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I need some new reading material so I've ordered it. I'm torn between whether I read the book before seeing the film; I saw L.A. Confidential (for the first time, shame on me) recently having finished the book a couple of weeks before and I was disappointed with the film, despite it being very good. It just didn't enthral me the way the book did. On the contrary, I saw the film Tell No One when it was released and picked up the book for 50p in a charity shop a few weeks later. I still haven't read it and I just can't find the motivation to.


Don't even get me started on The Lost World; Dinosaur ruining jamooks.

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I love LA Confidential. I doubt I'll ever get round to reading the book though.

Tell No One will be interesting I guess, the emotion in the film was only just bearable so I guess you'd want the book to be even more powerful.

I'm hoping theres a big enough gap for my head between the LTROI book and the film for me to watch it although I still remember all that happened so far. I usually forget most of a book after a month or so, in one eye and out the other.

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THIS is the movie you'll all be talking about


The Expendables (2010)

The Expendables (2010)









A team of mercenaries head to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator






Written and directed by Sly himself. Jesus, it says on the imdb he's doing the same for a biopic on Edgar Allan Poe.

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