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1 minute ago, George Costanza said:

Wolves didn't stand a chance given how many players they were missing. No doubt they'll have a lot stronger team to pick from when we play them (or City for that matter)


At full strength they're still a team we should be beating reasonably comfortably.


Would you have been confident of us beating their depleted side tonight? Or anyone in the league for that matter? Basically a few injuries to opponents isn't going to be the difference. If we remember how to play football again we're capable of winning the last six games. If it's the dog shit we've seen against Palace, United and Atalanta we'll finish a dozen points behind City. 



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2 hours ago, Scott_M said:

He needs to shut his fucking face.


I do question why City had to play today & the mancs tomorrow considering the respective clubs midweek schedules, however, they don’t play again now until Thursday. 


Arsenal played away Wednesday, tonight and again Tuesday. We played away Thursday, Sunday and Wednesday. 

So despite again, having another advantage handed to him, he’s continuing to moan. Off is a direction he can fuck. 


He may be a prick, but he is right here.


But as usual it will fall on deaf ears - same as when Klopp raises it.


The comments on the bbc article about it sum up the stupidity and myopic tribalism that kills any proper conversation when issues like this are raised.



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3 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


At full strength they're still a team we should be beating reasonably comfortably.


Would you have been confident of us beating their depleted side tonight? Or anyone in the league for that matter? Basically a few injuries to opponents isn't going to be the difference. If we remember how to play football again we're capable of winning the last six games. If it's the dog shit we've seen against Palace, United and Atalanta we'll finish a dozen points behind City. 



at full strength (or close) & at home they have beaten City. Spurs and Chelsea + drawn with Villa & Newcastle so they are no push overs

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47 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

Girona qualified for Europe and now 10 points ahead of 5th place. Be nice to see a new face in the champions league, next season.


It would be if they were not part of the City group

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1 hour ago, johnsusername said:


I was listening to the weekend preview on The Anfield Wrap podcast and the Wolves fan was basically saying the team should prioritise their upcoming games against Bournemouth and Luton.



It looked like they certainly did.

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9 hours ago, an tha said:

He may be a prick, but he is right here.


But as usual it will fall on deaf ears - same as when Klopp raises it.


The comments on the bbc article about it sum up the stupidity and myopic tribalism that kills any proper conversation when issues like this are raised.



I imagine there will be a sprinkling of “They get paid enough so they should just suck it up “ or  “that’s what squads are for”  posted by angry notts forest fans.

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10 hours ago, an tha said:

He may be a prick, but he is right here.

I did say he’s got a point on the scheduling of yesterday, however Arsenal, us, West Ham and Villa also have the same 3 day turn around this weekend. 

Arsenal and us then have another 3 day turn around, they have 4. We have then have another 3 day turn around (at 12.30pm at that), they have 3, Arsenal have 5. 

Given they have no CL now, that Spurs fixture should also be moved from the penultimate game of the season to maintain sporting integrity.


Everything is falling their way and he still has the balls to complain. 

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13 hours ago, George Costanza said:

Yeah one fucking game.  Halle-fucking-lujah  oh how lucky we are.   I do think more teams these days seem to dealing with injury issues (non moreso than ourselves) but those southern shandy drinking fairy cunts ALWAYS seem to be playing teams when they are in real difficulty. They are having an awful amount of luck on that front.  They did well today to beat a Wolves team where 50% of the players nobody has heard of.  Even in midweek they played a Bayern team missing several starters - still managed to fuck it up thankfully.

You say one fucking game, a game which we’d have won (and I think we all agree we should have won) then the title would still be in our hands. 

Either way, I can’t get worked up by it. We can’t control other clubs injuries. We just need to do our job. 

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Just now, Jairzinho said:

Pretty clear penalty that. Perhaps the VAR lads weren't watching.

Is there much difference between that and the Anthony Gordon ones recently?

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2 minutes ago, DaveT said:

Is there much difference between that and the Anthony Gordon ones recently?


Whether it's incompetence, corruption, or a mixture of the two, the outcome is that we have the worst officiating in any major league.

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