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About odris

  • Birthday 27/05/1990

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  1. Yeah not sure how that's worked out, I've been mostly lifting weights at the gym so I thought it would be a lot less.
  2. Just under a month of Keto and gym with a couple of cheat days in between.
  3. I've heard of the advantages of a carb night but when you compare it to not having a carb night, is it really worth it? Has there been enough proof it helps you keep losing weight?
  4. Get some of these. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ketostix-Reagent-Strips-Urinalysis-Ketone/dp/B0000532GJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1441728824&sr=8-1&keywords=keto+sticks
  5. Yeah if people could stop trying to make Woo feel better I'd much appreciate it, it's taken years of hard work and sly comments about his weight to get to this point.
  6. Yeah the only meat we used that needed cooking thoroughly were the cumberland sausages and once the pizza was cooked so were the sausages.
  7. Me bird made this a few months ago, proper nice and felt full off 2 slices. Used this recipe to make it: http://eatketo.com/chicago-style-stuffed-pizza/
  8. What are they for exactly? I hear protein shakes are good for helping rebuild muscle or whatever after a workout but what do fish oils and milti vits do for you? Anything noticeable than someone who doesn't take them?
  9. Does anyone else take fish oils/multi-vitamains? I've never even considered taking them before but just wondering if they help you in any way?
  10. It's really not all that hot but it tastes fantastic. Try it.
  11. Are the GF not on to this yet? A chilli sauce that I use on almost everything. 0 carbs of course. I always get mine from Tesco, it's either with the other table sauces or in the world foods section.
  12. Buy a whole chicken and some sriracha sauce, as soon as you get home you'll be sorted.
  13. Just drink some vodka, like a LAYYYDYYYY.
  14. When I use the weight machines I'm doing about 30 reps on each of 40kg but the second I try a deadlift with a 20kg weight on a bar it seems way fucking heavier. Am I just ridiculously weak?
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