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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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Started reading this:



Then went onto this:



I need advice on how to process this.



Is transgender a thing?  Is it totally a synthetic idea made by gay people who want to change the way they look?


It seems at odds with so much of nature for it to be a natural thing?


Being gay is different, I get that, but wanting to change your gender just seems like 'gay plus', more a fetish-based request than a genuine 'mistake' made by 'God' that needs rectifying. 


And then there are people with 'fluid gender'.   I'm veering towards the 'this is bollocks' side of the fence, but open to listen and have my mind changed. 


This dude had a good thing going, his missus was hot:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38761068


Then he decides he's not a he, and turns into a she.  The girlfriend, being a total catch, agrees to lesbian sex with him.  


Why couldn't he just remain a bloke and go out with the girl?  He just wanted tits and a fanny and to put make-up on without prejudice or, perhaps was it shame?  Dunno, but for me, he broke the rules and went 'gay plus'.  And that's fine....but I'm just not convinced it's an affliction that he needed to rectify and then make public. 

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Started reading this:



Then went onto this:



I need advice on how to process this.



Is transgender a thing?  Is it totally a synthetic idea made by gay people who want to change the way they look?


It seems at odds with so much of nature for it to be a natural thing?


Being gay is different, I get that, but wanting to change your gender just seems like 'gay plus', more a fetish-based request than a genuine 'mistake' made by 'God' that needs rectifying. 


And then there are people with 'fluid gender'.   I'm veering towards the 'this is bollocks' side of the fence, but open to listen and have my mind changed. 


This dude had a good thing going, his missus was hot:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38761068


Then he decides he's not a he, and turns into a she.  The girlfriend, being a total catch, agrees to lesbian sex with him.  


Why couldn't he just remain a bloke and go out with the girl?  He just wanted tits and a fanny and to put make-up on without prejudice or, perhaps was it shame?  Dunno, but for me, he broke the rules and went 'gay plus'.  And that's fine....but I'm just not convinced it's an affliction that he needed to rectify and then make public. 



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I have 2 stances on this:


1) if people who I'll likely never meet or even speak to don't feel comfortable in their lives and their bodies then (after a lengthy period of consultation and counselling to address the massive choice they may make) they should be free to make a decision that won't really effect my rather irrelevant existence in any way at all. I'm not arsed. Let them do what they want.


2) funnneeeee is a bit of a cunt

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From what I've listened to it's a very very small portion of society. That doesn't mean it should be ignored as the people impacted must have a fucking terrible time. I've heard some argue it's a mental illness (like body dysmorphia) but that doesn't feel right to me. I know that the people impacted have really high suicide rates and surgery doesn't change that.


It's a fucking can of worms, especially as Ru Paul has been accused of being transphobic. Ru Paul.

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Guest Pistonbroke

Our neighbour two doors down is a Transvestite. Nice enough girl, she cried when the missus and myself talked to her in the park, most people don't even register the fact she's a human being, cunts. One of our other neighbours lent over the garden fence and started the usual piss take about her, so I said "She's better looking than you love." Took the cow a whole month to talk to me again, not that i wanted her to talk to me mind. 


Like others have said, it affects my life in no way whatsoever, so people should be allowed to do what they want as long as it isn't illegal. It is their body, and I'm sure the majority of those who have gone through painful procedures both mentally and physical did not do so on a whim. 

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Our neighbour two doors down is a Transvestite. Nice enough girl, she cried when the missus and myself talked to her in the park, most people don't even register the fact she's a human being, cunts. One of our other neighbours lent over the garden fence and started the usual piss take about her, so I said "She's better looking than you love." Took the cow a whole month to talk to me again, not that i wanted her to talk to me mind. 


Like others have said, it affects my life in no way whatsoever, so people should be allowed to do what they want as long as it isn't illegal. It is their body, and I'm sure the majority of those who have gone through painful procedures both mentally and physical did not do so on a whim.


Number 69 ? Fuck me, don't knock on number 4.

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