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Brendan Rodgers

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Listen Hades you stupid jumped up little bastard. Rodgers was one game away from having a fucking statue outside the Kop. He built a brilliant team and had us playing the best football we had played since 1991. He might have had Suarez but a manager still has to get the best out of his players. Look at the performances he got from the likes of Sturridge, Sterling, Henderson, even Flanagan. We were a fucking force back then and I managed to take in a good few away games during that 2nd half of the season run. Trust me, it was fucking party time going to other grounds and watching us dismantle them. Show some fucking respect.

Thank Luis Suarez, referees and set piece luck for that season. Rodgers had very little to do with it, as he proved the previous and following seasons when he played a totally different style of football.
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Rodgers presided over a side that should have won the Premiership.

He had I thought the best player in the world at his disposal.

He gets respect for that season, regardless of how good or bad a manager he is otherwise.

I just simply didn't warm to him. (Truth be known just didn't like him nor much of what he had to say.)

But I haven't truly truly loved a Liverpool manager since Bob Paisley.

(I love Kenny, but I'm old and fortunate enough to count him more as a player.)

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We went from being the second highest position side in Europe his first season, to a counter-attacking dynamo his second season, to a 5 at the back rigid mess his third season, to an unwatchable, conservative bore in his final few months.


Frankly, I think he was making it up as he went along and had no real clue, but for a little while it was magic. 

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Only if you think Brendan Rodgers would ever have had a statue of him erected outside the Kop. Jesus. I can only think Stig was on one of his glue sniffing benders when he wrote that.

I think having a statue of Brendan Rodgers in the Anfield toilets would have meant a lot to him.


Just lacking that wee bit of wee.

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Well it has been discussed ad nauseam on here, Rodgers was voted manager of the year by his pears that, he was instrumental in Luis having the best season of his career that year etc...  


He is undoubtedly a very ambitious young(ish) manager and he must have felt on top of the world after two great seasons at Swansea and then repeating the same at a higher level here.


Mignolet´s probably agreed as well.


He will remain in history as the parent of a voyeur nonce with a disgustingly ugly face.



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