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The Godfather

Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

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  • 6 months later...

Godfather III gets a bit of an unfair rep. As a standalone it's not a bad film at all, but it suffers from problems many of which it couldn't overcome. Firstly, it has to be compared with the stellar Parts I and II. Secondly, it's set in too recent a period and it makes it look too contemporary rather than period like the others. Thirdly, Sofia Coppola is woefully wooden as Mary, and George Hamilton as BJ the lawyer/consigliere just doesn't seem the type of character that would have the ear of a carefully calculating Mafia don like Michael. He's the sort who would help a Donald Trump type looking to buy a casino. Lastly, it came out in the same year as the far superior Goodfellas (which is set in roughly the same era) and suffers from the comparison. I'm not sure this 30th anniversary tweak will resolve any of these problems.

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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, Kevin D said:

Sunny was terribly ill-suited to being a Don. It's a sign when you're constantly arguing with Tom Hagen, and it's not a good one.

Santino 'Sonny' Corleone.


Most unlike you Kevin, too much sherry perhaps.


Agreed on Sonny though, far too hot headed to run the organisation.

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Watched this again the other day and think I noticed something. 


When Don Corleone is with Jonny Fontaine and asks him if he spends time with his family and drops the "a man can't be a man..." line is just after Sonny walks into the room. It seems a completely unprompted and out of the blue comment so I'm thinking it's a deliberate chastisement of Sonny who'd literally been dicking a bridesmaid in the previous scene. Thoughts?!


Also, Michael's hands not shaking when outside the hospital compared to Enzo. A foreshadow to him being a ruthless boss or a nod to his time in the war?

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4 hours ago, littletedwest said:

Currently reading the book after father Christmas Brought it

A magnificent read. Reluctantly lent my mate mine back in the day knowing id never see it again.


I’ve got an iTunes voucher here that I’ve had no idea what to spend it on. It’s going on this masterpiece.



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From my understanding of Mafia rules; if you're married to a woman, she's your property and you can be as terrible as you like, as long you're married. I don't think Sunny can put his hands on another made guy, just because he's being a despicable piece of shit.


Although, maybe the Corleone's are so rich and powerful that to be mistreating his relative shows a lack of respect in of itself.


I do know that Paul Castellano waited until his daughter divorced her abusive husband, before he had him clipped.

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