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Mohamed Salah


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43 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

If he’s medically cleared for Leicester (ie virus free) he’ll play the majority of the match.


IMO, the only blocker will be virus clearance. 

Absolutely no chance IMO.


Can he even leave Egypt for the 10 days?....can't see how someone isolating will be flying.




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40 minutes ago, Aw Geez said:

Looking like someone sold our soul to the devil to brak the 30 year curse. The fuck is this season about?

No, we got our PEDs mixed up. The Salbutamol and TUE injections over the last 3 years fucked him up and lowered his immune system. We can't blame anyone other than ourselves for this. 



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I agree completely with the views about international games, and bow to nobody in my obsession re LFC, but if any of our guys get covid or are in contact with somebody with covid , their health and the health of their friends and family is a hundred times more important than whether they can play against Leicester or Atalanta.

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On 13/11/2020 at 16:27, Scott_M said:

Is it that much different to the Champions League games?


I know there are more players and they are going further afield, which obviously increases risk, but how much more dramatic is the risk? 

We’ve got to go to Denmark soon, which isn’t great. New Zealand refused to come here. Swings and roundabouts. 

I the one way it’s very different is that you’re mixing players and staff that aren’t normally together from all over the place.


CL matches there’s obviously increased risk than training and staying at home, but it’s not too different than any other away match as the teams travel on private charters and likely have a hotel to themselves at the moment id imagine.


That’s not the case with international teams, with players from all over the world joining up and playing against others from all over the world.

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7 hours ago, an tha said:

So that would perhaps suggest if he comes back and gets a negative test he'd be good to play? Or are we risking starting the clock again by testing him too early? 

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24 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

So that would perhaps suggest if he comes back and gets a negative test he'd be good to play? Or are we risking starting the clock again by testing him too early? 

I bet he’ll be tested everyday until he’s negative. 

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

So that would perhaps suggest if he comes back and gets a negative test he'd be good to play? Or are we risking starting the clock again by testing him too early? 

No idea how works.


But assuming his 7 days started Friday and fact he won't be training and the earliest he could be back in Liverpool looks like being Friday maybe even Saturday then I think he's out of game Saturday.

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30 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

It being the 7pm game has surely got to help too? 

I think it depends on what the Prem/ FA protocols say. If they're happy with just seven days then it's feasible he might play but I very much doubt we'll see him. 

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