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Israel - A Rant


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The start time for a temporary truce between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip will be announced in the next 24 hours, according to a statement by Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Qatar said Israel and Hamas had agreed to a "humanitarian pause" in their fighting and thanked Egypt and the US for their joint mediation efforts.

Qatar is home to Hamas’ political bureau and many of the groups senior political leaders.

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So not really a ceasefire, more a pause for the murdering cunts to top up on their ammunition.



A statement from the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that 50 women and children would be released over four days, during which time "a pause in the fighting will be held".

It also offered Hamas an incentive to release more, saying: "The release of every additional 10 hostages will result in one additional day in the pause."



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1 hour ago, TheHowieLama said:

The start time for a temporary truce between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip will be announced in the next 24 hours, according to a statement by Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Qatar said Israel and Hamas had agreed to a "humanitarian pause" in their fighting and thanked Egypt and the US for their joint mediation efforts.

Qatar is home to Hamas’ political bureau and many of the groups senior political leaders.


Did he put that statement on twitter? Just asking like.

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As of November 22, CPJ's preliminary investigations showed at least 53 journalists and media workers were among the more than 15,000 killed since the war began on October 7—with over 14,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza and the West Bank and 1,200 deaths in Israel.


its hard to imagine another country in the world,with the exception of america,who could kill 53 journalists,and still be seen as the victim.

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9 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

As of November 22, CPJ's preliminary investigations showed at least 53 journalists and media workers were among the more than 15,000 killed since the war began on October 7—with over 14,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza and the West Bank and 1,200 deaths in Israel.


its hard to imagine another country in the world,with the exception of america,who could kill 53 journalists,and still be seen as the victim.


Yes, or the couple of hundred health workers.


Israel is ensuring that it is roundly despised as a country for decades to come.

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18 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

As of November 22, CPJ's preliminary investigations showed at least 53 journalists and media workers


Good point on the US - I imagine in 06-08 there were a fair number.


Interested so poked a bit and found that it is in non war zones where journalists are the most at risk which seems odd I guess.



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4 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Good point on the US - I imagine in 06-08 there were a fair number.


Interested so poked a bit and found that it is in non war zones where journalists are the most at risk which seems odd I guess.



must take balls to do a job like that.

that 340 must have been over a period of.what,8 years?

israel have killed 50 in 6 weeks.


still its not like they dont have form


Shireen Abu Aqla: Israel rejects US reporter death probe as mistake - BBC News

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Just now, Arniepie said:

must take balls to do a job like that.

that 340 must have been over a period of.what,8 years?

israel have killed 50 in 6 weeks.


still its not like they dont have form


Shireen Abu Aqla: Israel rejects US reporter death probe as mistake - BBC News


The figures are for 30 years - from 1990-2020.


According to the aptly named Committee to Protect Journalists - Iraq had about half of that from 1990 - 2014 (164)  so the last 10 years have been more deadly than the war time.


Yea, Israel is off the charts.


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On 21/11/2023 at 16:18, TheHowieLama said:



Before they went anti-semite.




Size of the nose on this little fella looks suspicious.




No idea if the picture there for the top team is Jewish but the bottom team appear to be either monarchists unless that is a small squirrel - which seems nuts.


Them photos you just posted about a subject that's all over twitter and originated from twitter and is being discussed on here and is being discussed all over twitter are they taken from twitter?


Just asking buddy. Because we know how much you hate twitter. 

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