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Israel - A Rant


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2 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

13,000 dead in Gaza in total. A grim figure that is even grimmer when it’s revealed that 5,500 of them were children.


The original attack doesn’t warrant such a barbaric response, especially when you take into account the recent revelation that many of those killed at the music event were likely killed by Israeli fire. 

Repped to counter the snide neg. can’t have facts being negged 

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13 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Biden is in danger of throwing away his presidency for Israel and Netanyahu. Over here the latest opinion poll has Labours lead cut to 13 points (although that could be a rouge poll).











I do worry we'll end up with another Trump presidency in full on psycho mode off the back of this. You can't just use TV to hide the truth these days, information flows much more freely so people can't be fooled as easily.

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This is another example of why Twitter is the pits. You can have nuanced debate on something like the GF, or even Facebook, where it takes time to write a post. Twitter is just a million people having instant brain farts and posting rage and vids out into the ether - its algorithms actively promote 'content' that gets more engagement, which tends to be stuff that prompts anger. 


Whenever I make the mistake of clicking one of the links posted on here and follow it down the rabbit hole, it just sounds like a bunch of bonkers teenagers banging pots & pans together and screaming at the wall, not to mention all the professional troll farms at work. It's got zero credibility, undoubtedly makes people mentally ill and adds nothing to any debate. It's one of the worst things that has ever happened to humanity.

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

This is another example of why Twitter is the pits. You can have nuanced debate on something like the GF, or even Facebook, where it takes time to write a post. Twitter is just a million people having instant brain farts and posting rage and vids out into the ether - its algorithms actively promote 'content' that gets more engagement, which tends to be stuff that prompts anger. 


Whenever I make the mistake of clicking one of the links posted on here and follow it down the rabbit hole, it just sounds like a bunch of bonkers teenagers banging pots & pans together and screaming at the wall, not to mention all the professional troll farms at work. It's got zero credibility, undoubtedly makes people mentally ill and adds nothing to any debate. It's one of the worst things that has ever happened to humanity.


I think I mentioned on here that I fucked it off because I recognised how angry it was making me. It's entire existence relies on people getting wound up. It's a good idea gone spectacularly wrong. Flip side is I would miss a lot of stuff if people didn't share it here.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

This is another example of why Twitter is the pits. You can have nuanced debate on something like the GF, or even Facebook, where it takes time to write a post. Twitter is just a million people having instant brain farts and posting rage and vids out into the ether - its algorithms actively promote 'content' that gets more engagement, which tends to be stuff that prompts anger. 


Whenever I make the mistake of clicking one of the links posted on here and follow it down the rabbit hole, it just sounds like a bunch of bonkers teenagers banging pots & pans together and screaming at the wall, not to mention all the professional troll farms at work. It's got zero credibility, undoubtedly makes people mentally ill and adds nothing to any debate. It's one of the worst things that has ever happened to humanity.

I’m interested in facts regardless where they come from.

There has been loads of facts posted on Twitter which you cannot find elsewhere, especially in main stream media. The majority of the content that has been posted here falls under the category of facts. 


Most of the facts I post here come from Jewish voices by the way.

You and everyone else know that you are free to dispute or challenge any content or present a different angle that you believe is relevant.

Dismissing the source without looking into the content doesn’t make the facts any less relevant.

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25 minutes ago, Dicko said:

Labour now not opposing government plan to deny free prescriptions and dental care to those on benefits. Liz Kendall believes these plans don't go far enough. Labour are just more competent Tories. It's going to be a grim decade ahead. 


I'm clinging to the hope that they're just saying whatever it takes to get into power and not giving the right wing rags any ammunition - " Labour soft on scroungers" etc. That's the hope. The alternative is, as you say, grim.


Edit: replying to post in wrong thread.

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