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Crystal Palace (H) - Sun 14th Apr 2024 (2:00pm)


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Not angry. No lack of effort but it was all just a bridge too far. 


The fact that we couldn’t play through a determined but limited and hardworking midfield shows our limitations. We’d have won that game in the first half of the season. 

Of our big chances, I think Nunez and Mo did all they could have for theirs. Jota should have had more composure and of course Jones had to score.

The players who haven’t been rested or injured have looked goosed, especially Macca, and the players coming back from injury aren’t ready yet. Some of the bile directed at Jones and Trent on here has been embarrassing. Jones made mistakes but he was the only one of our midfielders pressing or getting into threatening areas.


Klopp has deserved better than this. The injury to Jota at Brentford and Mo at Afcon have been massive turning points. We’ve been left to rely on Nunez and Diaz who just aren’t that reliable. 

We are where we might optimistically have expected to be at the start of the season, but to go from a 2-point lead to a 3-point deficit in a week and also effectively go out of Europe is heartbreaking. 

The only good point that Carragher made was about this being similar to the way Arsenal faded last year. 

I get people wanting to vent and I was furious last week and on Thursday, but I think the squad deserve better than abuse. 

We’ve seen all season teams playing week above theirselves against us, and we saw it again today with block after block, and no ricochets falling for us.


The only thing we might have done differently over the last few weeks (in terms of approach, not individual errors) is play the kids a bit more, but that’s hindsight really. 

A horrible end to a season that will live long in the memory.


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7 minutes ago, TheDrowningMan said:

Yep. People think we should be challenging for the biggest trophies on name alone. Fact is, our net spend is not that of a club that should be in the mix for league titles and qualifying for the CL year in, year out.

If on-field investment continues at its current rate when the new manager comes in, consistent Europa League / Conference qualification will be a very, very good achievement for a club that behaves like ours does. If we perform at that level that level, a failure to go higher will be on the owners rather than the coaching staff.

Oh you can deffo fuck off, at least Beef is a red.

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It turns out this team were never a serious title challenger after all. This last week was the sort of shit we would have seen at the business end of the season under Roy Evans. They want stringing up for starting another game the way they did. After all the other slow starts, how can they possibly not be focused on making absolutely certain that doesn't happen again? How can they come out slowly passing the ball about with no intensity whatsoever?


But Jesus Christ, the absolute fucking state of our finishing in the past week. Six times in this game I was just waiting for the net to bulge. Endo miskicks in the first half and somehow hits the bar from a few yards out right in front of the goal. Nunez has the entire goal to aim at from a few yards out and somehow manages to smash it straight at the keeper - the only place where it wouldn't have gone in. Jones lets the ball slide right underneath his foot when he's completely unmarked in the box. Jota far too casual with a seeming open goal, allowing the defender to get a block in. Jones clean through and he somehow puts it wide (it felt like that was the miss that killed us off; the air just seemed to completely go out of the ground after that and there was a feeling that even if we created more chances that we'd just miss them). And then Mo, like Jota, far too casual when he just has to smash it in from a few yards out, allowing a defender to get a block in.


If we'd have got 1 with any sort of time left on the clock then we'd have probably gone on to get 2. But we never should have been in that position again in the first place. There's only so many times you can get away with bad starts before it comes back to bite you. If we'd just come flying out of the traps right from the first whistle we'd have won. We can moan about the Palace players seeming to put in far more effort than they did in the Arsenal and City games, but the simple fact of the matter is that they played like that because we allowed them to build up belief and have something to cling to. Maybe our own defenders could start taking a leaf out of their book as well and actually start putting some proper effort in rather than letting teams slice through us without as much as a challenge at the start of games. 


Alisson was blameless today. Every other player needs to have a long hard look at themselves after the past week. 


And why the hell wasn't Elliot on much earlier? He's been one of the few attacking players in the past week who's actually at least not shit himself every single time he gets near the box.


What a genuinely pathetic end to the Klopp era. If the new manager doesn't fancy any of these players next season then they can't really complain.

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Genuinely don’t understand why we’ve started Jones in the last 2 games. Been out for ages then walks straight in to 2 important games. There’s others on the bench deserved to play before him. If it was to get him minutes then great but bring him on at the end when the games won. We need to look at the leadership problem as well. There’s about 4 or 5 players there who are captains of their country but not one of them  able to galvinate or organise the team. 

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Players' form has dropped off a cliff over the past few weeks.  The midfield in particular.  Endo and MacAllister have been pretty rubbish in the last few games.  The attack is always profligate, and you can't expect a half fit Jota to make an instant comeback here, though he almost did.  Even Bradley has lost his mojo.  Let's just hope we can rediscover a bit of form, and more importantly pride, before the end of the season.  We cannot continue to be second to the ball like we have lately.  


That was a risible performance all round today.


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2 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

We have gone behind so many times by starting slow and being too casual at it’s not been addressed this cannot be ignored. Awful by all involved. 

On the coaching staff that was simply unsustainable at some point you dont come back been going on all season and not addresed

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1 minute ago, AHA said:

Genuinely don’t understand why we’ve started Jones in the last 2 games. Been out for ages then walks straight in to 2 important games. There’s others on the bench deserved to play before him. If it was to get him minutes then great but bring him on at the end when the games won. We need to look at the leadership problem as well. There’s about 4 or 5 players there who are captains of their country but not one of them  able to galvinate or organise the team. 


Not just that but you have players like Elliott who come on and create chances yet we're not using him, he should have been the sub ahead of Szoboszlai at the same time as Gakpo and Jota.


That's why Klopp isn't the innocent bystander some want to paint him as.

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6 minutes ago, rubble-rouser said:

Not angry. No lack of effort but it was all just a bridge too far. 


The fact that we couldn’t play through a determined but limited and hardworking midfield shows our limitations. We’d have won that game in the first half of the season. 

Of our big chances, I think Nunez and Mo did all they could have for theirs. Jota should have had more composure and of course Jones had to score.

The players who haven’t been rested or injured have looked goosed, especially Macca, and the players coming back from injury aren’t ready yet. Some of the bile directed at Jones and Trent on here has been embarrassing. Jones made mistakes but he was the only one of our midfielders pressing or getting into threatening areas.


Klopp has deserved better than this. The injury to Jota at Brentford and Mo at Afcon have been massive turning points. We’ve been left to rely on Nunez and Diaz who just aren’t that reliable. 

We are where we might optimistically have expected to be at the start of the season, but to go from a 2-point lead to a 3-point deficit in a week and also effectively go out of Europe is heartbreaking. 

The only good point that Carragher made was about this being similar to the way Arsenal faded last year. 

I get people wanting to vent and I was furious last week and on Thursday, but I think the squad deserve better than abuse. 

We’ve seen all season teams playing week above theirselves against us, and we saw it again today with block after block, and no ricochets falling for us.


The only thing we might have done differently over the last few weeks (in terms of approach, not individual errors) is play the kids a bit more, but that’s hindsight really. 

A horrible end to a season that will live long in the memory.


Are you serious?


The Nunez miss will do down in history as one of the worst ever. Every player in proffesional football would have scored that. Except him. Had he scored there we had won this match. Unforgiveable.

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3 minutes ago, LFC 6 Times said:

Actually feels as bad as Gerrard slip.


Nah. Even if we pulled it out of the fire today, we'd just fuck it up next week or the week after.

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6 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

We have gone behind so many times by starting slow and being too casual at it’s not been addressed this cannot be ignored. Awful by all involved. 

This is it for me. Champions win 1-0 when it's needed. We are usually fucking 1-0 down in the first 15 mins almost every fucking week. Its scandalous that we could not sort this out even in fucking April, chasing for the title.

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2 minutes ago, Judge said:

Are you serious?


The Nunez miss will do down in history as one of the worst ever. Every player in proffesional football would have scored that. Except him. Had he scored there we had won this match. Unforgiveable.

What, where he turns with his back to goal, spins the defender, hits it first time with massive power and it hits the keeper?



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3 minutes ago, diamondjoe said:

We're not at city or arsenal's level now. I wouldn't change the last 8 years for the world though. 

No we are not and those teams fight for everything on that pitch and hate to say it but that comes from whose in charge of them 

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25 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

And then also, the Quansah thing is the most obvious turning point in a season since Gerrard slipping. Something else probably would have sunk us anyway, but the parallel's are there.


Gerrard and Quansah are both wools, probably not a coincidence.

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3 minutes ago, Funkasy said:

21 times behind in 32 games.

I was actually defending our resilience on here for all the times we'd managed to come back last week. But at some point you've got to actually learn from the bad starts. It shouldn't need half time virtually every single game to sort ourselves out.


It was an issue at the end of the season we challenged for the quadruple as well. It seemed like we conceded first in virtually every game during the run-in at the end of that season. 

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