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Summer 2023 Transfer Thread

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3 minutes ago, Anubis said:

I genuinely thought we wouldn't be finished in the transfer market, but I'm beginning to think we are.

I think we're in the territory of if a player comes up who we like and their club need or want to sell and we think it's cheap, we'll do it. I don't think there'll be too many of them. Maybe gravenberch. But I don't reckon. 

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9 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

It seems like everything amuses your simple mind, including weirdly stalking an LFC board when you are clearly not one of us. 

Not everything. Just the plethora of characters that I have been imagined to be by some of the sophisticated minds on here. Keep them coming.

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Biggest rebuild ever it was touted as. We've spent about 55m net. 


All this talk about midfielders, and all these caveats being thrown out to justify the club's lack of spend and decisiveness, can somebody please explain to me why the fuck we haven't bought a single defender?


Robbo, Matip and Gomez are all either on their last legs or shite. Virg is in his final couple of years too. We therefore have Konate and half of Trent (if he decides he can be arsed to be a right back).


There are so many fucking great young defenders out there, a lot of them on release clauses too. "The market is crazy" rhetoric doesn't fly.

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9 minutes ago, FrenchEyeGlass said:

Biggest rebuild ever it was touted as. We've spent about 55m net. 


All this talk about midfielders, and all these caveats being thrown out to justify the club's lack of spend and decisiveness, can somebody please explain to me why the fuck we haven't bought a single defender?


Robbo, Matip and Gomez are all either on their last legs or shite. Virg is in his final couple of years too. We therefore have Konate and half of Trent (if he decides he can be arsed to be a right back).


There are so many fucking great young defenders out there, a lot of them on release clauses too. "The market is crazy" rhetoric doesn't fly.

Because it’s far more important to have a great group of lads than winning anything. Plus they have to be the right kind of player. Or something.

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8 minutes ago, Freddo said:

Can't kick the can down the road anymore can we. We need two or three good additions this window. Don't know how anyone can see that differently, including klopp and co 



The cans be kicked that far, it's in a different postcode.

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11 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Passing the buck onto other windows is going to keep us like 90s/00s liverpool where our spend was similar to uniteds except they bought one or two top class players and we kept having to buy 3 or 4 mediocre ones. 

If we had anymore ‘final pieces of the jigsaw’ in that era we could have opened our own jigsaw piece section in Liverworld.

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11 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

To be fair, that might not be the case as we settle down, endo gets up to speed, Mac moves forward and we gain some faith in what we're doing..it's a learning process right now and if we were learning a new system under a new manager and we'd gone 12 games unbeaten, I think most people would think "imagine how good this is going to be when we get the hang of this". But because it's klopp, we look back with fondness and wish we could reclaim what that last team had. But it's gone and we're shaping a new one. It would have been better if it wasn't so drastic, but it is. I think you've got to give this system until at least Christmas. 

Oh definitely its a learning process.


My worry is that the squad is so paper thin, we won't get the chance to nail it down. If someone had said to you at the start of the summer that we would get rid of 8-9 and bring in three including a 30 year old, no one would accept it.


For me its the same old scene - the team is learning to make do, and I don't know how I would feel being a Salah, or a Virgil watching this stuff unfold and knowing we are short in many areas.


Im also starting to get annoyed with Jurgen because he must be a part of this "planning" by now as theres no one else about. Does he not realise he will have another exodus next summer? I just think sometimes he loves to play the underdog.


I stick by my assertion that it will take two bad results for everything to turn sour if we have finished in the market. Two results.

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32 minutes ago, Freddo said:

Can't kick the can down the road anymore can we. We need two or three good additions this window. Don't know how anyone can see that differently, including klopp and co 



Yeah we’re not even that short and it shouldn’t have been that difficult. A quality midfielder and a promising defender, like Konate level when we bought him.

It’s been a bit of a shit show.

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1 hour ago, FrenchEyeGlass said:

Biggest rebuild ever it was touted as. We've spent about 55m net. 


All this talk about midfielders, and all these caveats being thrown out to justify the club's lack of spend and decisiveness, can somebody please explain to me why the fuck we haven't bought a single defender?


Robbo, Matip and Gomez are all either on their last legs or shite. Virg is in his final couple of years too. We therefore have Konate and half of Trent (if he decides he can be arsed to be a right back).


There are so many fucking great young defenders out there, a lot of them on release clauses too. "The market is crazy" rhetoric doesn't fly.


And the market isn't going to become any less crazy. The Saudi Clubs are only dipping their toes In the water st the moment. They'll come for the likes or Salah soon enough. 


This window started with so much promise. Their were defensive minded midfielders out there that we could have boxed off early but decided to penny pinch. 


Now with not long to go, I'd say it's Imperative that we sign at least one centre back. Matip will go next summer anyway, Gomez is a bit shite and Robbo is not the answer for the new tactics. 

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5 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

We are apparently actually bidding for Andre. Whether that will happen this summer is the question. Probably not. 

It can go either way this squad.


We have a very good team, I like who we have. What I don't like is the depth.


If we get Andre in now and gravenberch, I think we have a shot at the title, genuinely. Andre and Endo with the versatility of Gravenberch freeing up the other lads would make us serious.


Would like a defender to, or if we brought in Andre and say another CB or a solid and versatile RB.


Thats how close we are I reckon, two/three more players would give us a great rounded squad.

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Ittihad legend Mohammad Nour gave a stinging verdict of the Celtic Treble winner insisting that it was a the correct call to offload Jota - despite his big money move last month. The former AFC Champions League and Pro League winner told SBA Sport: "It has been clear through recent matches that Jota is not suitable for the federation. It is better to change it now than start the season with it and failing later. I thank the federation management for its courage in making such a brave decision."


There is a place for Muhammad Nour on here, making the call to bin him after 2 substitute appearances. 


Edit: get him on the Pod, imagine Paul's head exploding when Nour says Endo's 30 minutes was just not good enough.

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I know I’ve been saying it all summer, and it’s all taken longer / been more frustrating that I would have liked, let’s see where we are come 11pm on September 1st. 

I agree a new midfielder and defender are both required. Personally, I think a lot rides on Gravenberch. Sign him and we can sign 1 more Non-HG player. If we don’t sign him, assuming there is nobody English we like, it’s then either a defender or a midfielder. 

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