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Torres: LFC fans have loving words for me

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The funniest thing about the whole Torres affair is that, as with all things Chelsea, a big part of why they bought him was the billy big bollocks factor of being seen by everyone to make some kind of statement about being able to come in and take a rival's player, but the biggest transfer joke of the last decade ended up being on them, compounded still further by the fact we got the most prolific English striker of his generation from them and they presently couldn't hit Adele's arse with a Patriot missile.


Fernando Torres is the football equivalent of the credit crunch, what looked to be worth money was actually toxic and worthless, but unlike Lehman Brothers we didn't go bust, we're sitting on a beach earning twenty percent.

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John Cazale, a tragically short career but did include The Godfather I and II, The Deer Hunter and Dog Day Afternoon amongst others. More great films than most actors manage in 30 year careers.


Only actor whose every film gained a Best Picture Oscar nomination. As Fernando has learnt, sometimes history remembers better those who burn brightly rather than fade away

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The knee injury against Reading in the cup replay in Anfield and then Benfica realistically was the end for Fernando, I remember watching him in the 2010 WC and cringing the player I loved and idolised looked shot to bits completely out of his depth. He's right, I'll never forget how good he was for us and when he retires he'll always be remembered as a great Liverpool player.

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"When we were at Chelsea together Fernando Torres would always say Liverpool is amazing, always," Sturridge recalls. "Yossi Benayoun was the same. They both said it was the best club they had played for and that the fans will make you feel amazing. At the time I thought, 'I need a bit of that in my life because I am so low right now, I need to feel good about myself'. It was an easy decision to come here."



He totally regrets it. Which is why he gets absolutely no sympathy from me.

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As an athlete myself I never really understood footballers, how's it better to be a good player (or not even that) in a club against being in a club and having godlike status, even playing like it?! And it's not just Torres it's every other player who goes to Barca/Real/any shithouse soulless big club with money... It's a shame, I don't blame him or I'm not mad at him, life's been shite for him but it's entirely his foult for that, so no empathy either.

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As an athlete myself I never really understood footballers, how's it better to be a good player (or not even that) in a club against being in a club and having godlike status, even playing like it?! And it's not just Torres it's every other player who goes to Barca/Real/any shithouse soulless big club with money... It's a shame, I don't blame him or I'm not mad at him, life's been shite for him but it's entirely his foult for that, so no empathy either.

Same reason Aspas gave up godlike status at Celta to come to Liverpool. Footballers tend to think they're much better than they are. You're not allowed to have self-doubt in such a competitive environment.

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As an athlete myself I never really understood footballers, how's it better to be a good player (or not even that) in a club against being in a club and having godlike status, even playing like it?! And it's not just Torres it's every other player who goes to Barca/Real/any shithouse soulless big club with money... It's a shame, I don't blame him or I'm not mad at him, life's been shite for him but it's entirely his foult for that, so no empathy either.


I don't think any of them actually think it but just say it to save face when they realise they've fucked up, don't care what he has won, bet Torres has been miserable from the start there

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I don't hold any grudges where Torres is concerned . At the time the fact that it was Chelsea , a symbol of all I despise in modern football, that stuck in my throat. £50m was a great price

Subsequently the fact we spunked most of it on a useless geordy galoot was mental

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or the simple explanation is (as with Michael Owen who claimed something similar) the vast majority of fans think your a wanker but have the class not to go making a song and dance of it to your face so the only ones that you interact with are the silly beggers who haven't cottoned on your a bit of a prick

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When I run out of nursery rhymes I sing the Torres song to my daughter. It makes her calm down, so much so the wife sings it to her too. It makes me cry inside.


He knows he should have stayed, he's not arsed at that cunt of a club , he'd have been brilliant with Suarez but he made his choice.

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*that Chelsea video has been blocked from this website. I probably couldn't have done longer than 5 seconds anyway.


*the Torres song tune is a passed down generational classic for chilling out kids. Teddybears picnic wasn't it.?


*sturridge better than Torres ever was? Hhmmmm it's a bold statement, I like it. Tbh not entirely sure , yet.

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