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Women in Sport - The Hottest - prob NSFW


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Seeing the other MMA suggestions, I was going to suggest Gina Carano but I'm not sure she counts as a sportswoman now she's making Hollywood movies. In that case, I'll go for:


NASCAR driver Danica Patrick:






US womens f********r Alex Morgan. For some reason she doesn't have any tits which make the bodypaint bikini photo shoot a little bit pointless.





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Ice skating is my new favourite sport. There are probably more attractive women than her on this thread, but she by far looks the dirtiest.


Just imagine that exact facial expression looking back over her shoulder at you while you're balls deep in her sphincter. Fucking hell. Spaffomatic.



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I'd just like to say the GF after a bit of a lull has been back in great form with several threads over the last few weeks highlighting all tht is good in the world.


Single handed claps all round.

I'm not sure.


It's starting to veer too closely to Nuts magazine, for my liking.

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Boss >>>


I don't know if there's better than Alison Stokke. Also in other news I saw Sharapova on the tv the other day, when walking through my house, I think I collapsed into the nearest seat and only returned to reality once it was over. Mesmerising stuff.


Aye she's just on another level. No makeup, hair pulled back in a ponytail, yet still the best, she's just superior.

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Ice skating is my new favourite sport. There are probably more attractive women than her on this thread, but she by far looks the dirtiest.


Just imagine that exact facial expression looking back over her shoulder at you while you're balls deep in her sphincter. Fucking hell. Spaffomatic.

you had best watch out for those fucking razor blades she's got strapped to her feet though

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