Fucking rat bastard is right and poison the cunt appropriately.
Sinn Fein as a political party is the absolute purest form of Socialism, or at least should be.
Decades long struggle against nasty empire British cunts who raped the place for centuries and decimated Irish culture and economy and religion.
Sinn Fein was absolutely all about putting down arms and fighting the nasty cunts on their own terms and beating them at their own game. Each and every individual in it should be beyond stain and reproach because it was a just cause. Arms were laid down, lives of good men were lost.
That this dirty rat cunt has soiled the name should mean life.
The Roll of Honour of brave men who gave their lives for justice and ideology has been soiled.
This is Ireland, you dirty fucking rat, it's expected in England, the place is full of nonces and perverts.