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New Girl on Countdown


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Israelis are not all jews and not all jews are Israeli. Not sure how Israeli voting patterns can be used to excuse comments about the "victimhood" of people over the course of hundreds of years. 


Riley's a fucking idiot by the way. "I wasn't using prejudice to assign blame for an unfolding tragedy before knowing all the facts, I was just deflecting attention from said tragedy to fearmonger about potential tragedies that I actually would (potentially) care about".


Great, that's all absolutely fine and perfectly normal then...


edit: and totally believable, of course.

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3 hours ago, Strontium said:


Correct. She posted something that could be easily misrepresented by people who hate her.


Bollocks, she jumped the gun and assumed the identity of the cunt stabbing people so as that type of person does post shit hinting at without actually saying it. A shithouse move if you will. Leave it vague enough so you can backtrack and then when you've got it wrong and people are messaging Chanel 4 for you to be sacked start claiming you misunderstand me. 



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42 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


The thing is mate it’s more a powers that be thing rather than a “Jewish” issue. Many Jews are marching against Isreal. Many are disgusted and of course many are rightly worried about the fall out and rise in anti-Jewish sentiment. Fuck Israel for their behaviour but that’s not aimed at the people of Israel it’s aimed at the government and their actions. For the record again, Fuck Hamas, Fuck Israel and fuck Kirsty Allsopp 

Aye, there is that. Especially the Kirtsy Allsopp bit, the fucking, nasty, fat, entitled Tory blob that she is.

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2 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Somebody got “cleansed” on Countdown today. 

I'm disappointed that we’re yet to see a Photoshop of Countdown Katie Hopkins standing next to this spelt out but with the word “ethnically” added to it . 

10 letters that 

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Am I still an anti-semite?

Obviously I don;t know anymore and I need somebody else to tell me and interpret my words and beliefs.

When ethnic ;cleansing is going on and a western backed nuclear state is charging through occupied areas and bombing aid workers and hospitals and homes I need to check with the Thesaurus types just to be sure.

There was a time when the world was as one in condemnation, but these days there are vested interests whose tender sensibilities and Shekels might be at risk.

All of the Tories and most of the Labour front bench for a few.

And other assorted cunts.

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2 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Am I still an anti-semite?

Obviously I don;t know anymore and I need somebody else to tell me and interpret my words and beliefs.

When ethnic ;cleansing is going on and a western backed nuclear state is charging through occupied areas and bombing aid workers and hospitals and homes I need to check with the Thesaurus types just to be sure.

There was a time when the world was as one in condemnation, but these days there are vested interests whose tender sensibilities and Shekels might be at risk.

All of the Tories and most of the Labour front bench for a few.

And other assorted cunts.


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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Rachel Riley is a cunt, a racist, a liar, an attention seeker and looks like she’d be a shit shag. I’ve dealt with the first 4. Happy to deal with the 5th. 

She’s also a Manc. Well not from Manchester but she supports untied. 

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6 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Fucks sake, you're back out of retirement are you? Did somebody shine a Bat signal? Nasty Apartheid supporting cunt in distress.

Brainless, right wing Farage supporting no mark needed for assistance?

Prose like that drags a guy back in.  

Not so much your earlier ‘Did Hitler have a point?’ post.  That was disgusting. 

imagine being that fucking stupid to ask that question and then accuse someone else of being right wing.  Does someone tie your shoelaces for you? 

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7 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Prose like that drags a guy back in.  

Not so much your earlier ‘Did Hitler have a point?’ post.  That was disgusting. 

imagine being that fucking stupid to ask that question and then accuse someone else of being right wing.  Does someone tie your shoelaces for you? 

And did Hitler have a point? Asking you as an expert.

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