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1 hour ago, Harry Squatter said:





The audience for this is a bit niche.  And they're spending most of their time terrorising women and rising up and down the middle of Walton Hall Avenue on their robbed electric trial bikes.

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39 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Every six weeks, how does it look after six weeks?

My head is covered with short strands of hair. Except maybe for the temples where I think it's starting to recede.


It's still mostly dark brown too. Not bad considering I'm 48 and my arl fellas hair was battleship grey at that age.

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31 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

My head is covered with short strands of hair. Except maybe for the temples where I think it's starting to recede.


It's still mostly dark brown too. Not bad considering I'm 48 and my arl fellas hair was battleship grey at that age.

Not too bad then mate. I’ve shaved my head with a razor since I was 30, 26 years ago now.

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23 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Not too bad then mate. I’ve shaved my head with a razor since I was 30, 26 years ago now.

My hair was always terrible, when it gets to a certain length it just fuzzes up and looks a mess. My ma used to say it looked like a diseased coconut.


So similar to you, I started getting a buzz cut at the barbers about 20 years ago, then bought my own clippers.

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5 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

My hair was always terrible, when it gets to a certain length it just fuzzes up and looks a mess. My ma used to say it looked like a diseased coconut.


So similar to you, I started getting a buzz cut at the barbers about 20 years ago, then bought my own clippers.

I hate shaving my head it’s a fucking pain.

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20 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

Not yet, he lent them to Terry who took them to Greece for a few weeks to work as dishwashers in an Irish bar.


Only found out this morning, I was completely in the dark.

Stay off the booze mate, he won't give you them back otherwise.

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48 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

The Responder is back on. Sounds like John Bishop trying to escape a house fire.

I don't mind it, Martin Freeman's character is that unlucky if he fell into barrel of nipples he'd come out sucking his thumb.

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1 hour ago, Creator Supreme said:

I don't mind it, Martin Freeman's character is that unlucky if he fell into barrel of nipples he'd come out sucking his thumb.

One of the most authentic scouse accents I've heard,from a non scouse actor I've ever heard 

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6 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

One of the most authentic scouse accents I've heard,from a non scouse actor I've ever heard 

Agreed. Only watched a few of the first series I think but he sounded better than the vast majority. That dad in Little Boy Blue was taking the piss. How Stephen Graham didn’t tell them to jib him is beyond me. 

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