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Tory Cabinet Thread


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12 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Yet another tactical change that won't work. People are well into mental health now, people from all classes and walks of life - this bollocks only washes with white van men, and there aren't enough to build a movement on. This party is absolutely finished, it's like a parody of itself, like someone was wandering the wasteland and found an old Tory party pamphlet and a copy of the Daily Mail in the desert sands and tried to fashion a version of it,  but didn't have a clue what any of it meant. 

its been coming for a while

the likes of andrew neil and gb news have been banging this drum for a while.

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Suprised to find people are a little concerned with little Rhisi taking judgement away from medical professionals and onto government spivs. The last time he tried it, eat out to help out, it resulted in thousands upon thousands of unnecessary deaths and placed massive extra strain on an already overwhelmed health service.


Although for balance it did put a couple of extra quid in treasury coffers, so in tory terms, a roaring success. 

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37 minutes ago, skend04 said:



So the Tories have known that something slightly illegal happened since January. I'm sure that MP will shortly be writing to the police to investigate.

The Chief Whip was probably made up when she told him about that; file it away in case Menzies ever looks like breaking rank on an important vote.

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Under the radar, the Public Sector Exit Payments Cap Bill gets it's second reading today.


Basically, if you're a Civil Servant on, say, £25-30k, with 20 years service and you get made redundant in your mid-fifties, the Tories are going to steal thousands from your pension pot.  Because they can.

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On 18/04/2024 at 09:08, TD_LFC said:

What's Grant Shapps/The Tories done to upset Kay Burley?



I haven't come on here to talk about that Kay, more important things, like 2 world wars going on, although I don't mind talking about Angela Raynor. 









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I can't think for the life of me why we're done with them...


These are just the big ones, theres loads more.


Tory Scandals.jpeg


I know it's only a small observation but twitter/comment sections etc are seeing far more swearing in them and I think it has moved from performative anger to a legitimate fury that these cunts are clinging on despite ruining the country.

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30 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

I can't think for the life of me why we're done with them...


These are just the big ones, theres loads more.


Tory Scandals.jpeg


I know it's only a small observation but twitter/comment sections etc are seeing far more swearing in them and I think it has moved from performative anger to a legitimate fury that these cunts are clinging on despite ruining the country.


I've noticed on question time the audiences are much more anti Tory in the last six months, you frequently hear their panel guests being openly laughed at now.

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7 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I've noticed on question time the audiences are much more anti Tory in the last six months, you frequently hear their panel guests being openly laughed at now.

And news readers have their tails up as well.


Burley isn’t taking any prisoners of late, Munchetty is dragging them all over the place and Today are openly hostile at times.


Almost like they feel a change is coming and the can take out some of the frustrations they’ve had over the past fourteen years of these cunts…


Only client journalist Kussenburg & Jo Coburn holding the fort on prime time, with various talking heads bulking out the loon quota.

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1 hour ago, littletedwest said:

So glad they're focusing on people with mental health issues. That's the real issue in this country people suffering anxiety and depression.


What a set of twats these tories are 

I always knew there were a few the wrong side of the law on here due to their general deviant behaviour. 

Who knew that the Depression thread is frequented by the criminal classes, essentially hiding in plain sight. 

Names should be taken and passed to the relevant authorities.


I’ll be handing myself in as soon as I’m well enough to do so. By well enough, obviously mean when I stop being the scourge of society. 

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1 hour ago, YorkshireRed said:

I always knew there were a few the wrong side of the law on here due to their general deviant behaviour. 

Who knew that the Depression thread is frequented by the criminal classes, essentially hiding in plain sight. 

Names should be taken and passed to the relevant authorities.


I’ll be handing myself in as soon as I’m well enough to do so. By well enough, obviously mean when I stop being the scourge of society. 

Get in the queue.

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12 hours ago, littletedwest said:

So glad they're focusing on people with mental health issues. That's the real issue in this country people suffering anxiety and depression.


What a set of twats these tories are 

Hopefully this will be the final nail in the coffin for them. 

Slash mental health services to the bone and then imply people are blagging it.

There is a huge mental health time bomb in thus country and I've seen v little support for it.

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13 hours ago, Bruce Spanner said:

And news readers have their tails up as well.


Burley isn’t taking any prisoners of late, Munchetty is dragging them all over the place and Today are openly hostile at times.


Almost like they feel a change is coming and the can take out some of the frustrations they’ve had over the past fourteen years of these cunts…


Only client journalist Kussenburg & Jo Coburn holding the fort on prime time, with various talking heads bulking out the loon quota.

Kuenssberg is a fucking disgrace given the BBC and its supposed impartiality.



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