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Guest Dog Chaser
Surely someone'll be as excited as me:




Read the book, heard the audiobook, can't wait for the film.


Agreed, cracking book, hopefully the film will be as good

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I just watched Star Trek at the cinema last night. I thought it was very good. Really looking forward to the new Terminator film too.


As a general point, most of the trailers I saw before Star Trek were uninspiring and relied too much on CGI. I hope there will be a bit of a correction to this in years to come, as there really should be a central place preserved for well written and well acted films, where the characters are developed and you get immersed in the story and so on.


Perhaps I'm becoming an old fart, but most of the trailers looked like someone got a new computer for Christmas to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...
i really like george clooney...




looks okay


If you don't like George Clooney then you probably touch children or rob old people; I think that's a pretty bomb-proof assessment of the situation.


That looks good apart from Ewan's yank accent. It sucks Ewan. Again. Sort that shit out.

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I'm looking forward to seeing South of the border. I'm going to cast a careful eye over proceedings, given that Olive Stone has a little history in being creative with facts (JFK), but a film which features a tour of South American leaders and allows them the time to speak on how they see their future is a mouth watering prospect for me.




Hopefully it will get seen by a few people in the US and will neutralise some of the right-wing bluster about the region.


Oh, and that Wolfman looks like it's got a fine cast. I'll be having a look at that too.

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I'm looking forward to seeing South of the border. I'm going to cast a careful eye over proceedings, given that Olive Stone has a little history in being creative with facts (JFK), but a film which features a tour of South American leaders and allows them the time to speak on how they see their future is a mouth watering prospect for me.




Hopefully it will get seen by a few people in the US and will neutralise some of the right-wing bluster about the region.


Oh, and that Wolfman looks like it's got a fine cast. I'll be having a look at that too.


I'll be watching that Stone one as well.

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