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Crystal Palace (H) - Sun 14th Apr 2024 (2:00pm)


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2 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

A lot of truth there but’s let’s be honest you love a moan fella. We will have to wait and see about next season and I for one will give ant new manager time. 

I love a moan because we are up against cheats and Jurgen has proved he can go toe to toe with them, the biggest flaw being though thats its US the club that keep sabotaging our own chances.


Every season you can pinpoint the fuckups at a club level and its usually to do with recruitment. We are too cheap for a heavy hitter and we make too many fundamental basic errors to be a heavy hitter.


And the normal bloke on the street can see it but the experts cant. Its unforgiveable.

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48 minutes ago, TheSire said:

I've defended him but I'm thinking back to him missing sitters in those tight games. We've dropped easy points and even when we've finally gotten ahead late in the game it means we've been tired from having to run ourselves into the ground. Missing all these chances just heaps pressure on the whole team, causes nerves and rushed decision making.

Just wanted to come back to this because it’s spot on. 

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2 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

We lost 3-0 and 1-0 at home right after, in a season where we were accumulating results at a very high clip.


Think what you want, the Quansah thing killed us.

Maybe if I hadn't watched those performances and the ones before where we threw away the fa cup and barely scraped passed SU I'd be convinced but I did so I know that's bollocks. 

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7 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

 He could have changed the line up, changed the tactics. He's part of it not absolved from it.

True, but we still created loads of chances to win the game COMFORTABLY. What's to say that different starting line up would've scored the chances we had? He's the least part of the problem for me. It's the dick heads who can't score goals that genuinely, any league one striker would probably finish.


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6 minutes ago, Judge said:

I despise this bunch of fucking losers. Mentality midgets. Get rid. Rebuild. 


I will NEVER forgive Nunez, Curtis, Jota or Salah for those misses.


What does the positive bunch say now?

Ill say Fuck Off.




I've been on the Kop when people shouted at Ian Rush for being useless, and Steve McMahon for being lazy, shit and useless. In the double season.


But despise them? No. The intestinal fortitude wasn't there. I'm disappointed but you are way out of line there.



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10 minutes ago, waddy78 said:

With just a Carabao cup would be embarrassing really we'd laugh at any other club for that.


Yeah we can't have a parade now.  Just make Klopp's last match in front of the Kop a massive, massive send off and maybe some kind of civic reception.

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Just now, Judge said:

Yes, and especially for us when we have to step up and handle the pressure. We fail.


I never want to see the mentioned players again in a LFC shirt. And add  Konate and Endo to that list.

Im sure most of them will play for us next season and I just think a sense of perspective is needed but I doubt you’ll agree. Then again, I’m old. 

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Just now, Pidge said:

Maybe if I hadn't watched those performances and the ones before where we threw away the fa cup and barely scraped passed SU I'd be convinced but I did so I know that'd bollocks. 

You don't have to convince me of all people that we weren't brilliant before that, but it's about as clear of a death blow as it gets.

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Just now, Moo said:


Yeah we can't have a parade now.  Just make Klopp's last match in front of the Kop a massive, massive send off and maybe some kind of civic reception.

This. A parade would be pretty embarrassing for Klopp I'd imagine.

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We should’ve scored one of the chances. 

And, the criminal misuse of TAA when we’re chasing the game and need to score was infuriating. Get him wide. Stretch the play. Get crosses in. Anything can happen, a goal, a deflection for an own goal or to create a bit of chaos in the Palace box or even a corner, which is one of the areas that they struggled from a bit today. 

Instead, you’ve got a proven assist machine picking up the ball miles from goal and laying off little 6 yard passes to the centre backs or getting in the half spaces and having to try and dink an inch perfect pass over and in behind a well disciplined Palace back line. 

It hasn’t made much sense to me at all in the past. But, in today's circumstances, it was mind boggling. 

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2 minutes ago, Moo said:


You were saying? Not taking the piss, it just baffles me the faith people still put in him.

We played a lot better after Trent came on.


Our main problem today was a missing midfield and our players missing sitters like never before. 

Palace defended superbly today, threw themselves at anything inside the box, if I did not know better you could think they were the ones trying to win the league.


The reality is that we outplayed them, even if our midfield was way below par, but abysmal finishing cost us the game.


The title is not gone though, far from it. 

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Inexplicable standard of finishing. It's not often you see so many chances squandered in a game and wonder how the fuck the ball did not go in. We are now selecting line-ups with players who are tired of body and/or mind, and others who are out of form. The ones looking knackered have been asked to carry the team over the past few months as we dealt with a spate of injuries, and though we have got a lot of players back, the tempo and intensity that is required at this stage of the season is something they are not ready for.

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5 minutes ago, Tenfolder said:


Be about right for us to go out there and because all the pressure is now off, somehow pull it back and win. That being said the realist in me thinks there is about a 0.000001% chance of that actually happening.

Like a plant in the desert, I grasp for water, no matter how little.

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Just now, Planet Origi said:

Conceding first every fucking game just puts more unnecessary pressure on the forwards, and this hasn't been addressed all season 

A decent forward convert a 100% chance wether we lead or are behind.


The forward line we have now is a pathetic view. Only Gakpo look like he belong on this level.

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Klopp and the coaching staff are the ones who’ve fucked it up.  The tactical set up is a complete mess.  We don’t create chances from open play unless it’s a mistake, complete luck or an unreal bit of skill.  There doesn’t seem to be any plan whatsoever anymore on how to break down a defence.  It’s been like this for months.


It’s like they’ve disappeared up their own arse with this full back coming inside nonsense.  For the last 15-20 mins of play Robertson was standing in a centre forward position while Gakpo was trying to beat his man on his own to get to the byline to put a ball in with his weaker foot.  Left footed Elliot on the other side cutting back in because he’s got no option himself to either play it back to the centre half or loft a hopeful ball in.  Meanwhile Trents been drafted back in and instantly just parks himself in the middle with absolutely no option at right back to pass the ball to.


Most of the time it’s like we are doing rondos in the middle of the pitch between the midfielders and the centre backs to lead to nothing or give the ball away and get broke on.  It’s insane that we are in the position we are really considering how fucking badly set up we are.  Taking Nunez and Diaz off was unequally comical as well.

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1 minute ago, Code said:

We played a lot better after Trent came on.


Our main problem today was a missing midfield and our players missing sitters like never before. 

Palace defended superbly today, threw themselves at anything inside the box, if I did not know better you could think they were the ones trying to win the league.


The reality is that we outplayed them, even if our midfield was way below par, but abysmal finishing cost us the game.


The title is not gone though, far from it. 

It is. Arsenal don't give up a corner never mind points.

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1 minute ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Oh yeah and ill add his fucking resignation mid season to the list of school boy errors too.

What is he meant to do though? Leave it last minute and we have weeks to find another manager? It's shite but it's on the players, not him. They've bottled it when it counts. Maybe we're actually only good enough for 3rd though and this is just things averaging out. Winning is about consistency and being able to keep strong runs going, the good but not great sides usually hit a really good streak but are found wanting when the gas runs out.

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3 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

I love a moan because we are up against cheats and Jurgen has proved he can go toe to toe with them, the biggest flaw being though thats its US the club that keep sabotaging our own chances.


Every season you can pinpoint the fuckups at a club level and its usually to do with recruitment. We are too cheap for a heavy hitter and we make too many fundamental basic errors to be a heavy hitter.


And the normal bloke on the street can see it but the experts cant. Its unforgiveable.

Most of us agree with this it’s just the constant negativity mate. I hope FSG change their ideas but they won’t, we could have won a lot more with a bit more and without competing against cheats as you say. 

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1 minute ago, The Guest said:

Klopp and the coaching staff are the ones who’ve fucked it up.  The tactical set up is a complete mess.  We don’t create chances from open play unless it’s a mistake, complete luck or an unreal bit of skill.  There doesn’t seem to be any plan whatsoever anymore on how to break down a defence.  It’s been like this for months.


It’s like they’ve disappeared up their own arse with this full back coming inside nonsense.  For the last 15-20 mins of play Robertson was standing in a centre forward position while Gakpo was trying to beat his man on his own to get to the byline to put a ball in with his weaker foot.  Left footed Elliot on the other side cutting back in because he’s got no option himself to either play it back to the centre half or loft a hopeful ball in.  Meanwhile Trents been drafted back in and instantly just parks himself in the middle with absolutely no option at right back to pass the ball to.


Most of the time it’s like we are doing rondos in the middle of the pitch between the midfielders and the centre backs to lead to nothing or give the ball away and get broke on.  It’s insane that we are in the position we are really considering how fucking badly set up we are.  Taking Nunez and Diaz off was unequally comical as well.

That's spot on

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