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Featured: Red of the Day - Terry McDermott

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Terry McDermott reveals dementia diagnosis

Terry McDermott, the former Liverpool, Newcastle United and England midfielder, has confirmed he has had dementia diagnosed.

The 69-year-old announced he is in the early stages of Lewy body dementia after hospital tests.

“I’ve got to get on with it and I will,” McDermott said. “It’s the way I’ve been brought up. Nothing has come to me easily. I’m not frightened of taking it on and also, as we’ve seen, there are a lot of former players in a worse state than me. Battling is second nature. The worst thing was [that] until my condition was diagnosed, you don’t know what’s going on.

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3 minutes ago, dockers_strike said:

Best wishes to Terry Mc. We need to make quicker progress at eradicating these cognitive diseases.

Its become quite common in older footballers,or at least been highlighted more. We tend to expect these things in boxers or rugby players but not footballers. Some of the huge finances from modern football could easily be diverted into research.

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10 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

No bother mate, sorry you had to go through that. We're trying to get a further assessment sorted, but the GP is not worth a light at the mo. Doesn't help that my dad is 11 years older than her and not in the best health himself, so it's tough for him to help her. My sister is great and I get round at least 3 times a week. She still knows how to get to my aunties house and back so she's still got some independence. Sometimes she's fine, almost like her old self, other times she's a right cow (especially to my poor arl fella) and you could bloody swing for her!


Life is fragile, and fucking scary.

Good luck mate, hoping for the best for you

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3 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

I love Terry McDermott. Definitely one of my favourite ever players. Any number of wonderful moments and goals to remember. The one at Aberdeen and finishing off ‘that move’ against Spurs at Anfield. 

My own favourite moment came when he was a Newcastle player. My dad was a Geordie and passionate Newcastle fan so regularly took me to St. James Park when I was younger. I can’t remember who they were playing but I was right at the front, near the corner flag. At one point the ball rolled out of play and towards me. Terry Mac jogged over and looked directly at me, indicating that I should throw him the ball, which of course I did. He nodded his thanks and got on with the game.


I’m pretty sure he had more memorable encounters in his footballing life, but I’ve never forgotten it.


Good luck with the battle ahead Terry. We are with you. 

Phil Thompson came up to our school with Terry Mac around the time Terry signed for us.

It was 1974 and they had come up to watch a recording of the 74 cup final with us and talk about the game.


From what I can remember, (I was 11) Thommo did most of the talking and Terry was a lot quieter, almost shy, but they both took time to talk to all of us.


It was a big thing for us, we were up in Skem and it was virtually unheard of for this sort of thing to happen here.


Our P E teacher is supposed to have set it up and if true it was the only thing the bullying shithouse cunt ever did for us.

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  • 2 years later...
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On 22/08/2021 at 13:07, Harry's Lad said:

Phil Thompson came up to our school with Terry Mac around the time Terry signed for us.

It was 1974 and they had come up to watch a recording of the 74 cup final with us and talk about the game.


From what I can remember, (I was 11) Thommo did most of the talking and Terry was a lot quieter, almost shy, but they both took time to talk to all of us.


It was a big thing for us, we were up in Skem and it was virtually unheard of for this sort of thing to happen here.


Our P E teacher is supposed to have set it up and if true it was the only thing the bullying shithouse cunt ever did for us.

With Terry Mac being on the losing side I'd imagine he'd have been a bit more sheepish.

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World class in whichever method you choose to determine the phrase. As someone posted well north of £100 million in today’s market. Everybody ( quite rightly)  cites the goal against Spurs in the 7-0 and there was another absolute beauty against them in(I think)the following season but the one that stands out for me was the chip over David Lawson in the FA semi at a monsooned Maine Road in 77. And of course “that’s nice, that’s McDermott and that’s a goal”

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19 hours ago, Riley Greenleaf said:

World class in whichever method you choose to determine the phrase. As someone posted well north of £100 million in today’s market. Everybody ( quite rightly)  cites the goal against Spurs in the 7-0 and there was another absolute beauty against them in(I think)the following season but the one that stands out for me was the chip over David Lawson in the FA semi at a monsooned Maine Road in 77. And of course “that’s nice, that’s McDermott and that’s a goal”

I was at both those games I remember coming out of Maine Rd hearing some bitter complaining that nobody had tied a rope around a post and tied it to Lawson cos he was always wandering out of his goal. Funny as fuck.

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