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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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This thing about parking for school pick up. Its down to school testing, you've got parents sending their kids across town because 1 particular school rates higher that year than others. The next year its dropped down the rankings so they all move their kids. Make kids go to their local schools. That's what we did.

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12 minutes ago, A Red said:

This thing about parking for school pick up. Its down to school testing, you've got parents sending their kids across town because 1 particular school rates higher that year than others. The next year its dropped down the rankings so they all move their kids. Make kids go to their local schools. That's what we did.

The problem we've got is that the 2 nearest schools are a minimum of 3.5 miles away.


The nearest secondary school (about 3/4 of a mile away) was closed in 2013 after only being open for 5 years due to dwindling pupil numbers, and used to relocate the local community college (so they could sell off the land the old site was on for expensive housing to be built).


The reason for the dwindling numbers at the nearest school was because it was a mixed Catholic and Protestant faith school, and the fucking headcases who care about that shit wouldn't send their kids to mix with taigs / hun* (* Delete as applicable).


I do agree with your sentiment though. There should be smaller local schools and there should be none of this shopping round for schools. They should all be good schools.

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Beer shites. Absolute nightmare. Every time I have a drink now, could be anything, even shorts, I seem to spend the entirety of the next day pissing out of my arse. I was like that yesterday after having a few on Sunday. 

It’s quickly becoming the worst part about having a bevvy. 

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On 05/01/2024 at 08:50, Karl_b said:

People parking cars on pavements when it's completely unnecessary, thus hindering anyone who might want to, outrageously, walk on the pavement. It's absolutely endemic and even occuring outside our daughter's nursery; I appear to be the only person who walks to the place. It's fine though because it's not like I need room for a pram, or to also walk the dog, or to get in to the grounds safely. Selfish pricks.


I'm genuinely thinking of getting some "paths are for people" stickers made up to start sticking on windscreens.

It becomes a chargeable offence in Edinburgh at the end of this month. £100, £50 if you pay within 2 weeks 

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Tradespeople you never hear back from.

Im a bit of a ‘new year get on with jobs you’ve been putting off sort’ which has involved contacting an electrician and a boiler repairer.

The electrician came out no bother but haven’t heard from him since even though I can see his read my message and I’ve yet to hear from the boiler person who came out pretty quickly the last time. And I always pay the day the job’s done. Annoys me no end

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On 05/01/2024 at 08:50, Karl_b said:

People parking cars on pavements when it's completely unnecessary, thus hindering anyone who might want to, outrageously, walk on the pavement. It's absolutely endemic and even occuring outside our daughter's nursery; I appear to be the only person who walks to the place. It's fine though because it's not like I need room for a pram, or to also walk the dog, or to get in to the grounds safely. Selfish pricks.


I'm genuinely thinking of getting some "paths are for people" stickers made up to start sticking on windscreens.



I have nothing but trouble getting into my house or walking to work during school hours or outside of 9-5. Pavements often fully blocked off. 


The state of uneven pavements in general is a nightmare with tears of them being dug up for works and never reset properly. I sure it's why so many people have knee,ankle issues

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2 hours ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Beer shites. Absolute nightmare. Every time I have a drink now, could be anything, even shorts, I seem to spend the entirety of the next day pissing out of my arse. I was like that yesterday after having a few on Sunday. 

It’s quickly becoming the worst part about having a bevvy. 


I quite enjoy it. Sitting there sweating like fuck emptying your body. Sending my bird selfies "this is a bad one" etc. 


Randomly I read the AC Slatering thread last night when I couldn't sleep, that selfie of @Chris nearly woke her and the dog up. Superb thread that manages to get even better when @Total Longo enters the ring. 

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On 09/01/2024 at 17:28, Bjornebye said:


I quite enjoy it. Sitting there sweating like fuck emptying your body. Sending my bird selfies "this is a bad one" etc. 


Randomly I read the AC Slatering thread last night when I couldn't sleep, that selfie of @Chris nearly woke her and the dog up. Superb thread that manages to get even better when @Total Longo enters the ring. 


I preferred it when it exited the ring. That is a tremendous thread that one. 

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On 05/01/2024 at 08:50, Karl_b said:

People parking cars on pavements when it's completely unnecessary, thus hindering anyone who might want to, outrageously, walk on the pavement. It's absolutely endemic and even occuring outside our daughter's nursery; I appear to be the only person who walks to the place. It's fine though because it's not like I need room for a pram, or to also walk the dog, or to get in to the grounds safely. Selfish pricks.


I'm genuinely thinking of getting some "paths are for people" stickers made up to start sticking on windscreens.

Reminds me of this YouTube channel - the Stop A Douchebag movement in Russia. A group of steely nerved young lads in Moscow putting stickers on windscreens of cars that have been parked or driven on the pavement…



Great rabbit hole to go down if you’ve got an hour or 2 spare

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1 minute ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

People who pronounce "ignore" as "egnore".


One for the ESD thread.

Thats fucking everywhere that mate.


One which used to confuse me was how people in the North Yorkshire area add and “ed” to drown.


Drown was always relegated to past tense - “be careful, you might drowned”


Then if they told you a story of how someone drowned, it was “drownded”. Bizarre

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On 10/01/2024 at 05:45, Champ said:

Tradespeople you never hear back from.

Im a bit of a ‘new year get on with jobs you’ve been putting off sort’ which has involved contacting an electrician and a boiler repairer.

The electrician came out no bother but haven’t heard from him since even though I can see his read my message and I’ve yet to hear from the boiler person who came out pretty quickly the last time. And I always pay the day the job’s done. Annoys me no end

This winds me up too. I wanted a drainage job done, and found a local company advertising their services. The owner came over, had a look at the job, then sent me a written quote a few days later. I accepted the quote by return and asked when they could start the job. This was about three months ago, and since then, it's been complete silence.  If you don't want the job, just say so. If you've got too much work on, just say so. Why even bother advertising ? 

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10 hours ago, Waitak said:

This winds me up too. I wanted a drainage job done, and found a local company advertising their services. The owner came over, had a look at the job, then sent me a written quote a few days later. I accepted the quote by return and asked when they could start the job. This was about three months ago, and since then, it's been complete silence.  If you don't want the job, just say so. If you've got too much work on, just say so. Why even bother advertising ? 

All of the above!


Update on my efforts…

…shortly after I posted that the electrician did get back to me and I am hoping that in the next hour he’ll turn up with the right fittings to begin the job.

The wait for the boiler repair continues…

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36 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

Must be a poster on here. You smoked him out. 

I had begun to wonder if everyone on here worked in the trade when no-one replied to my OP


Update on the update…

…he’s arrived!

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43 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Is he fit, Cath?

Who cares! He’s done the job already and passed on the number of someone for a different job. Won’t have a bad word said about these hardworking people

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55 minutes ago, Champ said:

Who cares! He’s done the job already and passed on the number of someone for a different job. Won’t have a bad word said about these hardworking people

No problem, Champ. Happy to help. 

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1 hour ago, TheBitch said:

No problem, Champ. Happy to help. 

Your little joke about the ancient bathroom fan sounding like the Hadron Collider was quite funny to be fair 

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2 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

The council being 4 days late emptying the bins.


They've managed to empty half of the streets bins, but our half still hasn't been done.

About five years ago they didn't empty our because the lid wasn't full pushed down. It wasn't like I'd piled bags up on top. Literally about an inch ajar. Lazy twats

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2 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

The council being 4 days late emptying the bins.


They've managed to empty half of the streets bins, but our half still hasn't been done.


To be fair this is one of the things I still love about this country, the idea that something like this is outrageous. If you go to Greece there's iron girders sticking out of the road and downed power lines next to the pool.

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