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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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On 25/05/2020 at 19:14, Rico1304 said:

When this all falls apart, which it will, the amount of back peddling will be unprecedented. 

Mermaids will be on the wrong side of history.  They are fucking horrid.  


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It’s funny how ‘no one cares’ and it’s brought down the Scottish government. Granted they are all pissed or smacked off their faces up there but shows that women don’t like men telling them what to think or feel.  

If only someone had predicted it…

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26 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

It’s funny how ‘no one cares’ and it’s brought down the Scottish government. Granted they are all pissed or smacked off their faces up there but shows that women don’t like men telling them what to think or feel.  

If only someone had predicted it…

Seriously, are you thinking of becoming female?


Cos you sound like one going on and on and on about the same shit.

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4 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:

Seriously, are you thinking of becoming female?


Cos you sound like one going on and on and on about the same shit.

Admitting you were wrong is difficult.  

(That’s pretty misogynistic too, I know you’ll fail to see the irony) 

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7 minutes ago, Elite said:

Why you so obsessed with this stuff @Rico1304. It's bizarre.

Medical scandal, safeguarding, women being raped, kids being sterilised, bringing down governments, sports being compromised, rampant misogyny, terrible laws.  No idea really.  

I quoted an article over the page describing the medical scandal and we know from a 4 yr report how kids have been effectively experimented on. How you think it’s a non-issue is bizarre. 

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5 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Medical scandal, safeguarding, women being raped, kids being sterilised, bringing down governments, sports being compromised, rampant misogyny, terrible laws.  No idea really.  

I quoted an article over the page describing the medical scandal and we know from a 4 yr report how kids have been effectively experimented on. How you think it’s a non-issue is bizarre. 

And bumping this thread solves what exactly?


You may be right but you are preaching to the wrong congregation.

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16 minutes ago, Elite said:

And bumping this thread solves what exactly?


You may be right but you are preaching to the wrong congregation.

Oh I guess that proving I’ve been right for all those years gives a sense of satisfaction.  

Weird that this ‘congregation’ isn’t bothered by any of stuff I mentioned.  

One thing that I think it’s highlighted is how the desire to seen to be kind to a minority means all rational thought can go out the window.  There’s been blokes here arguing that rapists should be allowed in women’s prisons, that men aren’t better than women at sports, that bearded men are lesbians- I mean it’s like being in the upside down. 

Theres even been legislation proposed that would make telling the truth a crime.  

But why would anyone be bothered by that? 

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2 minutes ago, Elite said:

Keep talking to yourself on this thread then. Good lad.

I post, people can choose to read or not. Pretty much like any thread. 

You think Im weird for caring about this, yet you also think we live in a simulation.  

Keep the book recommendations going though.  

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3 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

I post, people can choose to read or not. Pretty much like any thread. 

You think Im weird for caring about this, yet you also think we live in a simulation.  

Keep the book recommendations going though.  

Touchy fucker you and thanks, you too!

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9 minutes ago, Elite said:

Touchy fucker you and thanks, you too!

Not really. 

Women like JKR, Sal Grover, Riley Gaines, Julie Bindel, Jo Phoenix, Alison Bailey, Posie Parker, Germaine Greer and numerous others have had to fight against being cancelled, fired and being made in pariahs. 

They’ve been proved right. 

I think the peak was being told that Alex Drummond was a lesbian.  Such a good lesbian he was employed to go into schools to tell young girls all about it. 

What would you say to Alex when he told you he was a lesbian? 


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1 hour ago, TheHowieLama said:

another similarity with gnash


Massively overstating a case?


Rico- I'm kind of broadly in agreement with a lot of what you post on this thread,  but you go way too far.


The Hoylyood no confidence vote is for Yousaf, not the government- it needn't collapse it. The Cass report isn't the main or only reason Yousaf dissolved the coalition. He's an awful politician who's a massive downgrade on Sturgeon and has massively fucked up because he doesn't command the control she did over a fractious party.

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6 hours ago, Mudface said:


Massively overstating a case?


Rico- I'm kind of broadly in agreement with a lot of what you post on this thread,  but you go way too far.


The Hoylyood no confidence vote is for Yousaf, not the government- it needn't collapse it. The Cass report isn't the main or only reason Yousaf dissolved the coalition. He's an awful politician who's a massive downgrade on Sturgeon and has massively fucked up because he doesn't command the control she did over a fractious party.

 ‘Too far’ - how so? By highlighting the nonsense and hypocrisy?


I guess yours is one view on Scotland.  There are others. Isla Bryson peaked a country.  


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