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So who should be our next manager?

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2 hours ago, Le Duan said:

I’m getting firm on Amorim

The only thing Xabi hasn’t come though, is a period of poor results and lots of his successful team’s players being sold, like Amorim has. Amorim’s built and then re-built successful teams - not saying Xabi couldn’t do that, but Amorim has. Just feels like its a bit early in Xabi’s career and therefore slightly riskier than Amorim 

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3 hours ago, Le Duan said:

The only thing Xabi hasn’t come though, is a period of poor results and lots of his successful team’s players being sold, like Amorim has. Amorim’s built and then re-built successful teams - not saying Xabi couldn’t do that, but Amorim has. Just feels like its a bit early in Xabi’s career and therefore slightly riskier than Amorim 

Suppose anyone is risky after Jurgen

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4 hours ago, Le Duan said:

The only thing Xabi hasn’t come though, is a period of poor results and lots of his successful team’s players being sold, like Amorim has. Amorim’s built and then re-built successful teams - not saying Xabi couldn’t do that, but Amorim has. Just feels like its a bit early in Xabi’s career and therefore slightly riskier than Amorim 

I think there is just no doubt Alonso is risky because of that lack of experience. The flip side is he could also be the next world class coach and he hasn't failed yet because of his quality. Whoever we pick next is a level of risk, but my view is regardless of if it's amorim, Alonso or someone else like a naglesman, the key to success will be built on the whole team effort of those behind the scenes too. It's finding a coach who can work within the framework. Klopp was an absolute master at that and was in every bit as important as his skills as a coach, tactician and leader. 

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On 21/03/2024 at 18:04, Bjornebye said:

Logan Roy 

When Houllier left, I thought we should have got Al Pacino in as coach, playing his role in Any Given Sunday. 

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Juurgen Klopp.  Just clone the fella.  
Not only is he a great manager, he's a great man.   

Still gutted he's leaving, though totally understand his reasons.  

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If Xabi has his eyes on the Real Madrid top job, why would we want him here? Not saying that's his dream, but if he can leave Leverkusen for us he could certainly also leave us for Madrid.


Wouldn't like to see Xabi here for one year, and then leave. If that's a probable scenario we might be better off with someone else.


It's all down to Xabi and his ambitions isn't it? He'll know he might be sacked in Madrid if he doesn't win la liga and CL in his first year. Here he'll get more time to build stone by stone.




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1 hour ago, JustTosh said:

If Xabi has his eyes on the Real Madrid top job, why would we want him here? Not saying that's his dream, but if he can leave Leverkusen for us he could certainly also leave us for Madrid.


Wouldn't like to see Xabi here for one year, and then leave. If that's a probable scenario we might be better off with someone else.


It's all down to Xabi and his ambitions isn't it? He'll know he might be sacked in Madrid if he doesn't win la liga and CL in his first year. Here he'll get more time to build stone by stone.




He’s about 42, isn’t he? 

Let’s say he manages until he’s around 60, he can have a successful spell at all of the 3 clubs that he’s rumoured to covet - Liverpool, Madrid, Bayern. 

There’s a good chance we get him first but there’s also a chance he doesn’t last at either Madrid or Bayern, our fella fails and both get a second shot at it together. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well who the hell is it now then?


Hughes loves de Zerbi but they've fallen apart this year. He's obviously a decent coach having a difficult year but I'm far from convinced he's a winner. 

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