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Tory Cabinet Thread


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Gullis is a grade 1 cunt anyway and is just showing how ' tough ' he is ,   in his eyes undesirables,  my old Mum would probably say he needs horse whipping but I'd go a bit further and put his bollocks in a vice and wired up to the mains 

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33 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

There was a Tory mp on twitter campaigning for a new chippy. I think they may have run out of ideas.

This was after he opposed it a while back , no self awareness obviously 

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Some political journos were saying it's a good idea for Cameron to become Labours foreign secretary a few weeks ago  


Swap Israel for Russia in the story thats breaking tonight and see how it reads.







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19 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Nothing more symbolic of how the Tories eventually shit on everyone, even their base, than all the hooray henries having to have their stomachs pumped after the boat race at the weekend.

It's fucking great isn't it?


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I just find these people tedious now, they don't even make me angry. 



"Well, well, why don't we gas fat people, and shoot poor people, and burn their houses down!!!" Where's my column fee?


Yeah. Okay love.

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