’s 96th minute equaliser, and Dean acknowledged that in the heat of the moment he made a bad choice not to suggest on-field official Taylor consider a sending off offence.

“I missed the stupid hair pull at Chelsea versus Tottenham which was pathetic from my point of view,” Dean told Up Front with Simon Jordan.


“It’s one of them where if I had my time again, what would I do? I’d send Anthony [Taylor] to the screen. I think I knew if I did send him to the screen … he’s cautioned both managers, he’s had a hell of a game, it’s been such a tough game end to end.


“I said to Anthony afterwards: ‘I just didn’t want to send you to the screen after what has gone on in the game’. I didn’t want to send him up because he is a mate as well as a referee and I think I didn’t want to send him up because I didn’t want any more grief than he already had.


“Anthony, he is big and bald and ugly enough to know if he is going to the screen he is going to the screen for a reason. If someone pulls their hair now it’s dead easy. It’s just a brainwave by me, a really bad call by me, and it kind of affected me as Var going forward.”

Dean’s remarks underline the human frailties which have often undermined the new technology. He was subsequently stood down from the next Premier League games and later decided he did not wish to continue as a video assistant referee.


“Probably I missed a few games because you get taken out of the limelight,” he added.

“That was a major error. If they don’t score from the corner it is not as big an issue. But I knew full well then I would be stood down the week after. I asked to take a bit of time off because it wasn’t for me.


“I used to get in the car on a Friday and was dreading Saturday. I was thinking, ‘I hope nothing happens’. I used to be petrified sitting in the chair.”


So now he sits in a tv studio and gets it wrong .

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5 hours ago, Kevin D said:


Former Premier League referee Mike Dean failed to intervene on a major Var call because he didn’t want to cause his friend Anthony Taylor any ‘grief’, he has revealed.


In a remarkably candid admission, Dean said he made the “pathetic” call at the climax of the 2-2 draw between Tottenham and Chelsea last August.


Cristian Romero pulled Marc Cucurella’s hairseconds before Harry Kane’s 96th minute equaliser, and Dean acknowledged that in the heat of the moment he made a bad choice not to suggest on-field official Taylor consider a sending off offence.

“I missed the stupid hair pull at Chelsea versus Tottenham which was pathetic from my point of view,” Dean told Up Front with Simon Jordan.


“It’s one of them where if I had my time again, what would I do? I’d send Anthony [Taylor] to the screen. I think I knew if I did send him to the screen … he’s cautioned both managers, he’s had a hell of a game, it’s been such a tough game end to end.


“I said to Anthony afterwards: ‘I just didn’t want to send you to the screen after what has gone on in the game’. I didn’t want to send him up because he is a mate as well as a referee and I think I didn’t want to send him up because I didn’t want any more grief than he already had.


“Anthony, he is big and bald and ugly enough to know if he is going to the screen he is going to the screen for a reason. If someone pulls their hair now it’s dead easy. It’s just a brainwave by me, a really bad call by me, and it kind of affected me as Var going forward.”

Dean’s remarks underline the human frailties which have often undermined the new technology. He was subsequently stood down from the next Premier League games and later decided he did not wish to continue as a video assistant referee.


“Probably I missed a few games because you get taken out of the limelight,” he added.

“That was a major error. If they don’t score from the corner it is not as big an issue. But I knew full well then I would be stood down the week after. I asked to take a bit of time off because it wasn’t for me.


“I used to get in the car on a Friday and was dreading Saturday. I was thinking, ‘I hope nothing happens’. I used to be petrified sitting in the chair.”



So he's a cheating, biased prick then. Like the rest of them. 

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8 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

Same as last weekend, he's assistant VAR. I don't quite know if that means of he's VAR for the assistance so doing offsides, or if he's there to assist the VAR and forget to mention when he's being a cheating twat. 


Assistant to the VAR.


YARN | from Assistant to the Regional Manager, to Assistant Regional Manager.  | The Office (2005) - S02E06 The Fight | Video clips by quotes | a9210df5 |  紗

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The big decisions always get all the focus but that decision not to award a foul on Trent should result in him losing his whistle. Decisions don't get any easier than one and of course his spineless lino doesn't give it either.

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11 hours ago, No2 said:

The big decisions always get all the focus but that decision not to award a foul on Trent should result in him losing his whistle. Decisions don't get any easier than one and of course his spineless lino doesn't give it either.

This. I’ve been saying for the last few years, how can they expect to be taken seriously when they constantly fail to get the simple things right. 

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On 26/08/2023 at 15:34, Evelyn Tentions said:

At least twice Spuds players waved imaginary cards at the tyro ref who ignored it. 


At least PGMOL are consistent. Consistently useless.

They also kicked the ball away every single time they gave away a free kick. Every time. No yellow for that. 

Consistently failing to get the simple things right.


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12 hours ago, No2 said:

The big decisions always get all the focus but that decision not to award a foul on Trent should result in him losing his whistle. Decisions don't get any easier than one and of course his spineless lino doesn't give it either.

This. If he gets that decision right, there’s no yellow card, there’s no confected controversy about  a second yellow for Trent for the foul on Gordon (the kind of foul that’s committed on Mo ten times every game with no punishment), no massive pressure on Trent from the rabid home crowd and possibly no mistake by him on their goal because his head was all over the place at that time. 

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52 minutes ago, Joey8FrogsLegs said:

They also kicked the ball away every single time they gave away a free kick. Every time. No yellow for that. 

Consistently failing to get the simple things right.



And isn't asking for a yellow card a bookable offence? Yet the whole Newcastle team were screaming for one on Trent. It's a joke the whole fucking thing. Respect? The whole thing is a.joke. 

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


And isn't asking for a yellow card a bookable offence? Yet the whole Newcastle team were screaming for one on Trent. It's a joke the whole fucking thing. Respect? The whole thing is a.joke. 

Yup. With their consistent inconsistency, their petty vendettas, their back covering, their frequent egregious errors and their total lack of accountability and humility, they get exactly the respect they deserve. Zero.

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13 hours ago, No2 said:

The big decisions always get all the focus but that decision not to award a foul on Trent should result in him losing his whistle. Decisions don't get any easier than one and of course his spineless lino doesn't give it either.

Completely agree. 

The ref was very lenient yesterday. I don’t know how many fouls Joelinton made yesterday, especially in the first half. Gave him a talking to, a minute or two later he bundled though Mac Allister and still didn’t book him.


He kept not acting on tactical fouls when we were breaking. 

I think the red card, unfortunately, was the right decision.


I think the ref realised the faux par he made with first Trent yellow, not giving him the second. Although I think Gordon milked the second yellow for all it’s worth (the horrible little runt), really, the ref has made 2 mistakes.

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17 hours ago, lebron said:



I’ll say this, it’s going to be a long season for us, VvD, Trent and Klopp. Perhaps Klopp’s biggest mistake was getting on the wrong side of PGOML 

By pointing out how fucking shit they are?

The PGMOL have the same attitude as the met, they even have a police officer from a corrupt force to run it.

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Quick question for the older mob on here....Were the refs this shit in the 80's. I remember that people like Roger Milford were great refs. There was the odd overly strict knob head...but on the whole they weren't fuckwits ruining the game and trying to hog the limelight. 

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2 hours ago, Pete said:


Won’t go anywhere I know but good to see other teams not having this shitshow anymore.

As far as scandalous referee performances go that one doesn't make Utd's top 50. The red card was a red, the defender doesn't deserve any benefit of the doubt, if he thinks it's not a goal scoring chance then don't grab his shorts. The pen is soft as fuck but again when you know your in the box against a cheat you can't dangle a leg because Rashford will make contact with it and fall over.

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