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Virgil Van Dijk


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Can confirm on our end also: Virgil Van Dijk has agreed terms with Liverpool. Payment structure with Saints not yet negotiated.



Who's fucking end?



Southamptons director of football colin bell.



Paco Bell?

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Mongoloid City fans on Bluemoon, who almost all refer to us as dippers, have gone from him being the best thing since sliced bread to an overpriced untested defender not fit to lace John Stones boots.

Dippers? Seriously? From the club that counts Moss Side as it's back yard? If city was a person it'd be a brain injury victim with a rich dad, Rolex on one hand and a rattle in the other.
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Can't think of anything else negative to say, so desperate last roll of the dice in pointing out that the last time we convinced a pony-tailed defender to choose us over Chelsea, who's interest forced us to pay ludicrous sums even relative the the world of football, he turned into a lazy fat fuck and ended up at Stoke.


Welcome to the Brittania, Virgil.

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That correlates with what Hades said.

Does it? He'd rather spend the 60m on a GK or a striker as they're "the points winners in this League". They got one of the top 3 keepers in the World and a striker that had a very good season. And they still ended below us....... With a shit keeper and not a striker of note. Doesn't correlate to me.

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I think he's overrated and not happy about this signing at all. I'll jizz my kecks when we decide to stop financing Southampton's premier league stability. Jizz them I tell you.


Hope I'm wrong, but I'm not.

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Klopp's not soft, is he.  He's repeatedly pointed out when our defence is criticised that we don't give up much from open play.  Everyone knows where we constantly shit the bed, and if we can stop conceding every time someone lofts a simple ball into our box we'll be greatly improved.


Obviously this is where someone shows that Van Dijk's aerial dual stats are shit and Southampton concede all their goals from corners, but he seems to at least be addressing areas in the team most of the fanbase agree are a weakness, which is fairly refreshing.

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Great news if true. I'd far rather we spent our available resource on a small number of top flight players who improve the first team and squad rather than splurging a £100+ million on 8 or 9 players. We've tried the latter before with limited success.


The way to build a high quality squad in reality is to bring in two or three high quality additions each year and build a squad over successive seasons whilst holding on to our best players.

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Dippers? Seriously? From the club that counts Moss Side as it's back yard? If city was a person it'd be a brain injury victim with a rich dad, Rolex on one hand and a rattle in the other.

Know a few of their fans who reacted humbly when they first got the Arab money, they now behave like the anointed ones who earnt all they have.

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Does it? He'd rather spend the 60m on a GK or a striker as they're "the points winners in this League". They got one of the top 3 keepers in the World and a striker that had a very good season. And they still ended below us....... With a shit keeper and not a striker of note. Doesn't correlate to me.

They're the points winners in that team though.

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Klopp's not soft, is he. He's repeatedly pointed out when our defence is criticised that we don't give up much from open play. Everyone knows where we constantly shit the bed, and if we can stop conceding every time someone lofts a simple ball into our box we'll be greatly improved.


Obviously this is where someone shows that Van Dijk's aerial dual stats are shit and Southampton concede all their goals from corners, but he seems to at least be addressing areas in the team most of the fanbase agree are a weakness, which is fairly refreshing.

And counter attacks. Hope this injury hasn't effected his pace to get back and make last ditch tackles.

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