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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

It's really hard to work out what's in it for Martinez. I suppose he probably didn't earn mental money as a player, so is seeing a chance to fleece Everton again as maybe top up the pension fund. But seriously, what's in it for Henry? He can't be short of money. You assume the work he's does with Belgium now is about building his skill set up as he has a desire to be a top coach. What will 18 months getting abused at Everton do for any enhancement of his career? 


Nil Sack Nisi Va Va Voom.

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Whilst they (club & fans) judge everything they do against what Liverpool FC do they’ll forever be doomed to fail.  They need to stop blaming everyone else for their failings and take a long look in the mirror.  That’s where the problems they have lie, though I guess it’s easier to blame us rather than under go some self reflection. 

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Just now, Pete said:

Whilst they (club & fans) judge everything they do against what Liverpool FC do they’ll forever be doomed to fail.  They need to stop blaming everyone else for their failings and take a long look in the mirror.  That’s where the problems they have lie, though I guess it’s easier to blame us rather than under go some self reflection. 

Rafa tried to tell them that but they shot the messenger.

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3 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

Rafa's response:


"We knew it wouldn't be easy," Benitez said following his departure.

"It was a big challenge, both emotionally and in terms of sport. My love for this city, for Merseyside and its people, made me accept this challenge, but it is only when you are inside that you realise the magnitude of the task."

Rafa feels like he's in an episode of Dr Who when he realises the magnitude of the task once inside the tardis known as small club Everton

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What I've loved about Rafa in all this is that he's the antithesis of what they usually go in for.


By that I mean he's a professional who viewed himself as being there to do a job, nothing more nor less.


Your usual blue though, your Duncan Fergusons or your Moyes types, are all tattoos and Everton underpants. 


They're a club of big empty gestures. The fans are the same, how many of them have fucking z cars as a ringtone, yet every Christmas like clockwork they're peddling half season tickets.

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

What I've loved about Rafa in all this is that he's the antithesis of what they usually go in for.


By that I mean he's a professional who viewed himself as being there to do a job, nothing more nor less.


Your usual blue though, your Duncan Fergusons or your Moyes types, are all tattoos and Everton underpants. 


They're a club of big empty gestures. The fans are the same, how many of them have fucking z cars as a ringtone, yet every Christmas like clockwork they're peddling half season tickets.

True enough , but a bit worried you are a fifth columnist after being behind you at lights today.



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2 hours ago, Pete said:

Whilst they (club & fans) judge everything they do against what Liverpool FC do they’ll forever be doomed to fail.  They need to stop blaming everyone else for their failings and take a long look in the mirror.  That’s where the problems they have lie, though I guess it’s easier to blame us rather than under go some self reflection. 

I agree.

I was talking to my mate today about them.


Its funny that all Martinez, Koeman, Silva, Ancelotti and Benitez all did well at clubs before The Ev and have done in jobs after The Ev but it’s always the managers fault. 

But then Allerdyce, who was their most successful manager (I use that term very loosely), they don’t want him back!


The supporters create a environment and atmosphere that clearly isn’t conducive to being successful. They are so quick to get on their players back and desperate to measure up to us, they just suffocate whoever is in charge.

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20 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


He took Moshiri to court didn't he , fucking hell this is weird even for Everton.


As a back up for Section's point earlier , I spoke to a Blue today who said they should think outside the box and see if Tony Bellew was interested , as he knew the club , could put his points across well and would have the respect of the players. I was waiting for him to laugh , but he didn't.



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8 minutes ago, sir roger said:

He took Moshiri to court didn't he , fucking hell this is weird even for Everton.


As a back up for Section's point earlier , I spoke to a Blue today who said they should think outside the box and see if Tony Bellew was interested , as he knew the club , could put his points across well and would have the respect of the players. I was waiting for him to laugh , but he didn't.



Just lacking that wee bit of having any football coaching badges.

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