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When the fuck is "Prometheus" coming out??


Current release date is 8th June 2012.




How the Alien prequel turned into Prometheus


Simon Brew


Screenwriter Damon Lindelof has been chatting about just how the film that was the Alien prequel has turned into next year’s Prometheus…


Published on Jun 29, 2011


Currently being put together under the watchful eye of director Ridley Scott, Prometheus is shaping up to be a grown-up, intense science fiction movie, and one that no small amount of money is being spent on.


The early gestation of the project, as you probably know, was that this was to be the long-mooted prequel to Alien, with Scott returning to the franchise that he effectively launched. However, it was announced, deep into development, that this would be a standalone movie, albeit one in the Alien universe, and still set before the first film.


So, how did all of this happen? Well, Damon Lindelof, who worked on the script, has been chatting to Kevin Pollak on his chat show, and thrown some more light on the process.


"There is a real issue which is - what is the state of the Alien franchise at this point in our lives?" he said. "There has been Alien vs. Predator and all these things, and it's been completely and totally diluted.


"I've always felt that really good prequels should be original movies. And the sequels to those prequels should not be the movie which already exists because, with all due respect to anyone who makes a prequel, but why would you ruin the greatest twist in the history of cinema, 'Luke, I am your father', by showing me three movies which basically spoil that surprise. You can do movies which take place before Star Wars, but I don't need to see the story of the Skywalker clan. Show me something else which I can't guess the possible outcome of. There is no suspense in inevitability.


"A true prequel should essentially proceed the events of the original film, but be about something entirely different, feature different characters, have an entirely different theme, although it takes place in that same world. That was my fundamental feeling about what this movie wanted to be."


Lindelof was keen to get across that original screenwriter, Jon Spaihts, deserved a lot of credit for his work on the movie, before going on to add, "I also do feel that this movie is the movie I would want to see, as a fanboy, take place in that Alien universe, which precedes the events of the original Alien, but is not necessarily burdened by all the tropes of that franchise with Facehuggers and Chestbursters."



How the Alien prequel turned into Prometheus - Den of Geek



Official synopsis for Prometheus released


Simon Brew


The one-time Alien prequel is still around a year away. But an official synopsis for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus has been released already…


Published on Jul 1, 2011


We talked just the other day about Prometheus, when co-writer Damon Lindelof explained how it went from being the Alien prequel to the project it is now. You can read more about that right here.


20th Century Fox, meanwhile, has filled in one or two more details, although not that many, with the release of the official synopsis for the film. And it reads thus:


"Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life's ultimate mystery."


No shortage of ambition there. The film is set for release on June 8th 2012.



Official synopsis for Prometheus released - Den of Geek

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nurse 3-D

Stars Paz De La Huerta and directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. It doesn't have much information on the IMDB page. It may well end up being shit. It does certainly have a memorable poster.

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Absolutely blowing my load at the prosepect of Prometheus.


Alien Prequel News


The other day we reported that the Prometheus film crew have set up camp in the Icelandic desert ready to shoot what was speculated to be an alien planet landscape, but now turns out it might be our very own planet Earth in its early years.

Luckily for us, Ridley Scott took a few minutes today to greet the Icelandic press and talk a bit about Prometheus and why they decided to shoot in Iceland.


"It is possible to get this environment elsewhere, such as the Mojave desert in California, but this place is more primitive and wild I think. Nature here has a certain character and I like the black rocks. It was a better option. Being here is fantastic, really fantastic.What I have found in this country is a gorgeous beauty. This is exactly what I wanted from the beginning."



According to Icelandic newspaper Morgunbladid, the Prometheus crew in Iceland consists of more than 200 people. All the press has been told is that the scenes they are shooting take place in the beginning of the movie, and are of Earth at a very early stage in its creation.


When asked about HR Giger's involvement in the film, Sir Ridley replies:


"We had a good relationship with Giger for many years. We showed him the script for [Prometheus] and he liked it. He's going to work a bit for me with this movie and has been working on a major project that comes in the film."


There's currently no word about which (if any) of the Prometheus actors have flown to Iceland for the shoot, but Scott did mention once again his appreciation for the lead, Noomi Rapace:


"'This is the girl who will play in Prometheus', I thought to myself. I met her in Los Angeles and saw that she is this beautiful woman and the complete opposite of punk"


Sir Ridley was also asked about the budget for Prometheus, but it seems he's keeping the answer to this question under tight wraps for the time being.


The shoot in Iceland is rumored to take a couple of weeks before they move on to the Scottish highlands.




And some leaked set pics -










Notice the chair in the top pic for a sense of scale.

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A boy being able to walk up walls because he was bitten by a genetically modified spider is logical but being able to complete his father's invention of artificial webbing isn't?


It's getting rebooted because internet nerds killed the last one by influencing the studio making the film (said a comic book reading nerd over the internet).

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A boy being able to walk up walls because he was bitten by a genetically modified spider is logical but being able to complete his father's invention of artificial webbing isn't?


It's getting rebooted because internet nerds killed the last one by influencing the studio making the film (said a comic book reading nerd over the internet).


Well, yes, because the walking up walls bit is due to his genetically modified/ spliced spider DNA. It would follow that the other major attribute of being a spider (web-spinning) would be part of the deal.


It is also rather unlikely that a scientific invention of artificial webbing would be realised by a jobless, penniless teenager, when the US government wouldn't be able to manage it.

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Attention fellow Alien nerds!


Hopefully the Prometheus machine is starting to crank into life, a facebook page was created yesterday -


Prometheus | Facebook


and Prometheus will feature in Fox's presentation at Comic-Con today, although to what extent nobody knows. Hopefully a teaser but I won't hold my breath. Currently filming in Iceland before moving to Scotchland, and that may well be principle photography wrapped up.


A few more set photo's have been leaked from the Iceland shoot, the first one has that unmistakeable organic / bio-mechanical Alien look to it, many people are guessing that it is part of the derelict from Alien but it could be anything -





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Comic-Con: Prometheus | Movie News | Empire


High times at Comic-Con today, as screenwriter Damon Lindeloff and Charlize Theron appeared in person at the Fox panel to talk about Prometheus, the Ridley Scott film that has everyone who cares about films just about jigging up and down with excitement. And it got better: Sir Ridley himself appeared with Noomi Rapace via satellite link-up from Iceland to tell us a bit more about the film.


But first there were some clips, which didn't give much away but which looked stunning. Michael Fassbender, looking robotic, examining scientific samples, and wearing a yellow visor standing over a female body under a similar yellow shield. A vast, cavernous space dotted with little shapes on the floor that are about the size of Alien eggs but much more regular. Charlize Theron, hair slicked back, looking cold - but also wielding a flame-thrower later on and doing naked push-ups. Noomi Rapace, whose softer dark hair makes her seem nicer and more likely to survive. Idris Elba, looking unbelievably cool. Incredible sets. BAGS of Scott style.


Scott said, "What I want to do is scare the living shit out of you. It shares one piece of DNA with the original Alien but that's all." It involves a space exploration mission that finds a "civilisation that is home to some very uncivilised behaviour."


So why has he returned to sci-fi? "I was too busy doing other movies and exploring other genres, so frankly I never thought about science fiction until I started to realise that there was something in the first of the Aliens that no one had ever asked the question about, and in the next three there was no exploration of that question, and I thought that could be the centre of what we’ve just completed. That said, that’s the only link to the original Alien. But in the last few minutes of the movie you’ll understand what I’m talking about."


And will that planned PG-13 rating limit Scott? "I have a responsibility to my studio, but I always make sure we have both options. You’re crazy not to. Tom and I will both look at it and decide what the best way of going. I’ve fundamentally covered our ass. But there will still be naked push-ups."


Meanwhile, Theron had a few words on her character. "She’s very different from anything I’ve done. She’s a suit, essentially. She’s kind of the machine that runs the machine that takes this mission into space. At first she comes off very cold and frigid and like it’s about the economics for her – she’s not a scientist, not a believer, and she runs a very tight ship. But you can tell that she’s going to be a problem. What I love about Ridley is that we layered her: you think you know what she is but then you realise that she’s mysterious. Ridley had me lurk in corners all the time so she’d seem suspicious. But the really exciting thing is that in the third act you strip her to her skin and see what that’s really about."


Rapace, meanwhile, seems to carry some of the brunt of the stunts. From Iceland, where she and Scott are finishing off the last few shots of production (but filming one of the first scenes in the film), she said, "But I’m bruised, I have cuts and scrapes all over. I’m so ugly today! I just came back from space like two days ago, so it feels really weird to come back to Earth again.


The first image from the film was released around the same time, and can be seen below.






Alien Prequel News: SDC2011: Description of Prometheus footage


A couple of websites have posted descriptions of the Prometheus footage seen at the San Diego Comic Con.

The best I've seen so far is from Charlie Jane Anders at io9, who describes it this way:


"And then the actual footage from the film starts, and its a huge flood of creeptastic imagery that recalls Alien but also a bit of 2001: A Space Odyssey. There are guys in pressure suits exploring an ancient chamber with weird hieroglyphs, and a guy in a spacesuit walking through a sliding door into a clean white chamber. And a guy (who might be Michael Fassbender) pulling a weird jelly-looking thing out of a canister. And as Ridley Scott's voiceover notes that things that may look small in the film will turn out to be important, there is a shot of a drop of blood on a finger. There is Charlize Theron on a table with bandages wrapped around her breasts, as though she's waking from hypersleep.

And then the footage gets faster and more furious, with a guy in a visor looking down at something, a woman in a suit walking into a red entryway, and a globe, and then Scott says, "The cast find an establishment which is not what they expected it to be, it's a civilization but what we find in it is very uncivilized behavior." And then there is insane carnage and people with goop inside their space helmets and someone shooting a flamethrower, and mayhem breaking loose in confined spaces. Meanwhile, Scott's voiceover is saying that there will be biomechanoids and the film will "break new ground." We see a giant pale planet with rings around it.

And then we see Charlize Theron doing pushups naked. Ridley Scott proises that there will be creatures that are "biomechanoid" which will be unique and "break new ground." Says Scott in the video, "There is a DNA of the original Alien, [but] that's as far as it goes, everything else is completely different. It's all about everything." And now the people in the footage are crying and screaming and freaking out and the video is flickering like an interrupted signal. And Scott concludes, 'Of course, what i want to do is scare the living shit out of you.'"



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Guest Jon Snow

Ace guys thanks for the updates , Prometheus is going be boss , Ridley Scott don't make shit movies. Spiderman with Webspinners should be an improvement. I hope Avengers will be good have to wait and see on that one.

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Guest Jon Snow

My personal pick for best film of 2011


The Devil's Double


Based on a gripping, unbelievable true story of money, power and opulent decadence, Lionsgate's THE DEVIL'S DOUBLE takes a white-knuckle ride deep into the lawless playground of excess and violence known as Bagdad, 1987. Summoned from the frontline to Saddam Hussein's palace, Iraqi army lieutenant Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper) is thrust into the highest echelons of the "royal family" when he's ordered to become the 'fiday' - or body double - to Saddam's son, the notorious "Black Prince" Uday Hussein (also Dominic Cooper), a reckless, sadistic party-boy with a rabid hunger for sex and brutality. With his and his family's lives at stake, Latif must surrender his former self forever as he learns to walk, talk and act like Uday. But nothing could have prepared him for the horror of the Black Prince's psychotic, drug-addled life of fast cars, easy women and impulsive violence. With one wrong move costing him his life, Latif forges an intimate bond with Sarrab (Ludivine Sangier), Uday's seductive mistress who's haunted by her own secrets. But as war looms with Kuwait and Uday's depraved gangster regime threatens to destroy them all, Latif realizes that escape from the devil's den will only come at the highest possible cost.


[YOUTUBE]qhlQOg9abRk[/YOUTUBE] poster-xlarge.jpg

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