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You can see why Tarantino is mates with Robert Rodriguez! One hell of a mad funny film which is filmed to look like a late 70s early 80s effort.


Loads of stars in it and a few what people will call B movies stars. Don Johnson is funny and almost unrecognisable until he takes his shades off near the end of the film. Jeff Fahey one of the top 'shit' actors plays a great part.


Robert De Niro is the star name in the film and typically plays the part to brilliance with a few nods to Taxi Driver added in for comedic effect.


Steven Segal is in it aswell playing the main bad guy.


All in all a decent film for a laugh. If you liked From Dusk Till Dawn you'll love this. 7.5/10 from me.

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Predators 7.5/10


13 years and waiting for a decent sequel to the original's flawless movie.


Adrien Brody is brilliant and the cameo from Laurence Fishburne is superb.


A must watch for anyone who loves the first movie.


Predator 2 is far far better, this was eye aids.

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Kudos to Mendoza for mentioning The Loved Ones. Horrific stuff. Some very funny bits too. Some of the gore was George Romero-esque in its brutality and almost slapstick nature. I sat here open mouthed through much of it, when I wasn't cringing. Just when you think it's got as nasty as it can, it gets worse. I'm not much of a gore fan for gore's sake - Saw etc isn't my cup of tea at all, but this has a bit more sense to it than something like Saw. Still gruesome as fuck though.


6.8 hammers out of 10 drills

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The Bounty Hunter 0/10


Wank. I had a kip about an hour in and then when I woke the other half spent most of the rest of the movie touching my nose whilst I made clown noises.


....That's my review


There's a lot of Barry Norman in you. Or there should be.

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just saw Made in Dagenham. A splendid Brit film about striking female workers at Ford in 1968 who fought for equal pay and who were pivotal in obtaining the Equal Pay Act 1970. 9/10. Though it was a sad day for civilisation when a bunch of ropey old bints got equal pay with hardworking decent menfolk

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Buried - 7.5/10. A really uncomfortable and claustrophobic viewing experience, held together by an impressive performance by Ryan Reynolds. It's credit to both him and the director that the film didn't just fall flat on its own idea in the first half an hour.


Good stuff.

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Session 9.


I started to get bored by about halfway through as nothing was really happening. I also assumed that this was going to be your usual run of the mill haunting type horror set in an old mental hospital. However, once it got going a lot happened very quickly and it's a far cry from what I thought it would be.


Not bad - 6.8/10

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The Killer Inside Me - 6/10. It had an alright style, the acting was fine (Casey Affleck is excellent at being a creepy psycho) but it just didn't really do much. Having the main protagonist as such a repulsive character means it's a hard film to like I think, although I don't understand why some people were complaining about the misogyny in it - err, it's about a misogynist and misogynist desire. It's gonna have misogyny in it.


Baraka - 9/10. Scene after scene of startling images from around the world, shot in 70mm film. Beautiful to look at and has a great score. Features the Balinese Monkey Chant:


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