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Tory Cabinet Thread


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Now all of a sudden this Angela Raynor story is making sense  , CCHQ have known about this for 3 months but have kept quiet ( I know I was shocked) 

So they have gone full wacko on Raynor to deflect attention away from there own fuck ups .

The classic Tory trick of  don't look here look over there routine .

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5 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

Now all of a sudden this Angela Raynor story is making sense  , CCHQ have known about this for 3 months but have kept quiet ( I know I was shocked) 

So they have gone full wacko on Raynor to deflect attention away from there own fuck ups .

The classic Tory trick of  don't look here look over there routine .


Not sure it's getting much traction, it feels a lot like that 'beergate' bollocks they tried to pin on Starmer. The Mail whipped themselves into a frenzy, but no one else gave a shit and it was quickly forgotten once the police had wasted time looking at it and dismissing it.

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14 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Not sure it's getting much traction, it feels a lot like that 'beergate' bollocks they tried to pin on Starmer. The Mail whipped themselves into a frenzy, but no one else gave a shit and it was quickly forgotten once the police had wasted time looking at it and dismissing it.

hodges is tweeting about it hour by hour

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Sure Start could have changed everything for my family. Labour must be brave – and revitalise it | Terri White | The Guardian


great comment below



As an ex social worker I am a huge supporter of Sure Start. You really don’t need to invent something else: it seemed brilliant then, when it was implemented, and it so it has proved. The Tories hate it because they really don’t want

people to improve their lives. Their whole reason for being is to maintain the status quo for their own interests.
However, the fabric of this country has been left in such a deep mess after these years of the political choice of austerity, I really sympathise with Starmer’s caution about what he can realistically do, which some will call ‘lack of vision’
We’ve been asset stripped. We may never fully recover.

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It's probably been said a million times before,  not least by me, but I do find it fascinating how a party that presents itself as the protector of tradition and family values has such a strong tradition of, not just your run of the mill sex pests, but the proper exotic full on creepy fuckers.

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13 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

It's probably been said a million times before,  not least by me, but I do find it fascinating how a party that presents itself as the protector of tradition and family values has such a strong tradition of, not just your run of the mill sex pests, but the proper exotic full on creepy fuckers.


Not their values - yours.

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1 hour ago, Jack the Sipper said:

It's probably been said a million times before,  not least by me, but I do find it fascinating how a party that presents itself as the protector of tradition and family values has such a strong tradition of, not just your run of the mill sex pests, but the proper exotic full on creepy fuckers.

Like Baxter Basics in Viz

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2 hours ago, Jack the Sipper said:

It's probably been said a million times before,  not least by me, but I do find it fascinating how a party that presents itself as the protector of tradition and family values has such a strong tradition of, not just your run of the mill sex pests, but the proper exotic full on creepy fuckers.

Bit harsh that



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13 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

I remember  Bernard Manning saying that he was also wearing a Manchester City shirt but the police kept that private to spare the family embarrassment.

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1 minute ago, littletedwest said:

I remember  Bernard Manning saying that he was also wearing a Manchester City shirt but the police kept that private to spare the family embarrassment.

Wasn't it around the time they wanted to get back to 'victorian values,?

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17 hours ago, Gnasher said:

More high jinks. Here comes the mandatory dog. 





Sure he’s not a Lib Dem? 


2 hours ago, polymerpunkah said:

How many other children does Boris Johnson have?

It is believed that the former prime minister has nine children, however, he has not officially confirmed the exact number.

To be fair the cunt probably doesn’t know himself 

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On 17/04/2024 at 22:38, Arniepie said:

Mark menzies sounds a lovely fella

BBC keep showing different official portraits of him and in every one he's doing that weird thing with his gob.  Why would anyone vote for a candidate with a grid like that?

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1 minute ago, johnsusername said:

They're back to telling sick people they should be working and that they're not really sick. And blaming GPs.


These lot are beyond tiresome. Fucking grow up. 

‘We are treating more adults than ever in NHS mental health’


Yeah, unpick that and ask why?


Years of struggle, stigma and demonisation through you and the compliant media.


Reducing ‘illness’ to an homogeneous whole so you can posture on a ‘hard work pays off’ platform while you benefit more than anyone from ‘benefits’ of government largess.


Tax loopholes, write downs, front end investment, all ‘benefits’ this government doesn’t seem to have a problem with and they cost far, far, far fucking more than some broken people whose lives are utterly fucking miserable due to policies, actions and words of you and your fucking  ilk, you rancid, vapid, vicious, little shit imp.


Fuck off.

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18 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

They're back to telling sick people they should be working and that they're not really sick. And blaming GPs.


These lot are beyond tiresome. Fucking grow up. 


Seems to be going down well amongst the medical fraternity, although it's early days. 






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46 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

They're back to telling sick people they should be working and that they're not really sick. And blaming GPs.


These lot are beyond tiresome. Fucking grow up. 

extremely wealthy people with privileged backgrounds, who have been in power for 13 the last 13 years, blame people to sick to work, for the state of the country.

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Yet another tactical change that won't work. People are well into mental health now, people from all classes and walks of life - this bollocks only washes with white van men, and there aren't enough to build a movement on. This party is absolutely finished, it's like a parody of itself, like someone was wandering the wasteland and found an old Tory party pamphlet and a copy of the Daily Mail in the desert sands and tried to fashion a version of it,  but didn't have a clue what any of it meant. 

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