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2 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Anonymity? Do you want my employers name and address first or mine, you tantrummy fucking Mummys boy cunt?

IRA loving? Fucking right I am.

And just so you know, I'm making it my lifes' work to neg every fucking post you've ever made on here you nasty, disturbed freak.


You really are pathetic. Aren't you supposed to be a grown man? Behaving like this, on an internet forum?


You have a dark, dark soul.

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11 minutes ago, etho said:

You are aware that lying about something or not wanting it to be factual doesn’t mean it’s not true?




She is saying that people have been on the streets calling for opposition to the Israeli oppression of Palestinians. And if people want to see this on a global scale, then they can expect to see more incidents like the one at Sydney Mall.


It's clearly dangerous racist scaremongering.



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5 minutes ago, Strontium said:


You really are pathetic. Aren't you supposed to be a grown man? Behaving like this, on an internet forum?


You have a dark, dark soul.

20 negs a day, every day, one for every Palestinian child on a bike and every Palestinian home stolen.

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Just now, Toxteth O'Grady said:

20 negs a day, every day, one for every Palestinian child on a bike and every Palestinian home stolen.


What the fuck has any of that got to do with me? I'm British-Irish you stupid racist.

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1 minute ago, Strontium said:


What the fuck has any of that got to do with me? I'm British-Irish you stupid racist.

Fucking hell you were pretty much saying Hamas were gonna be looking for you in Wallasey not long ago make your fucking mind up 

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43 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

I think it's probably about time the narrative was changed.

Hundreds of years have been spent wondering why Jews are always the victims of just about anything and everything, probably time to start asking, why have they been persona non-grata everywhere apart from radicalised, fundamentalist Christian nations like America and to a lesser extent the UK.

Since I've been alive, they've been basically allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, when they want and with the backing of the military industrial complex of nation states who are well versed in destabilising every other nation that has either a different sky god or who, more importantly aren't 'democratically' right wing.

Probably time to adjust thinking from perpetual 'victim' status to Lebensraum, Nuclear, western backed puppet state who get a free pass.


This conflates Jews with Israel. The fact that Israel gets a free pass on a lot is linked to nothing more than geopolitical strategy, not victim status. An ally in the region, largely due to being in opposition to Iran, much like Saudi Arabia. They may as well be black Quakers.


Asking why a group have been discriminated against, and aiming the spotlight at the group themselves. Well, just transpose that with, for instance, anti-Irish sentiment, and perhaps you'll see why that's a troubling viewpoint.

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1 hour ago, Strontium said:


But that's not what she said is it, that's the spin you're putting on it. At no point did she attribute the attack in Sydney to any Muslim. 


If you look at her actual words, rather than the ones you've imagined her saying, what she said was that the stabbing attack in Sydney is what "Globalising the Intifada" - a chant heard regularly on our streets recently - would look like.


I find it hard to believe that I need to explain basic English to anyone, but if I said that X looks like what Y would look like, then that's not the same as saying that X and Y are identical, or that X is an example of Y.


I've already said that it was clumsily expressed, ironically because it was the exact opposite of the "unambiguous" you think it was, but her later clarification leaves no room whatsoever for doubt as to her original intent, and anyone continuing to stick the knife in even after she has explained what she meant evidently has their own agenda.

My "agenda" is that when someone tweets obviously racist gobshitery, I call them a racist gobshite, irrespective of how much squirming and backtracking they try to do when they realise they've done something unlikely to help their career.

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8 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


This conflates Jews with Israel. The fact that Israel gets a free pass on a lot is linked to nothing more than geopolitical strategy, not victim status. An ally in the region, largely due to being in opposition to Iran, much like Saudi Arabia. They may as well be black Quakers.


Asking why a group have been discriminated against, and aiming the spotlight at the group themselves. Well, just transpose that with, for instance, anti-Irish sentiment, and perhaps you'll see why that's a troubling viewpoint.

The response I was waiting for. Shame SD couldn’t articulate it as well instead resorting to nazi allegations and being a hypocrite. Fair play Babbs 


2 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:


It’s Anne Widdecombe on a diet that! Fucking spitting image 

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22 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Well, just transpose that with, for instance, anti-Irish sentiment, and perhaps you'll see why that's a troubling viewpoint.


Well, well, well, what an increasing choice of words.



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5 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


This conflates Jews with Israel. The fact that Israel gets a free pass on a lot is linked to nothing more than geopolitical strategy, not victim status. An ally in the region, largely due to being in opposition to Iran, much like Saudi Arabia. They may as well be black Quakers.


Asking why a group have been discriminated against, and aiming the spotlight at the group themselves. Well, just transpose that with, for instance, anti-Irish sentiment, and perhaps you'll see why that's a troubling viewpoint.

Whilst I've never, ever disagreed with any of your posts before and I appreciate your viewpoint, I'd say this has way more to it than geo-political strategy. 

The conflation of 'jew to Israel' is basically a redundant argument given that it's a 'democratic' state and that an apartheid, non-negotiating Government has been voted in time and time again.

Yitzhak Rabin being thee case. The one time there was a 'pursuer' of peace, he was seen as a danger to the Israeli state and seen off.

Where does conflation end and endless voting for warmongering be the norm?

I once held the belief that the conflation between the two was a misnomer and a tool to be used politically, but years of evidence and not just history has shown that Israel is an apartheid state and any argument that 'they are just protecting themselves' and a vote for Likud , who are an elected party of the Ultra Right shows otherwise. 

Israel does whatever the fuck it wants to do, whenever it wants to do and all because American and most British politicians are on the payroll.

It's not even an ideological discussion anymore. I agree that's it's a geo-political ally where politicians are on the take for their own and Israeli interests, but its also mostly a sky wizard argument and situation because its backed by radicalised Christian Fundamentalists who can't tell the difference between stories and reality.

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3 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Whilst I've never, ever disagreed with any of your posts before and I appreciate your viewpoint, I'd say this has way more to it than geo-political strategy. 

The conflation of 'jew to Israel' is basically a redundant argument given that it's a 'democratic' state and that an apartheid, non-negotiating Government has been voted in time and time again.

Yitzhak Rabin being thee case. The one time there was a 'pursuer' of peace, he was seen as a danger to the Israeli state and seen off.

Where does conflation end and endless voting for warmongering be the norm?

I once held the belief that the conflation between the two was a misnomer and a tool to be used politically, but years of evidence and not just history has shown that Israel is an apartheid state and any argument that 'they are just protecting themselves' and a vote for Likud , who are an elected party of the Ultra Right shows otherwise. 

Israel does whatever the fuck it wants to do, whenever it wants to do and all because American and most British politicians are on the payroll.

It's not even an ideological discussion anymore. I agree that's it's a geo-political ally where politicians are on the take for their own and Israeli interests, but its also mostly a sky wizard argument and situation because its backed by radicalised Christian Fundamentalists who can't tell the difference between stories and reality.


The thing is mate it’s more a powers that be thing rather than a “Jewish” issue. Many Jews are marching against Isreal. Many are disgusted and of course many are rightly worried about the fall out and rise in anti-Jewish sentiment. Fuck Israel for their behaviour but that’s not aimed at the people of Israel it’s aimed at the government and their actions. For the record again, Fuck Hamas, Fuck Israel and fuck Kirsty Allsopp 

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Don’t conflate Zionism with Judaism.


One is a political movement and the other is a religion. They are not the same thing.


Many Jews are anti-Zionist. Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky are leading Jewish voices of truth and justice that speak for many many jews who refuse to be associated with Zionism.


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