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Tory Cabinet Thread


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I keep on hearing how much of a deterrent being sent to Rwanda is, from the same people who say how safe it is and how its a great place?


If actually losing your life in The Channel isnt a deterrent, why do they think Rwanda will be ?

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9 minutes ago, Kepler-186 said:

Plenty of money for BAE systems not so much for child literacy and development. 

Doesn’t look like theres money for either now they’ve started to pull it apart.


Its the exact same policy stunt Johnson pulled in 2022.


Uncosted fantasy, and smoke and mirrors book keeping, where the next generation have to pick up the tab for the sake of a headline.



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13 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Doesn’t look like theres money for either now they’ve started to pull it apart.


Its the exact same policy stunt Johnson pulled in 2022.


Uncosted fantasy, and smoke and mirrors book keeping, where the next generation have to pick up the tab for the sake of a headline.



Defence procurement is notoriously fickle. There’s still middle aged men fighting on Facebook aircraft groups about the TSR2 project. 

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30 minutes ago, Kepler-186 said:

Defence procurement is notoriously fickle. There’s still middle aged men fighting on Facebook aircraft groups about the TSR2 project. 

Ben Zaranko, of The IFS, goes through it here and breaks down all the nonsense.


Cheap headline grabbing stuff, again.




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7 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Ben Zaranko, of The IFS, goes through it here and breaks down all the nonsense.


Cheap headline grabbing stuff, again.




Thanks mate, the usual dodgy accounting and soundbites as you point out. 

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People need to view the post Johnson party for what it is. Grifters, gangsters and thieves. Once you view it through that prism you realise every policy or spending pledge is merely a distraction tactic designed to knock you off balance long enough for them to nip out the back door again and steal some more family silver.


The whole last 14 years has been strip mining pure and simple. The way we used to do it to colonies, we've done it to ourselves, like a bear chewing its own arm off.

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2 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

People need to view the post Johnson party for what it is. Grifters, gangsters and thieves. Once you view it through that prism you realise every policy or spending pledge is merely a distraction tactic designed to knock you off balance long enough for them to nip out the back door again and steal some more family silver.


The whole last 14 years has been strip mining pure and simple. The way we used to do it to colonies, we've done it to ourselves, like a bear chewing its own arm off.

Spot on. 


Posted the link before but worth another look. 







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46 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

People need to view the post Johnson party for what it is. Grifters, gangsters and thieves. Once you view it through that prism you realise every policy or spending pledge is merely a distraction tactic designed to knock you off balance long enough for them to nip out the back door again and steal some more family silver.


The whole last 14 years has been strip mining pure and simple. The way we used to do it to colonies, we've done it to ourselves, like a bear chewing its own arm off.

there was a letter in the guardian last week saying they have spent the last 13 years basically asset stripping the country,its hard to argue against it.

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Just now, Arniepie said:

there was a letter in the guardian last week saying they have spent the last 13 years basically asset stripping the country,its hard to argue against it.

There’s that chip on your shoulder again you moaning scouse bastard. 

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I've seen some stupid tory government ministers over the years but Shapps is in the top bracket of idiocy. The man hasn't even the most basic grasp of economics. Surely he must understand that the 72,000 people he's nonchalantly throwing on the dole pay taxes, have mortgages and spend money into the economy. Grants brainwave would see many forced to take money from the state and put extra burdens on public services. 







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3 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

I've seen some stupid tory government ministers over the years but Shapps is in the top bracket of idiocy. The man hasn't even the most basic grasp of economics. Surely he must understand that the 72,000 people he's nonchalantly throwing on the dole pay taxes, have mortgages and spend money into the economy. Grants brainwave would see many forced to take money from the state and put extra burdens on public services. 







its just noise to appeal to daily mail readers

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