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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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The Flying Bats are a team playing in an Aussie Women’s League.  They were formed in the 80’s as a lesbian team.  

Further back in this thread I asked how many men on a women’s team would be too many and was told it wouldn’t happen. 

The Flying Bats currently have 5 blokes in the team. Some opposition teams won’t play them and have forfeited games. Guess which teams are in trouble? 

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There’s a report today of a kid who was raped, the rapist took her virginity.  

At the trial the rapist was referred to as ‘her’. The kid who was raped refused but everyone else did. The judge made the true crime of misgendering the rapist at one point and reconvened the court to apologise to the rapist. 

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6 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

There’s a report today of a kid who was raped, the rapist took her virginity.  

At the trial the rapist was referred to as ‘her’. The kid who was raped refused but everyone else did. The judge made the true crime of misgendering the rapist at one point and reconvened the court to apologise to the rapist. 


Imagine being raped and having to hear about, "her penis." Shocking stuff. Clear that beasts are using this climate to avoid men's prisons. Many such cases. Luckily, the tide seems to be slowly turning back to normality. 

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24 minutes ago, Paulie Dangerously said:


Imagine being raped and having to hear about, "her penis." Shocking stuff. Clear that beasts are using this climate to avoid men's prisons. Many such cases. Luckily, the tide seems to be slowly turning back to normality. 

Commonly known as ‘Prison onset gender dysphoria’.  

When a nonce gets convicted we often hear it said ‘he’ll get what’s coming to him in prison’ and then some people deny blokes will lie to get out of prison.  

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2 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

Is that definitely not some kind of wind up? If not he’s just getting off, disgusting if genuine. How have they allowed him in? 

well what happens when women try to stop men like him? 

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5 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

Is that definitely not some kind of wind up? If not he’s just getting off, disgusting if genuine. How have they allowed him in? 


Looks like one of the soldiers from Spaceballs.

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Rowling seems to have gone a bit bonkers. 


I understand her having views but she shouldn't be using her platform to have a go at individuals the way she's doing.


Twitter does strange shit to people. I've lost count of the number of famous people (like Owen Jones, to be fair) who've started off making reasonable points and then just doubled down again and again until it just looks like they're shouting at clouds.

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Rowling seems to have gone a bit bonkers. 


I understand her having views but she shouldn't be using her platform to have a go at individuals the way she's doing.


Twitter does strange shit to people. I've lost count of the number of famous people (like Owen Jones, to be fair) who've started off making reasonable points and then just doubled down again and again until it just looks like they're shouting at clouds.

Man telling woman how to behave.  That’s EXACTLY what she’s complaining about.  Making her point for her.  


JKR: There is a conflict of rights when we call men women.

TRAs: Fuck off bitch die die die fuck off fuck off fuck off die bitch die.


JKR: Men aren't women.

TRAs: We don't like your tone.

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2 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Man telling woman how to behave.  That’s EXACTLY what she’s complaining about.  Making her point for her.  


So I'm not allowed to say she's acting bonkers because she's a woman? Isn't that reverse sexism? Maybe YOU'RE fucking transgender?!

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15 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


So I'm not allowed to say she's acting bonkers because she's a woman? Isn't that reverse sexism? Maybe YOU'RE fucking transgender?!

Uppity women have always been a problem.  

The point she’s making is that since she’s raised her voice on this men are still behaving the same way, the fight is a

long way from being won (although I think the public are wising up) so for a man to say ‘is she still going on about this?’ is proving her point. 

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I wont lie; I am completely torn on the subject matter. And have given a few examples below as to the reasons why. 


Situation 1; 

My eldest had a friend over on Saturday. 

(Her) pronouns were He/Him. does it affect me in any way to be respectful of those choices? Nah. - hence I am happy to oblige. 


Situation 2; 

Eldest playing football last Weds. Playing U16 Girls. 

She plays in the game and the Opposition have x3 Biological males in the team and are the best players on the pitch and also more physical and stronger than those who are not male. 

This I have an issue with and seems like it does impact others and gains an unfair advantage. 


Situation 3; 

Same team; however one of our team. Now wishes to be called Cory and has They/Them pronouns. 

Still biological to females and the team they are involved with. 



So here is my conclusion; 

I have always had the Mantra that you should be able to do what the fuck you want in life as long as it doesnt affect others. 

So I dont have an issue with Situation 1 and 3 but I do with 2 as it affects others. 


I also agree that there are people who are born; who really (REALLY) do have gender identification issues. They really do require; support for both Mental Health and Physical needs however we are seeing an epidemic at the moment of people of are just "feeling" stuff and this is what we as a nation; world need to be mindful of. 


This morning I felt tired and Grumpy. Imagine if I made a choice based on this feeling........

Cause this afternoon I feel clear headed and happy. 


Feelings change over time.  

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6 hours ago, Fowlers God said:

I wont lie; I am completely torn on the subject matter. And have given a few examples below as to the reasons why. 


Situation 1; 

My eldest had a friend over on Saturday. 

(Her) pronouns were He/Him. does it affect me in any way to be respectful of those choices? Nah. - hence I am happy to oblige. 


Situation 2; 

Eldest playing football last Weds. Playing U16 Girls. 

She plays in the game and the Opposition have x3 Biological males in the team and are the best players on the pitch and also more physical and stronger than those who are not male. 

This I have an issue with and seems like it does impact others and gains an unfair advantage. 


Situation 3; 

Same team; however one of our team. Now wishes to be called Cory and has They/Them pronouns. 

Still biological to females and the team they are involved with. 



So here is my conclusion; 

I have always had the Mantra that you should be able to do what the fuck you want in life as long as it doesnt affect others. 

So I dont have an issue with Situation 1 and 3 but I do with 2 as it affects others. 


I also agree that there are people who are born; who really (REALLY) do have gender identification issues. They really do require; support for both Mental Health and Physical needs however we are seeing an epidemic at the moment of people of are just "feeling" stuff and this is what we as a nation; world need to be mindful of. 


This morning I felt tired and Grumpy. Imagine if I made a choice based on this feeling........

Cause this afternoon I feel clear headed and happy. 


Feelings change over time.  

Broadly in agreement.  

1. How old is the kid?  Social transitioning isn’t benign and can push the child down the medicalisation route. Over 80% of kids with GD will grow out of it and tune out gay.  Kids at Tavistock overwhelmingly had other conditions like autism and poor mental health.  This kids need a broad spectrum approach and not just affirmation. 

“I’m a boy”. “Ok you’re a boy”


”I’m a boy”. “Ok, let’s explore why you are unhappy with being a girl and why you think being a boy will make you happy”


2. Cheats.  Play with the boys.  Women’s sport isn’t a refuge for mediocre men. 

3.  She’s still a girl. 

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On 13/05/2024 at 19:39, Rico1304 said:

Uppity women have always been a problem.  

The point she’s making is that since she’s raised her voice on this men are still behaving the same way, the fight is a

long way from being won (although I think the public are wising up) so for a man to say ‘is she still going on about this?’ is proving her point. 


It's not the fact she's shouting about the subject I have an issue with, it's using her platform to single out individuals, imagine you appearing in a local paper or something and she just retweets it to 16m odd people with some kind of derogatory comment? 


Hate the game not the players. 

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15 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


It's not the fact she's shouting about the subject I have an issue with, it's using her platform to single out individuals, imagine you appearing in a local paper or something and she just retweets it to 16m odd people with some kind of derogatory comment? 


Hate the game not the players. 

Well the article in question is about a bloke that’s been giving her shit for years.  It positions him as some kind of ‘stunning and brave’ woman when he’s married with 3 kids.  He puts on a wig and is special?  No, he’s another white middle aged bloke in womens football.  

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A new law in Mississippi requires individuals to use restrooms and housing at public education institutions that correspond to their gender assigned at birth.

Republican Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced Monday that he has signed the legislation.

People will only be allowed to use housing or bathrooms based on their “sex ‘determined solely by a birth,’ without regard to the fluidity of how someone acts or feels,” the bill states.

Reeves stated that the legislation protects “girls and women from the left’s dangerous agenda.”

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14 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:



A new law in Mississippi requires individuals to use restrooms and housing at public education institutions that correspond to their gender assigned at birth.

Republican Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced Monday that he has signed the legislation.

People will only be allowed to use housing or bathrooms based on their “sex ‘determined solely by a birth,’ without regard to the fluidity of how someone acts or feels,” the bill states.

Reeves stated that the legislation protects “girls and women from the left’s dangerous agenda.”

Makes sense. How it’s controversial is beyond me. 

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