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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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After 380 pages have we got any closer to the real route cause of the problem, does Rico want to fuck one or be one?


There's a definite 'vehemently anti-gay/trans politician caught in uncompromising position with male aide' vibes going on.



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Got the first line right at least...


Anyway, beyond the activist spin, I quite like this testimony from the report, hopefully the service improvements help more young ppl get space for the right reflection. There's certainly plenty of cause for concern in the report (leadership, even beyond gids, and the mprg safeguarding concerns pretty damning in terms of process failures), just confusing why so many anti-trans voices seem to want to overlook that evidence in favour of conflating the findings with other related issues.


There are like six reports in the document really, the Cass report, three York reports (maybe more actually, but they're pretty directly reflected in the main body so I didn't dwell on them), the CSU quant analysis and the MPRG audit report. All interesting, none of them answer everything you'd hope, mainly due to the lack of linked data.



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3 hours ago, TD_LFC said:

After 380 pages have we got any closer to the real route cause of the problem, does Rico want to fuck one or be one?


There's a definite 'vehemently anti-gay/trans politician caught in uncompromising position with male aide' vibes going on.




He thinks biology is real and medical experiments on children are bad.  Imagine that being controversial?



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Also interesting how the clinics were deliberately obstructive and wouldn’t hand over data.  The government have stepped in demanded they cooperate.  This will be very messy.  

What was the received wisdom on blockers on here?  Can’t remember? Must check. 

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19 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Also interesting how the clinics were deliberately obstructive and wouldn’t hand over data.  The government have stepped in demanded they cooperate.  This will be very messy.  

What was the received wisdom on blockers on here?  Can’t remember? Must check. 


The data linked to patients discharged to the adult clinics is one the big gaps in understanding drop out rates and any consequences of the treatment paths as, within the report, theres very little on what those are (despite the noise about it). But yeah, needs to be looked into, as does the policy decisions around the guidance given to GIDS that did enable routine prescription as the evidence base clearly isn't there in terms of positive or negative effects.

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7 minutes ago, Pidge said:


The data linked to patients discharged to the adult clinics is one the big gaps in understanding drop out rates and any consequences of the treatment paths as, within the report, theres very little on what those are (despite the noise about it). But yeah, needs to be looked into, as does the policy decisions around the guidance given to GIDS that did enable routine prescription as the evidence base clearly isn't there in terms of positive or negative effects.

Mmm.  There was no follow up from Tavistock and deliberate obstruction in other clinics. Why?  There’s a constant parroting of a 1% dissatisfaction rate of reassignment surgery (GF honorary member OJ Simpleton loves it) yet a huge proportion of surgery goes fucking horribly wrong.  Pauline’s 6inch depth is a dream rarely realised.  The reality is a smell of shit from the colon skin. Or the other way the harvested skin from the forearm leaving it looking like Simon Weston. 

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Surgery is a non sequitur in terms of the findings of the report, from what I've gone through so far, there isn't any coverage of it as a common follow on treatment or part of GIDS pathway (although may have missed something).


Hormones are the main follow-up. The consequences of blockers affecting m2f transition surgery further down the line is highlighted as a major reason why it shouldn't be routinely prescribed to that cohort. 

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7 minutes ago, Pidge said:

Surgery is a non sequitur in terms of the findings of the report, from what I've gone through so far, there isn't any coverage of it as a common follow on treatment or part of GIDS pathway (although may have missed something).


Hormones are the main follow-up. The consequences of blockers affecting m2f transition surgery further down the line is highlighted as a major reason why it shouldn't be routinely prescribed to that cohort. 

I’ve posted the clip of Jackie Green before, laughing that her sons prepubescent penis didn’t give the surgeon anything to work with. Then how she work him up to force the dilator into him. 

None of this was secret but it seems that Cass has removed a veil. 


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The ‘toxicity on both sides’ is weird too.  One side is accused of being toxic for saying ‘no’. The other threatens rape, assaults women, tries to get them fired, fires them, drives them out of jobs, changes policy based on lies etc etc.  it’s so one sided.  

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9 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

Mmm.  There was no follow up from Tavistock and deliberate obstruction in other clinics. Why?  There’s a constant parroting of a 1% dissatisfaction rate of reassignment surgery (GF honorary member OJ Simpleton loves it) yet a huge proportion of surgery goes fucking horribly wrong.  Pauline’s 6inch depth is a dream rarely realised.  The reality is a smell of shit from the colon skin. Or the other way the harvested skin from the forearm leaving it looking like Simon Weston. 


Hahaha, fair fucks for googling what the surgery entails. Not my cup of tea when it comes to using Google search.

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1 hour ago, Rico1304 said:

Here’s the stats on co-morbibities I mentioned earlier.  

This has been known about for ages.



That's not really what I was talking about, that doesn't even have the prescription data (as the account wants to suggest that all of these patients were given invasive or irreversible treatments, we know they weren't), let alone linked outcome data (which is the bit still missing in Cass). 

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5 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:



I’ve not forgotten, been busy.  I’m sure if you just search ‘prison’ in here you’ll find out for yourself.  From memory there were some stats from US about prison sexual assaults by guards.  

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I do still think this debate exists largely only online. I've only ever encountered one transgender person and never met anyone who gives a fuck about it either way. My own concerns are based purely around safety, prisons etc. I also don't like being lectured on biology by people who aren't biologists.

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On 13/04/2024 at 07:30, Section_31 said:

I do still think this debate exists largely only online. I've only ever encountered one transgender person and never met anyone who gives a fuck about it either way. My own concerns are based purely around safety, prisons etc. I also don't like being lectured on biology by people who aren't biologists.

But that’s just not true.  Women have been fired, cancelled, cheated out of wins in sports and even put in prison with men.  I’m pretty sure women being raped would love it to be ‘largely on line’.  

in a week where children’s healthcare has been shown to be compromised the idea it’s ’largely Online’ shows how well the TRAs have done. 

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On 11/08/2022 at 20:20, Rico1304 said:

It’s child abuse. But remember I’m some kind of zealot or something.  

Imagine introducing say, kidney transplants and not following up on how the transplantees were doing, then claiming they were amazing.  Then imagine a whole group of people fawning all over them and calling anyone questioning it a bigot?  

Just doing some research. 

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