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Tory Cabinet Thread


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I've always fancied getting into chewing tobacco. 


They should use it to punish young offenders. When they're convicted they get dragged in front of a bloke on a horse dressed as a cowboy chewing backy who then grogs on their forehead.

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This is a load of bullshit. Sunak and Co couldn't give two fucks about children smoking further down the line. He's being paid. One of his paymasters is the racist fella who said he wanted to shoot Diane Abbott, Frank Hestor. 


Can't print whole article but headline shows him here.




As for the ban, the Chinese government will be licking their lips. They'll flood the country with cheap tobacco and reap the benefits from the sales whilst Britain will still have the downside of issues regarding health but miss out on all the tax. Its just another example of our politicans acting dumb. Smoking in Britain was on the decrease anyway. 


Long article from a few years ago, our very own Rico makes an appearance towards the end. 






Sticking with the subject of China and banning things. Another own goal, this time by America.  We are not playing very smart with bans and sanctions. This tobacco one is all about back handers to Tories, nothing more. 










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I think the argument for freedom to make your own decisions, and live or die by them, goes out the window considering the billions of pounds smoking related illnesses cost the (generally non-smoking) taxpayer each year via the NHS. As a principle, I'm in favour of capable adults being allowed to make their own decisions in their lives, but not at the expense of others, or society more generally, and that's the line crossed here.


And, if we are to accept that the freedom to do your own thing is paramount, then why doesn't that apply to everything? I don't remember anything like the same outrage from 'libertarian's' when so-called legal highs were banned not long ago, and they don't cost society anything like as much. Cannabis? Try telling some stuffy Telegraph reading cunt with a whiskey in his hand that we should legalise weed and he'd think you were smoking something. It seems like societal/cultural norms and stereotypes figure into their calculations more than inherent principles.



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Sorry if it makes me a Tory, but I agree with phasing out tobacco.


If you use tobacco as its meant to be used it will cause serious health issues. If you use alcohol as its meant to be used (I.e. in moderation) it is much less likely to cause serious health issues.


Addiction is a whole other discussion.

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

I've always fancied getting into chewing tobacco. 


They should use it to punish young offenders. When they're convicted they get dragged in front of a bloke on a horse dressed as a cowboy chewing backy who then grogs on their forehead.

When I worked in Stockholm a few years ago one of the managers there chewed these tobacco pouches that you put under your bottom lip. I didnt twig at first what he was doing as when I saw his bottom lip moving and his facial expressions as the tobacco hit I thought he was having some sort of seizure, it was quite unnerving.

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46 minutes ago, redinblack said:

When I worked in Stockholm a few years ago one of the managers there chewed these tobacco pouches that you put under your bottom lip. I didnt twig at first what he was doing as when I saw his bottom lip moving and his facial expressions as the tobacco hit I thought he was having some sort of seizure, it was quite unnerving.

Snu's. There was a scandal about footballers using them a while back.

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22 minutes ago, sir roger said:

Might have to start the ciggy runs from Tenerife again.


Exactly what will happen. The country will be full with both them and cheap Chinese cigarettes. 

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I might have to dust off the old ice cream van I had from the eighties. Fags, ganja, rizla, hippy crack, poppers, uppers and downers.  Outside the gates of the local primary schools in the morning, secondary schools in the afternoon then youth clubs in the early evenings. Earn an absolute fortune and do a good service for the local community. You do get the odd child who actually wants an ice cream with a flake but then you're always going to get a couple of weirdos. 

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truth now longer matters since that fat mess


the prime minister told MPs: "We have just cut taxes by £900 for a typical worker".

He is talking about the impact of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's two cuts in National Insurance (NI) of 2p in the pound each - totalling a 4% decrease.

The average wage for a full-time employee is about £35,000, and that person will indeed pay about £900 less in NI this year as a result of the changes.

But that worker will also be paying tax on more of their salary because of previous government decisions. The independent Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates that they will actually only be £340 better off.


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Another one!! Fucking hell.



Remember Lee Anderson describing those who worked for the BBC as a bunch of pervs, he was Conservative party chairman.



Can't read the full article as its paywall but the snippets are bad enough. What a fucking party, from tractor man watching porn in the commons to this. And a lot of rapes in-between  







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Another day...



A Conservative MP has lost the party whip after an investigation was launched following claims that he misused campaign funds.

Mark Menzies, 52, also faced allegations that he made a late-night call to a 78-year-old aide asking for help because he had been locked up by “bad people” demanding thousands of pounds for his release.

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