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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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6 hours ago, Mudface said:


Massively overstating a case?


Rico- I'm kind of broadly in agreement with a lot of what you post on this thread,  but you go way too far.


The Hoylyood no confidence vote is for Yousaf, not the government- it needn't collapse it. The Cass report isn't the main or only reason Yousaf dissolved the coalition. He's an awful politician who's a massive downgrade on Sturgeon and has massively fucked up because he doesn't command the control she did over a fractious party.

 ‘Too far’ - how so? By highlighting the nonsense and hypocrisy?


I guess yours is one view on Scotland.  There are others. Isla Bryson peaked a country.  


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Fucks sake Rico your obsession with the rights and safety of half of the population of planet earth as well as safeguarding children is fucking boring.


We need more emphasis, posts and threads about the tories, right wingers, Palestine and the inner workings of the Labour party.



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This kind of performative outrage only ever applies to a very narrow band or subject and the fervor with which the right in particular (although not exclusively) will go after a certain sub-set of people under the guise of 'safety and concern' isn't mirrored by their lack of equivalent outrage for the much larger threats out their.


Unless I've missed the 'Rapey white males - What's going on' or the 'prevelance of middle aged white pedophiles - whats going on' thread's where people are espousing their obsessive 'I'm just looking out for women and children' claims with endless ranty posts.


It'd make Miriam Cates proud (maybe that's the intent).




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1 hour ago, A Red said:

Fucks sake Rico your obsession with the rights and safety of half of the population of planet earth as well as safeguarding children is fucking boring.


We need more emphasis, posts and threads about the tories, right wingers, Palestine and the inner workings of the Labour party.




It’s the ultimate virtue signal.  “I’m that desperate to show how right on I am that I’m willing to deny the evidence of my eyes.”

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28 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

This kind of performative outrage only ever applies to a very narrow band or subject and the fervor with which the right in particular (although not exclusively) will go after a certain sub-set of people under the guise of 'safety and concern' isn't mirrored by their lack of equivalent outrage for the much larger threats out their.


Unless I've missed the 'Rapey white males - What's going on' or the 'prevelance of middle aged white pedophiles - whats going on' thread's where people are espousing their obsessive 'I'm just looking out for women and children' claims with endless ranty posts.


It'd make Miriam Cates proud (maybe that's the intent).




 Lazy thinking again.  The idea that the women at the forefront of pushing back against this bollocks are right wing is crazy. Joanne Cherry, Julie Bindel even JKR are socialists who have been abandoned by the left.  The fact that people on the right haven’t been captured and are able to say ‘that’s a bloke’ says more about the left.  Last week a report showed the scandal for what it is.  If those women hadn’t made such a fuss that report would never had happened and kids would still be at risk.  

On your point about men being dangerous no one is arguing against it. In fact that’s one of the central pillars of the argument. Women are in danger from men so the idea that a self selecting subset of men should be allowed access to women when they are vulnerable is fucking mad.  

imagine the Horizon scandal campaigners or the Hillsborough campaigners being told they were going too far…

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I forgot - if you think the GC women are right wing have a look on YouTube for any of the events that have been attacked by masked men.  Violent men turning up to events where women relate stories of being raped.  

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16 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

That's what not exclusively means.


It very much does apply to the little TLW tory cohort though.

From today’s Guardian


“The tide ……is visibly turning against a particular strain of trans activism, leaving tough lessons to be learned about the kind of scolding tone and morally absolute refusal to engage with reasonable opposition that can be fatal to progressive causes.”


Also the idea that you can dismiss an argument because the person making it isn’t a fan of Labour is pathetic.  

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2 hours ago, A Red said:

Fucks sake Rico your obsession with the rights and safety of half of the population of planet earth as well as safeguarding children is fucking boring.


We need more emphasis, posts and threads about the tories, right wingers, Palestine and the inner workings of the Labour party.




I'm broadly in agreement with him on the subject, I just found it funny how he kept posting stuff with no reply.


Problem with a lot of this stuff when you take it from twitter or some other online sources, as I've pointed out with Gnasher, is that it's all someone's take on an issue, or a report, or whatever.


This cass report, there'll be people posting excerpts which prove their point, and others posting other bits that seem to refute it.


With Gnasher and that Origi lad, it's just endless tweets with "genocide!' written above it.


You could do the same with this, "chicks with dicks!".


For all the bad press the hated "msm", at least aspects of it try and present balanced views of most issues, whereas online talking heads drip drip you everything through their own prism.

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30 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

Who mentioned Labour?


I'm dismissing your performative outrage which is very tory (or very remorseful drunken night out, which basically amounts to the same thing).



Dont you find it somewhat amusing that everything I’ve said would happen, has happened?  I guess that’s what annoys you the most.  

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I'm not the one that seems to be annoyed though, it's the classic lunatic shouting that everyone else is mad at 2pm in a wetherspoons trope.


It seems to consume your every waking moment, never go full Le Tiss.

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16 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

I'm not the one that seems to be annoyed though, it's the classic lunatic shouting that everyone else is mad at 2pm in a wetherspoons trope.


It seems to consume your every waking moment, never go full Le Tiss.

Weird.  There’s a report not 2 weeks old detailing what could be the biggest medical scandal for decades but you’re comparing me to a conspiracy theorist.  

Maybe if I was posting about a regional war thousands of miles away it’d be ok.  

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


I'm broadly in agreement with him on the subject, I just found it funny how he kept posting stuff with no reply.


Problem with a lot of this stuff when you take it from twitter or some other online sources, as I've pointed out with Gnasher, is that it's all someone's take on an issue, or a report, or whatever.


This cass report, there'll be people posting excerpts which prove their point, and others posting other bits that seem to refute it.


With Gnasher and that Origi lad, it's just endless tweets with "genocide!' written above it.


You could do the same with this, "chicks with dicks!".


For all the bad press the hated "msm", at least aspects of it try and present balanced views of most issues, whereas online talking heads drip drip you everything through their own prism.


Sorry but it's a totally different situation. The reason twitter has become the main source of information from Gaza is the banning  of main stream journalists. Israel has murdered almost 100 on the ground localised journalists with the goal of preventing the information you are complaining about being released. Unless you'd prefer to trust the IDF and the Jerusalem Post twitter been a godsend. Its a fast moving story, as all conflicts are. Information regarding the little girl Hind who died waiting for an ambulance and the recent mass hospital graves to name but two stories have been in the main been uncovered by people on the ground in Gaza sending information out on twitter.  Although Musk is now doing his bit for the Israelis by trying a bit of  information suppression by certain users/journalists. 



Here's the veiw of a "msn' journalist speaking on twitter. She often praised the information coming out from on the ground accounts from Gaza. 



If you need an example of how Israel and its agents try to silence journalists look no further than LBC journo Sangita Myska, she's  mainstream journalist.



Here's another one,  your old mate. He's right and so is Charlie Herbert. 



Anyway that's me done with this thread, as you were. 


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11 hours ago, TD_LFC said:

That's what not exclusively means.


It very much does apply to the little TLW tory cohort though.

Well done, you got to say say tory. Always looks good that, gets a few points.

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2 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Lefty of the Week. 

I was just thinking about that earlier! You should bring it back. Great opportunity for people like that TD lfc lad to get noticed and get recognition all at the same time. Needs to be monthly I reckon.

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32 minutes ago, A Red said:

Another one, you're on fire. You're going to be popular.


Speaking of which A Red. Just come across a pic of you in your younger lefty days, before you got converted.




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Reports the NHS are getting rid of the frankly ridiculous language like ovary owners instead of women.  Men also being banned from women’s wards. 

I think that’s an example of something that  ‘wouldnt happen’ happening and then being fixed. 

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On 27/04/2024 at 09:00, TD_LFC said:

This kind of performative outrage only ever applies to a very narrow band or subject and the fervor with which the right in particular (although not exclusively) will go after a certain sub-set of people under the guise of 'safety and concern' isn't mirrored by their lack of equivalent outrage for the much larger threats out their.


Unless I've missed the 'Rapey white males - What's going on' or the 'prevelance of middle aged white pedophiles - whats going on' thread's where people are espousing their obsessive 'I'm just looking out for women and children' claims with endless ranty posts.


It'd make Miriam Cates proud (maybe that's the intent).




JKR recognises you…



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24 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:

2609 posts banging the same drum on one thread. impressive bellendery.

The worst bit is that you are forced to read and interact with them.  That’s just fascism.   

Edit: there’s hundreds from people who claim not to care or understand.  Now that is mental.   

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