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Halsey: Referee standards have dropped to alarming levels  


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15 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:


And isn't asking for a yellow card a bookable offence? Yet the whole Newcastle team were screaming for one on Trent. It's a joke the whole fucking thing. Respect? The whole thing is a.joke. 

How many times was that Newcastle assistant alongside Howe in the technical area yesterday? And isn't now the rule where only 1 club official can be in the area at any one time?


I remember Kloppo got laughed out of town when he raised this exact point about the Newcastle managerial "team" only a week ago.

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32 minutes ago, Jennings said:

Quick question for the older mob on here....Were the refs this shit in the 80's. I remember that people like Roger Milford were great refs. There was the odd overly strict knob head...but on the whole they weren't fuckwits ruining the game and trying to hog the limelight. 

Totally agree.


Roger Milford is probably the best ref I've ever seen.

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6 minutes ago, an tha said:

I see Forest have filed a complaint about the officials from their game at the toilet at the weekend.


Good on them.


More clubs need to be all over this - create a relentless pressure against these useless cunts.



I just said that four, posts back. 

Maybe we need to meet at Otterspool prom?

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34 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Totally agree.


Roger Milford is probably the best ref I've ever seen.

Keith Hackett, Peter Willis, Trelford Mills, George Courtney, Neil Midgley, Joe Worrall all a cut above the pricks of today.


I honestly believe that and think that it is a last 20 years or so thing where the refs have slid to the low standards we see now and what they have become as a group.

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20 minutes ago, an tha said:

Keith Hackett, Peter Willis, Trelford Mills, George Courtney, Neil Midgley, Joe Worrall all a cut above the pricks of today.


I honestly believe that and think that it is a last 20 years or so thing where the refs have slid to the low standards we see now and what they have become as a group.

 I think things have got worse since they've made careers out of it and think they're TV stars and part of the show. They should be invisible. 

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1 hour ago, Jennings said:

Quick question for the older mob on here....Were the refs this shit in the 80's. I remember that people like Roger Milford were great refs. There was the odd overly strict knob head...but on the whole they weren't fuckwits ruining the game and trying to hog the limelight. 


I'm guessing that the Sky era has highlighted referee mistakes a lot more with the multiple camera angles and extra coverage and analysis of games. 


I've only been watching football for about 30 years but it seems like the standard of refereeing now is the lowest its ever been.


Historically there's always been contentious decisions, the 1966 world cup did the ball cross the line and the 86 Maradona hand of god goal, but it feels like it's every week now.

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15 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


I'm guessing that the Sky era has highlighted referee mistakes a lot more with the multiple camera angles and extra coverage and analysis of games. 


I've only been watching football for about 30 years but it seems like the standard of refereeing now is the lowest its ever been.


Historically there's always been contentious decisions, the 1966 world cup did the ball cross the line and the 86 Maradona hand of god goal, but it feels like it's every week now.

The thing making it worse now is VAR. Because they double down to protect their mates or display their biases, instead of doing what it's there to do, get the big decisions right. So people just don't understand what the fuck is happening. That red for Mac for example, we'd have all been pissed off, we'd have appealed, it would have been recinded and nobody would really have thought twice about it after that. But with var and someone with all those cameras and time getting it wrongz you can't help feel they're either corrupt, completely incompetent or both. And it's every week, multiple times. 

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Sky had Utd v Arsenal on last night, the match when Horseface missed a last minute peno. My conclusion is that Mark Hasley is wrong, referees were just as shit and biased 20 years ago. Andy Gray mentioned on the penalty in commentary that "we don't have Television angle for you but the referee was perfectly positioned to see it". This is 5 minutes after Sky showed about 16 different angles of Viera's kick out at Horseface. My second conclusion is there wasn't a camera angle because there wasn't a foul.

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99% of the decisions refs get wrong on the field I'm fine with. It's a really difficult job and so many decisions are subjective anyway so there is no clear right or wrong. The Virgil red for example.


The issue I have is when there are things like the Gordon shove in the back on Trent which the ref definitely saw and for whatever reason decided not give the foul. That has nothing to do with what I've just said above. It's weird and suspicious.


Then there's the inconsistency. Booking for Trent for throwing the ball away and then 30 seconds later the ref sees Gordon do the same thing and he doesn't book him. Not booking Joelinton for waving an imaginary card twice when you know for a fact he'd have booked any of our lads for the same thing.


But the biggest problem I have isn't the on-field ref making errors, its when you've got some other cunt sat there in Stockley Park with all the replays he needs and he's still getting it wrong.


That's why I believe it's just down to bias/corruption.


Paul Tierney didn't tell the ref to look at the Mac Allister red because he wanted to fuck us over. It really is that simple.

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