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Virgil Van Dijk


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Over the moon if we sign this lad. Been a big fan of his for ages and I could not give one fuck how much the Yanks will have to pay to get him. Just get him.


Big, fast, strong , good on the ball, great in the air, proven experience, exactly the right age, vocal and he's a fucking leader!


Did I mention I couldn't give a fuck how much he'll cost?

My thinking exactly if we get it over the line then it says everything about Klopps pulling power just get it done
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That Graeme Kelly on Twitter was accurate on Rodgers going and Klopp being appointed.


He's saying fee will be £44m basic and £8m in add ons which will be heavily based around a title win.

So £44m then?


We could have just signed him from Celtic, but that would mean having an effective scouting network and not just using Southamptons.

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Liverpool are weighing the option of using Sakho in any further negotiations with Southampton for Van Dijk. [Chris Bascombe]

Swapping one injured center-back for another is nothing short of ingenious.

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No earthly idea why he would choose us above Chelsea and City but it just goes to show how important having Champions League football is. Wouldn't have even been in the discussion if we didn't have it. And unlike the last time we were in it we now have a coach with pedigree who players know and want to work with. 


Had a feeling we would be hearing this type of news after Klopp's quotes yesterday. His comments were extremely optimistic, even more-so than usual. 

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No earthly idea why he would choose us above Chelsea and City but it just goes to show how important having Champions League football is. Wouldn't have even been in the discussion if we didn't have it. And unlike the last time we were in it we now have a coach with pedigree who players know and want to work with. 


Had a feeling we would be hearing this type of news after Klopp's quotes yesterday. His comments were extremely optimistic, even more-so than usual.


United got Pogba without CL... Chelsea got Kante without CL. You can get the players you want without CL, you just have to pay more.

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United got Pogba without CL... Chelsea got Kante without CL. You can get the players you want without CL, you just have to pay more.


I expected this kind of response from you, but do you truly believe that it's just a coincidence that all of a sudden our primary targets are dying to join us? The reports say we're matching Chelsea and City's wage offers, we're not offering more. Without CL, he wouldn't have even considered us.

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I expected that kind of response from you, but do you truly believe that it's just a coincidence that all of a sudden our primary targets are dying to join us? The reports say we're matching Chelsea and City's wage offers, we're not offering more. Without CL, he wouldn't have even considered us.

Of course.. but if Arsenal offer him more money than us to Southampton and to the player, then he'll more likely be heading to Islington.


Salah was already very keen to join us a few years back when we couldn't offer him CL football. However we didn't want to pay up, and Chelsea swooped in.



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Squawka FootballVerified account @Squawka 6h6 hours ago

Virgil van Dijk has won more tackles & aerial duels combined (327) since joining the Premier League than any other centre-back. 1f4aa.png



Jonathan NorthcroftVerified account @JNorthcroft 5h5 hours ago

Eric Black told me Van Dijk the best CB he's coached: "Physically he’s a colossus. And he’s a No10! You want to see him with the ball."

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I expected this kind of response from you, but do you truly believe that it's just a coincidence that all of a sudden our primary targets are dying to join us? The reports say we're matching Chelsea and City's wage offers, we're not offering more. Without CL, he wouldn't have even considered us.

Keita seems to have fobbed us off. As has Mbappe by all accounts.


Salah isn't wanted by anyone remotely near our calibre.


Who exactly is dying to sign for us?


We got turned down by a pre-puberty left back for fucks sake.

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VVD seems a quality player and I am delighted if we manage to sign him despite the price,

He should strengthen us is a key area where we very weak, Its also a recognition from our owners we cant expect to keep one of the best managers in Europe if we don't compete in the transfer market to buy proven talent,  

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