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Israel - A Rant


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56 minutes ago, Gnasher said:



Honestly, still not numb to what's happening. The west is standing by and watching ethnic cleansing happening on an industrial scale. All because consecutive Israeli governments believe in a fairy tale written a few thousand years back. It's amazing how the Middle East is so governed by fairy tales, even "the only democracy in the middle east".

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25 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Honestly, still not numb to what's happening. The west is standing by and watching ethnic cleansing happening on an industrial scale. All because consecutive Israeli governments believe in a fairy tale written a few thousand years back. It's amazing how the Middle East is so governed by fairy tales, even "the only democracy in the middle east".


I'm not sure these Zionists believe in God tbh. I think they believe 'they' are God.

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28 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Honestly, still not numb to what's happening. The west is standing by and watching ethnic cleansing happening on an industrial scale. All because consecutive Israeli governments believe in a fairy tale written a few thousand years back. It's amazing how the Middle East is so governed by fairy tales, even "the only democracy in the middle east".

They don’t believe in the fairy tales. They just use them to achieve racist political objectives.

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Yes, the most genuinely religious people in Israel seem to be utterly horrified at what is happening in their name. It's just a far right government emboldened by Western politicians who either make money out of the relationship with Israel, or are utterly petrified of being labelled anti-semitic. 


As others have said, any pretence of morality in the future from Western governments can get in the bin. We're tacitly supporting ethnic cleansing.

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Why do these twats lie so much? It's so fucking obvious. This little prick has to pay libel over and over for the lies his newspaper spouts and here he is on TV LYING again. Fucking scumbag. Israel are the bad guys in this and pricks like him are the backing. Fuck you. Racist murdering bloodthirsty slag shitbag noncing cunts 





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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Why do these twats lie so much? It's so fucking obvious. This little prick has to pay libel over and over for the lies his newspaper spouts and here he is on TV LYING again. Fucking scumbag. Israel are the bad guys in this and pricks like him are the backing. Fuck you. Racist murdering bloodthirsty slag shitbag noncing cunts 






They're not the only ones lying


Genocide Joe is just as guilty as his mate Netanyahu 


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1 hour ago, Planet Origi said:


They're not the only ones lying


Genocide Joe is just as guilty as his mate Netanyahu 



Biden is in danger of throwing away his presidency for Israel and Netanyahu. Over here the latest opinion poll has Labours lead cut to 13 points (although that could be a rouge poll).











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13,000 dead in Gaza in total. A grim figure that is even grimmer when it’s revealed that 5,500 of them were children.


The original attack doesn’t warrant such a barbaric response, especially when you take into account the recent revelation that many of those killed at the music event were likely killed by Israeli fire. 

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