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On 27/06/2023 at 14:16, Captain Willard said:

My allotment is coming along nicely in this weather. However it’s becoming less popular as a hobby and the number of empty plots is increasing. I haven’t had a neighbour for years now. 


So this is where you bury the bodies of the old women you murder…

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On 16/04/2023 at 18:52, Section_31 said:


I am Alan Titsmarsh.





These fell off after about six weeks, the fuck. So much for the comeback.


To recap. The apple tree fell and uprooted last year. I replanted it and gave it a splint, water etc. Some green leaves appeared this spring but only lasted about six weeks and it's now seemingly leafless again.

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On 13/08/2023 at 23:12, TheHowieLama said:


I thought you were sitting in your garden with the breeze wafting through the trees.

I'm actually sitting on my outside area deck viewing brown sheep on the hill to my right

. (to me they look like a herd of buffalo's) I know, but that's where my head is). Stretched out ahead is the Bass Strait, plenty of breeze coming from there.

beef in padock.jpg

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On 09/08/2023 at 15:26, Rushies tash said:



Jersey Tiger Moth in my garden this afternoon. Used to be rare to see them away from the south coast, but have spread to West London seemingly.

That’s stunning

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On 29/07/2023 at 17:18, Captain Willard said:

Purple dinner plate dahlia. The fertiliser container gives a sense of scale. It’s one enormous flower. 


That’s fabulous.


I’ve had no luck with my dahlias so far this year. 

My tomatoes however have not let me down




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How about wildlife in the garden. As I've passed the 40 mark i've been enjoying the wildlife in the garden more and more.  Making my sarnie in the morning while squirrels are feeding, little birds attacking the fat balls and pigeons feasting on last weeks bread. I laugh at the field mice daring to venture out of the shadows and on to the grass while neighbours cats are patrolling the area.  Even had a sparrow hawk regularly parks its arse on my fence to try and catch the little buggers. last weeks uneaten sliced ham goes out for the foxes and an occasional visit from wild rabbits.

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4 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

IMG_0487.jpegMy allotment in full bloom as captured by the reluctant and very very occasional visitor mrs Willard. That’s me top right peering angrily at an underperforming dahlia. 

You’re a tree? I wouldn’t have guessed that. 

Who’s the chap, more towards the centre? He looks suspicious, you should keep your eyes on him, rather than the dahlias. I reckon he’ll be after your good lady, the minute your back is turned. 

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5 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

Lots of potential there. If I was you, I’d cut it all back with a hired Strimmer, spray the remaining foilage with weed killer, cover the whole plot with sheets of weed block and come back in march. 

Decision time, Angry. To be organic or not.

Pick a side

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Been an ok this year, made difficult due to constant pissing down and having an abscess and op on me arse. 
carrots have been sound and the second crop will be even better.

Alliums ok ish, problem mainly due to not being able to de-weed. 
Garlic pretty much the same but the whiff of the garlic in the air when digging them up goes to back what Mrs Butty says about size not being important.

Spuds boss, peppers sound, Aubergine disaster, Courgettes good, cucumber really good, beetroot TBC’d, sweetcorn again another tbc’d and chillis as ever spot on.





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2 hours ago, Champ said:

Decision time, Angry. To be organic or not.

Pick a side

I'm going to avoid weedkiller and pesticides as much as I can; I spotted a cat there today and I'd have nightmares about making him sick.


I've weeded one bed and covered it up, like Willard says.  Fucking hard work in this weather, but I need the exercise, so it's all good.

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