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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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10 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

I thought you had concerns for transgenders being in certain spaces - this law forces that very thing.

No TM will ever be prosecuted for using a men’s bog.  No one is assigned a gender, sex is observed.  

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34 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

No TM will ever be prosecuted for using a men’s bog.  No one is assigned a gender, sex is observed.  

I think you are missing the point.


Trans males will be using female bathrooms - thats the law.

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5 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

I think you are missing the point.


Trans males will be using female bathrooms - thats the law.

The law was changed to protect women.  Women are vulnerable when men use their bathrooms.  No TM will be less safe as a result of this law.  TM can use women’s bathrooms now.  A TM using a men’s bathroom is choosing to take a risk.  

I think you are missing the point.  

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3 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

The law was changed to protect women.  Women are vulnerable when men use their bathrooms.  No TM will be less safe as a result of this law.  TM can use women’s bathrooms now.  A TM using a men’s bathroom is choosing to take a risk.  

I think you are missing the point.  


No concern about the bearded ladies pumped full of testosterone? The folks who are attracted to, erm, women.


In its statement, the ACLU of Mississippi said laws that “require transgender people to use the wrong restroom or locker room do nothing to prevent assault. That’s why more than 250 leading sexual assault and domestic violence advocates oppose laws like the SAFER Act.”

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39 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


No concern about the bearded ladies pumped full of testosterone? The folks who are attracted to, erm, women.


In its statement, the ACLU of Mississippi said laws that “require transgender people to use the wrong restroom or locker room do nothing to prevent assault. That’s why more than 250 leading sexual assault and domestic violence advocates oppose laws like the SAFER Act.”

Why would a woman on testosterone be more of a danger than a man? 

I know you’re on the wind up but I’d expect at least a tiny bit of thought beforehand.  

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2 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Why would a woman on testosterone be more of a danger than a man? 


They may or may not be - that is the point. There is no correlation of "danger" in any of it.

Probably why the 250 advocates for actual assault and violence have pointed that out. Repeatedly.

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I think in defence of Rico's point; everyone has seen the Man Vs Bear video. 


Maybe change the question to Transwoman and bear to see if you get a different response. Just because your dick has a wig on it doesnt make it unless of a weapon. (no pun intended)


My argument on the Flip side of this is that if a Man wants to rape/sexually assault a woman would they just not do it anyway?

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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:



A new law in Mississippi requires individuals to use restrooms and housing at public education institutions that correspond to their gender assigned at birth.

Republican Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced Monday that he has signed the legislation.

People will only be allowed to use housing or bathrooms based on their “sex ‘determined solely by a birth,’ without regard to the fluidity of how someone acts or feels,” the bill states.

Reeves stated that the legislation protects “girls and women from the left’s dangerous agenda.”


Does reeves provide any data to quantify how dangerous the "agenda" is? Since they are looking to introduce this legislation now, I assume the status quo is that trans people can select the bathroom they use. Therefore, there must be a clear statistical need for the change, right? Right?

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15 minutes ago, Pidge said:


Does reeves provide any data to quantify how dangerous the "agenda" is? Since they are looking to introduce this legislation now, I assume the status quo is that trans people can select the bathroom they use. Therefore, there must be a clear statistical need for the change, right? Right?

Please, please let’s not get into the argument about whether some men are a danger to women. So much so that women have to have spaces that all men are excluded.  

Do men commit 95% of sexual assaults?

Are women the victims in 80% of these cases? 
Do women need spaces away from men?

Because a self selecting group of men say they are women should they be able to access women’s spaces? 


Are all TW predators? No

Will men take advantage of access to women’s spaces? Yes. 

Should men just fuck off and leave women’s spaces, sports, prisons, jobs and opportunities? Yes. 
Should they be able to wear what they want and dress how they want ? Yes 

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Back to the men telling women what to do then.


Stitt framed the directive as a defense against what he described as “out-of-control gender ideology” eroding societal foundations, adding that the goal was “safeguarding the very essence of what it means to be a woman.”

“Oklahomans are fed up with attempts to confuse the word ‘woman’ and turn it into some kind of ambiguous definition that harms real women,” he said before signing the order.

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1 minute ago, TheHowieLama said:

Back to the men telling women what to do then.


Stitt framed the directive as a defense against what he described as “out-of-control gender ideology” eroding societal foundations, adding that the goal was “safeguarding the very essence of what it means to be a woman.”

“Oklahomans are fed up with attempts to confuse the word ‘woman’ and turn it into some kind of ambiguous definition that harms real women,” he said before signing the order.

Getting even weaker…

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2 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Getting even weaker…


Ironically that is what everyone said about the two attempts the state Senate made to "define" a woman.


After two failed efforts in the state legislature to define a woman and a man based on their sex assigned at birth, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed an executive order limiting those definitions, the latest blow to transgender rights in the state.

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31 minutes ago, Pidge said:


Does reeves provide any data to quantify how dangerous the "agenda" is? Since they are looking to introduce this legislation now, I assume the status quo is that trans people can select the bathroom they use. Therefore, there must be a clear statistical need for the change, right? Right?

This is in response to a change in the Federal law. Absolutely agree that the change shouldn’t have been made without clear statistical evidence it was safe.  That happened right? Right? 

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8 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

This is in response to a change in the Federal law. Absolutely agree that the change shouldn’t have been made without clear statistical evidence it was safe.  That happened right? Right? 


What law and what change?

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Rico knows I am taking the piss out of him being so consumed about where folks take a piss.

He also knows that this is not really much ado about women's security - it is a further agenda.


The governor’s order represents the latest in actions from conservative-led states to limit trans rights. It is based on model legislation from Independent Women’s Voice, a far-right group focused on protecting “women’s single-sex spaces” by advancing anti-trans policy. After calling on states last year to adopt its suggested “women’s bill of rights,” versions were introduced in other states and the U.S. House and Senate.



The governor also signed a bill last year that prohibited nonbinary gender markers on state birth certificates, believed to be a first-of-its-kind ban in the country.

Democratic state Rep. Mauree Turner, the first openly nonbinary legislator in U.S. history, criticized this kind of legislation earlier this year after the Oklahoma House passed its own version in March. 

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37 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Federal law allowing public bathrooms in educational settings by gender and not sex based on self id.

What is the law?


I know title 9 has been batted back and forth by trump and biden, with no evidence base behind it other than rhetoric, but that's sports, not bathrooms as I understand it. I have not seen reference to a federal law covering this.


Ah no, looks like it probably if title ix. So Trump removed a protection and biden put it back and now states are taking them away again. Not sure why there would be a burden on biden there.

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2 minutes ago, Pidge said:

What is the law?


I know title 9 has been batted back and forth by trump and biden, with no evidence base behind it other than rhetoric, but that's sports, not bathrooms as I understand it. I have not seen reference to a federal law covering this.


There was no "change" to the law - about a month ago Joltin Joe included LGBTQish folks under the discrimination clause of Title IX.

Also addressed was the way sexual assault allegations are handled.


Title IX is only in effect for schools that receive Federal funding.

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1 minute ago, TheHowieLama said:


There was no "change" to the law - about a month ago Joltin Joe included LGBTQish folks under the discrimination clause of Title IX.

Also addressed was the way sexual assault allegations are handled.


Title IX is only in effect for schools that receive Federal funding.

So it’s a regulation, nitpicking between that and law and I said it was in public schools.  Thanks. 

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