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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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56 minutes ago, dockers_strike said:

What a bunch of cunts those that run everton fc are. A 'terse' 40 word statement on the sacking of Benitez, no thanks, no good wishes for the future, just an almost hidden 'fuck off!' and clearly, didnt offer the option for him to say goodbye on their official web site.


It all smacks of arse covering by Moshiri and Kenwright, mea not culpa, honest. And now you see them trying to get back a manager they sacked for rubbish results but because he's got Belgium noticed, is back in favour.


Fuck off and get relegated.

That announcement was probably predictable from the day they announced his appointment, almost embarrassed of the fact they were hiring a European Cup winner. 


Horrible cunt club. He's so much better off out of it.

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1 minute ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

That announcement was probably predictable from the day they announced his appointment, almost embarrassed of the fact they were hiring a European Cup winner. 


Horrible cunt club. He's so much better off out of it.

do you not think he knew that as well?  Nice little earner. 

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20 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Life can be a reflection of what you think. En masse their negativity breeds more of the same. Even when they're full of beans it's never about being the best they can be and enjoying it, it's about lording it up prematurely, there's venom even when they're happy. 


Strangely relegation would be the best thing for them, going into another league, winning and pressing reset on a damaged psyche. They'll never be quite shit enough for that to happen. It's a fanbase that needs to look at itself like when Klopp came in and wantee to change doubters into believers, psychology is massive.

Well said. Beautiful bit of wisdom in what is for me a cathartic / guilty pleasure / schadenfreude of a thread. 

Its not what happens to me, its what I do when it happens to me. It’s how I react. It’s my perception that can affect the change that needs to be made. Basically glass hall full / hall empty stuff. 

That we’ve been blessed with Klopp and his relentless focus on the right mindset reminds of Shanks and his line about, ‘We believe we are the best and we work hard to make sure we are the best’. God I love my club.


But this shower of shite…. Relegation is too good for them. 

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2 hours ago, dockers_strike said:

A 'terse' 40 word statement on the sacking of Benitez, no thanks, no good wishes for the future, just an almost hidden 'fuck off!' and clearly, didnt offer the option for him to say goodbye on their official web site.


Rafa's response:


"We knew it wouldn't be easy," Benitez said following his departure.

"It was a big challenge, both emotionally and in terms of sport. My love for this city, for Merseyside and its people, made me accept this challenge, but it is only when you are inside that you realise the magnitude of the task."

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The thing is, if he see’s it out to the next World Cup then places quarters at least with Belgium then he’s pretty much guaranteed an offer of a Champions League club in all but the premier league probably. If he goes back in to Mordor then David Moyes will try and bite his finger off and he’ll be fucked in to mid table obscurity or worse, back in to international football. Albeit £10m better off.

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It's really hard to work out what's in it for Martinez. I suppose he probably didn't earn mental money as a player, so is seeing a chance to fleece Everton again as maybe top up the pension fund. But seriously, what's in it for Henry? He can't be short of money. You assume the work he's does with Belgium now is about building his skill set up as he has a desire to be a top coach. What will 18 months getting abused at Everton do for any enhancement of his career? 

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27 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Dont get it with Martinez I've always thought he was shite and now he's worked his shite with genuine world class player's he's going back and implement his shitness with shit players. 

Yeah they wanted him out when he actually had better players last time. Given the dross they now have and Martinez's complete inability to build teams that can defend this should be fun.

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2 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

It's really hard to work out what's in it for Martinez. I suppose he probably didn't earn mental money as a player, so is seeing a chance to fleece Everton again as maybe top up the pension fund. But seriously, what's in it for Henry? He can't be short of money. You assume the work he's does with Belgium now is about building his skill set up as he has a desire to be a top coach. What will 18 months getting abused at Everton do for any enhancement of his career? 

Big payoff when the chop inevitably happens? Given their ever shortening managerial cycle he could be in and out of the place before he's even gone to the world cup.

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...I still don't quite understand this, Mr Henry. Why do you want me to do this?


It's wheels within wheels, Roberto, wheels within wheels.


I have no idea what you are taking about, sir.


Bread and circuses, Roberto. Bread and circuses.


Please, signor! You are making my head hurt.


I need to keep my people amused and I don't want to spend anything on them.


Still nothing!


To quote, Roberto, from Beyond the Fringe: 'Get up in a crate, take a shufty, don't come back'.



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40 minutes ago, clangers said:

Big payoff when the chop inevitably happens? Given their ever shortening managerial cycle he could be in and out of the place before he's even gone to the world cup.

Yeah, I see the pay off for Martinez. But surely Henry is trying to enhance his career at the moment and his pension pot is big enough? I absolutely agree if they do both jobs, they could be back to 1 by the world cup. 

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

It's really hard to work out what's in it for Martinez. I suppose he probably didn't earn mental money as a player, so is seeing a chance to fleece Everton again as maybe top up the pension fund. But seriously, what's in it for Henry? He can't be short of money. You assume the work he's does with Belgium now is about building his skill set up as he has a desire to be a top coach. What will 18 months getting abused at Everton do for any enhancement of his career? 

They are trying to make out he has 'unfinished business'but I genuinely cant see why he would even go near that utter basket case of a club again


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