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Tory Cabinet Thread


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30 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

Scott Benton the corrupt  Tory twat from Blackpool South has resigned prompting a by election on May the 2nd 

Horrible cunt him. Should have been booted out last year but he’s not even close to being the worst of this cabal. 

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20 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

Apparently the Tories are resigned to losing any by elections between now and the election, so they aren't putting any time money or effort in to them.


Reminds me of my dating days.

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10 hours ago, skend04 said:


Not like there was a plethora of talent to begin the latest reshuffle with but this is scraping the barrel scrapings now.

They've moved away from the barrel, to the bottom of your shoe now.

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12 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Another bellend.




Jesus wept. I wouldn’t have him as deputy team leader of a one man window cleaning operation. He’s a fucking tool 


Thankfully he’ll only be in the job for a few months 

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On 21/03/2024 at 02:50, Bruce Spanner said:

Farming Today is the best show at the minute.


The script of every episode is ‘Fuck the Tories’ repeatedly, it’s glorious.


This morning was bleak though 60/70% of farmers are on family tax benefits now as the post Brexit squeeze and costs have made the hand to mouth existence for most.


They have been told that they need to move over to Universal Credit, which has a different way of calculating needs.


So as the farmers are annual cycle earners they work on feast and famine and plan accordingly using the in work benefits to help them through the most fallow.


Now at fallow times they’re being told to find work and having sanctions if they don’t, as they are now assessed on a weekly basis, as they don’t meet the criteria.


Everything the Tories touch turns to shit.


'Slaughtered': UK farmers protest post-Brexit rules and trade deals

London negotiated the "worst trade deals in the world" after the UK's exit from the EU, claimed the founder of Save British Farming.


Farmers in the UK protested against pro-Brexit rules and trade deals on Monday, claiming they are threatening their livelihoods and food security. 

To the sound of car horns, Save British Farming and Fairness for Farmers drove tractors in slow-motion through south London towards Parliament Square, where supporters awaited.

Displaying signs that read "no farmers, no food, no future", the protesters called on the government to end trade deals they say allow imports of food produced to standards that would be illegal in the UK and undercut local farmers. 

"They're not telling the truth," said the founder of Save British Farming Liz Webster when asked by a BBC News reporter what she would say to claims by the government it backs farmers.  

"They negotiated trade deals which literally see us slaughtered," she continued. "They're the worst trade deals in the world."




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Under the Tories you're living on a crumbling ledge. The more the ledge crumbles, the more people fall into the sea. 


It was the working class and disabled, then it was mortgage payers, farmers, SMEs, the kind of people who they used to look after.


This is why I don't truck road to Damascus moments from any of their former supporters or members, because what they're basically saying is that they were content to tolerate it while it was only someone else having their mouth shat in, and not them.


That's why I can't be doing with the likes of that Warsi bird. "Oooh they don't like Muslims now down with this sort of thing".


Er yeah, they don't like anyone except whoever has got the cash, be they US funded Tufton Street junktanks or the sons of KGB London bureau chiefs. You've not been paying attention love, or maybe you were and just didn't care.


I've got unlimited sympathy for anyone who's never voted Tory and has been caught in the backwash, but anyone who has, especially in the last few years since it became clear they're basically a crime syndicate, deserves precisely none.


Verily I say unto them, take your triple lock, your garden gnomes, and your 'send the Pakis back to Poland', and wedge them up your hole, sans lube.


Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you.


Who's next?

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2 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

My god is that a pay option for the daily mail!


Yeah, they've got a 'Mail Plus' paid tier now so you pay actual cash to read the dribblings of their more insane opinion writers. Hopefully that'll start to kill off the website.

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That Oliver Holt did a top 100 footballer’s of all time thing. Said in his foreword that he wasn’t including either Luis Suarez. Old or ours. Also said no John Barnes. I didn’t bother reading on but the last 50 was under the paid bit, the first wasn’t so they’re getting desperate. 

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

That Oliver Holt did a top 100 footballer’s of all time thing. Said in his foreword that he wasn’t including either Luis Suarez. Old or ours. Also said no John Barnes. I didn’t bother reading on but the last 50 was under the paid bit, the first wasn’t so they’re getting desperate. 

You know the rules mate….

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